Game on January 15, 2025 at 03:57, 1 player
1. 72 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 22 22
2. 5E 98 120
3. 4A 27 147
4. A4 86 233
5. L1 40 273
6. 1L 42 315
7. 3C 45 360
8. 2J 35 395
9. J5 62 457
10. G9 67 524
11. 1G 41 565
12. 14A 72 637
13. 15A 41 678
14. 15G 33 711
15. 6F 30 741
16. 14J 52 793
17. C9 56 849
18. 8J 42 891
19. 7L 39 930
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7265 Chelsea 1 1:42 -858 72 1.7265 Chelsea 1 1:42 -858 72
On 1st draw, BRENNE H4 22 --- BRENNE to burn [v]
Other tops: BENNET H4 22
Other moves: BENET H4 20, BENNE H4 20, BERET H4 20, BRENT H4 20, BENNET H3 18
On 2nd draw, F(I)BROSES 5E 98 --- FIBROSE to form fibrous tissue [v] --- FIBROSIS the development of excess fibrous tissue in a bodily organ [n]
Other moves: F(Y)NBOSES 7F 66, F(Y)NBOSES 8F 63, F(I)BROSE 5E 44, FO(U)RSES 5E 36, BO(U)RSES 5E 32
On 3rd draw, PLAGE 4A 27 --- PLAGE a bright region on the sun [n]
Other tops: PAGLE 4A 27
Other moves: PAGLE 4K 26, PLATE 4A 25, BLATE 4H 24, PALET 4K 24, PELTA 4K 24
On 4th draw, PARAV(A)NT A4 86 --- PARAVANT first [adv]
Other tops: PAR(A)VANT A4 86, P(A)RAVANT A4 86
Other moves: (P)ARAVANT C3 80, (P)ARAVANT C1 72, TSAR(E)VNA L4 70, TAVERNA(S) 9E 65, T(S)AREVNA 9D 65
On 5th draw, JEERS L1 40 --- JEER to mock [v]
Other moves: JOSHER L3 34, HEIR 6J 32, HOLIER B2 30, HAJI C3 28, HE 6J 28
On 6th draw, JOEY 1L 42 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: YMOLTEN B1 36, DOOMY I3 34, MOODY I3 34, JEON 1L 33, YOM I7 33
On 7th draw, MATEY 3C 45 --- MATEY a friend [n] --- MATEY companionable [adj]
Other moves: MATY 3C 35, MATTE 3C 33, YAM I7 33, YATE 3C 33, MY B9 31
On 8th draw, THEWS 2J 35 --- THEW a well-developed muscle [n]
Other moves: EDHS 6H 34, WISH 2A 32, EDH 6H 31, WIDEST 2I 30, WIDTHS G9 30
On 9th draw, SEASONAL J5 62 --- SEASONAL an employee or product associated with a time of the year [n] --- SEASONAL occurring at a certain time of the year [adj]
Other moves: EELS 3K 28, EEL 3K 23, EEN 3K 23, ELSE 3L 23, ELS 3L 21
On 10th draw, TRIACID G9 67 --- TRIACID a type of acid [n]
Other tops: ARCTIID G8 67
Other moves: TRIADIC G9 66, ARCTIID G9 65, DARIC K9 27, ACID I8 26, CARDI 1F 26
On 11th draw, ZORI 1G 41 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: DZO 15G 39, AZIDO 11J 30, DARZI 11I 30, RIZ K11 30, ZORIL 11D 28
On 12th draw, OLIGURIA 14A 72 --- OLIGURIA reduced excretion of urine [n]
Other moves: OLIGURIA 14E 63, DIALOG 15G 30, GOLIARD 15A 30, RUGOLA K9 26, GORAL K7 25
On 13th draw, MOTI 15A 41 --- MOTI a fat girl (India) [n]
Other moves: WIT 15A 37, WOT 15A 37, WIMP K11 34, DIMP 15G 33, MOW K9 32
On 14th draw, DEVON 15G 33 --- DEVON one of a breed of small, hardy cattle [n]
Other moves: DIVE 15G 30, CAPELIN 12F 28, PLEONIC 12I 28, DECO 15G 27, DEV 15G 27
On 15th draw, FIE 6F 30 --- FIE adj doomed, FIER, FIEST [n] --- FIE doomed [adj] --- FIE used to express disapproval [interj]
Other tops: FAE 6F 30, FEE 6F 30
Other moves: DEAF 2A 28, FAD K9 27, FAG K9 27, FED K9 27, FEG K9 27
On 16th draw, PICKET 14J 52 --- PICKET to stand outside of some location, as a business, to publicize one's grievances against it [v]
Other tops: POCKET 14J 52
Other moves: POKIE 14J 46, SOCKET 8J 45, PICOTE 14J 44, POETIC 14J 44, PICOT 14J 42
On 17th draw, QUIDDIT C9 56 --- QUIDDIT the inherent nature of something [n]
Other moves: QUITE O11 45, DUGITE O10 30, EQUID 11D 30, QADI 11I 28, QAID 11I 28
On 18th draw, SEWING 8J 42 --- SEWING material that has been or is to be sewed [n]
Other moves: LIGNE D8 36, WINGLET O8 36, SWINGE 8J 33, WITE O12 33, NEW K9 26
WITE O12 33 Chelsea
On 19th draw, OX 7L 39 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX 7L 39
Other moves: AX K10 38, OX K10 38, EXUL K8 37, OX H11 36, XU 7M 36
AX 7L 39 Chelsea
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