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Game on January 15, 2025 at 02:25, 5 players
1. 160 pts sunshine12
2. 33 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 33 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adenruv   H4    26    26   vaned
 2. aeinstu   8A    80   106   sinuated
 3. aemortz   B4    73   179   atomizer
 4. ?aaftty   A1    53   232   yarfa
 5. aghnstu   6E    72   304   shantung
 6. eiinoqr   4A    34   338   faqir
 7. ?bceiko  A10    54   392   bocked
 8. beeilmt   E4    40   432   restable
 9. hiiopst   C6    39   471   pinots
10. adfiorv   2A    28   499   afraid
11. adilnor   1F    80   579   ordinal
12. deilosw   M3    35   614   lowsed
13. achorux  14A    52   666   exarch
14. eemnotw  15F    35   701   enmew
15. iinrtuy   2I    28   729   ny
16. gloopru  13A    35   764   kop
17. egiiouv   8K    30   794   video
18. eegijru   4L    24   818   jour
19. eggilot  14I    29   847   toggle

Remaining tiles: eiiiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7001 Filesunshine12  0  4:58  -687  160     1.7001 sunshine12  0  4:58  -687  160 
  2.7463 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:03  -814   33     2.7463 GLOBEMAN    0  1:03  -814   33 
  3.7604 Fileroocatcher  0  1:32  -814   33     3.7604 roocatcher  0  1:32  -814   33 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:59  -832   15            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:20  -840    7     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:59  -832   15 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:20  -840    7 

On 1st draw, VANED H4 26 --- VANE a device for showing the direction of the wind [adj] --- VANED having a vane [adj]
Other moves: DAVEN H4 22, DRAVE H4 22, RAVED H8 22, VANED H8 22, DAVEN H8 20

On 2nd draw, SINUATED 8A 80 --- SINUATE to curve in and out [v]
Other moves: SUIVANTE 4E 72, SINUATE I7 66, AUNTIES G8 62, AUNTIES I8 62, AUDIENTS 8F 60

On 3rd draw, ATOMIZER B4 73 --- ATOMIZER a device for atomizing liquids [n]
Other tops: AMORTIZE B3 73
Other moves: METAZOA 5E 72, METAZOA E5 72, MOZETTA F4 40, MATZOT F3 37, ZONATE 6F 37

On 4th draw, YA(R)FA A1 53 --- YARFA a peat-bog [n]
Other moves: AF(F)Y A1 48, A(F)FY A1 48, FA(D)Y A1 48, F(L)AY A1 48, F(R)AY A1 48

On 5th draw, SHANTUNG 6E 72 --- SHANTUNG a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: AUGHTS A10 40, SANGH 12B 38, SAUGH 12B 38, SUNHAT 12B 38, HAUNTS A10 37

On 6th draw, FAQIR 4A 34 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: QUINIE D7 30, QI 5D 26, QIS E4 24, RENIN C4 22, NONE C8 21

On 7th draw, BOCKE(D) A10 54 --- BOCK to belch [v]
Other tops: BECKO(N) A10 54
Other moves: B(A)CKIE A10 53, B(U)CKIE A10 53, BE(M)OCK A10 45, BOC(C)IE A10 42, B(O)OKIE A10 41

On 8th draw, RESTABLE E4 40 --- RESTABLE able to be rested [adj] --- STABLE to put in a stable (a shelter for domestic animals) [v]
Other moves: MELEE 7E 27, BEGEM L4 26, KEMB 13A 24, KELIM 13A 22, MABE G5 22

On 9th draw, PINOTS C6 39 --- PINOT a red or white grape [n]
Other moves: ETHIOPS 14A 36, PHIS F1 35, PHOS F1 35, PINOT C6 35, PITHOS M1 35
PHOTS M2 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
OS M5 15 chunk88

On 10th draw, AFRAID 2A 28 --- AFRAID filled with apprehension [adj]
Other moves: IF B13 26, OF B13 26, AFEARD G6 24, KAFIR 13A 24, VIFDA 4H 24
OF B13 26 sunshine12
FUD J5 7 BadBoyBen

On 11th draw, ORDINAL 1F 80 --- ORDINAL a number designating position in a series [n]
Other moves: ANDIRON K5 32, ADORN 1D 30, LAIRD 1D 29, KILORAD 13A 28, DOLINA 1E 27
ADORN 1D 30 sunshine12

On 12th draw, LOWSED M3 35 --- LOWSE to loose [v]
Other moves: DOWSE M3 33, INDOLES K5 32, DOWLS M2 31, LOWSE M3 31, WEIDS M2 31

On 13th draw, EXARCH 14A 52 --- EXARCH the ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire [n]
Other moves: CHOUX 4K 50, HOAX 4L 44, AX B13 42, COAX 4L 42, OX B13 42
OX B13 42 sunshine12

On 14th draw, ENMEW 15F 35 --- ENMEW to confine [v]
Other moves: MEOW 15F 34, MOWN 15F 34, KENO 13A 31, KETE 13A 31, KETO 13A 31
W*G L4 29 sunshine12

On 15th draw, NY 2I 28 --- NY to approach [v]
Other moves: IRONY 4K 24, TONY 4L 22, TORY 4L 22, TYIN F8 22, YU 13C 22

On 16th draw, KOP 13A 35 --- KOP a hill [n]
Other moves: KOLO 13A 31, POGO L4 29, PUDOR 8K 27, YOOP 1A 26, GOGO L4 25

On 17th draw, VIDEO 8K 30 --- VIDEO a recording for playing on a television set [n] --- VIDEO to make a video recording [v]
Other moves: OGIVE 14J 29, (D)OVE 15A 28, OGIVE L8 24, VEE 7G 24, DEV 8M 21

On 18th draw, JOUR 4L 24 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other tops: ROJI 4L 24
Other moves: JAGIR D1 23, JOG 4L 22, JAI 5G 21, JIN K4 20, JOE 4L 20

On 19th draw, TOGGLE 14I 29 --- TOGGLE to fasten with a type of pin or short rod [v]
Other moves: (D)OLE 15A 22, (D)OTE 15A 22, GEIT 7G 19, OWT 5L 19, TIGE 7E 19

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