Game on January 15, 2025 at 06:13, 1 player
1. 226 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 5E 90 118
3. 4A 26 144
4. 9H 84 228
5. N5 63 291
6. L9 30 321
7. A2 39 360
8. O1 92 452
9. 14J 75 527
10. 15G 35 562
11. 1H 101 663
12. 2D 90 753
13. 14B 44 797
14. 6G 32 829
15. B6 70 899
16. 15M 30 929
17. 13C 38 967
18. 1E 24 991
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7243 Chelsea 1 4:51 -765 226 1.7243 Chelsea 1 4:51 -765 226
On 1st draw, W(R)AWL H4 28 --- WRAWL to caterwaul [v]
Other tops: WAWL(S) H4 28
Other moves: WIC(C)A H4 26, WILC(O) H4 26, WI(C)CA H4 26, CLAW(S) H4 24, C(O)WAL H4 24
On 2nd draw, BLA(R)TING 5E 90 --- BLART to shout loudly and harshly [v]
Other moves: B(R)ATLING 5G 70, ABLATING 6E 69, BANGTAIL 6C 67, BANGTAIL 6G 67, ABLATING 6H 65
On 3rd draw, CREDO 4A 26 --- CREDO a creed [n]
Other tops: PEDRO 4A 26
Other moves: PETRE I3 24, EPODIC J1 23, CODGER L2 20, PORGED L2 20, COPIED J2 19
On 4th draw, SCRUZED 9H 84 --- SCRUZE to squeeze [v]
Other moves: SCRUZED B2 78, SCRUZE B2 74, SCRUZED A3 57, SCRUZE A3 51, ZEDS 6B 39
On 5th draw, SOULDIER N5 63 --- SOULDIER a soldier [n]
Other moves: OUZELS L7 32, ULZIES L7 32, ZORILS L9 30, ZEROS L9 28, ZORIL L9 28
On 6th draw, ZONDA L9 30 --- ZONDA a hot, dry, dusty wind [n]
Other moves: DONUT 3C 28, UDON 3B 26, ZONA L9 26, CAUDA A4 24, DANT 3C 24
On 7th draw, FACETED A2 39 --- FACET to cut small plane surfaces on [v]
Other moves: FETED O11 38, FETID O11 38, DAFTIE O1 37, DEFAT 3C 37, ADRIFT B2 36
FACETED A2 39 Chelsea
On 8th draw, SLITHER O1 92 --- SLITHER to slide from side to side [v]
Other moves: FETISH 2A 40, THEIRS O10 40, HIRSEL 14I 38, HIRSLE 14I 38, HERLS 3C 36
HEIST O11 35 Chelsea
On 9th draw, JA(S)EY 14J 75 --- JASEY a wig [n]
Other moves: JA(S)PE 14J 73, PLY 8M 70, (F)LY 8M 58, (P)LY 8M 58, VE(S)PA 14J 49
EL(S) 8M 38 Chelsea
On 10th draw, MAGOT 15G 35 --- MAGOT a tailless ape [n]
Other tops: MAGOT 3C 35
Other moves: OGAM 15H 34, TAGMA 15F 33, ATOM 15H 31, TAGMA 3C 31, AGMA 15G 30
GAMA 15G 30 Chelsea
On 11th draw, TEASHOPS 1H 101 --- TEASHOP a tearoom [n]
Other moves: TEASHOP 14B 98, PATHOSES 1H 92, POTASHES 1H 92, TEASHOP B7 69, POTASHED 12E 65
HEAST O11 50 Chelsea
On 12th draw, BIOGENY 2D 90 --- BIOGENY the development of life from preexisting life [n]
Other moves: OBEYING B8 83, OBEYING 2D 80, BOGEY 3C 47, BINGY 3C 46, BONEY 3C 44
FEYING 2A 34 Chelsea
On 13th draw, EUREKA 14B 44 --- EUREKA a great discovery [n] --- EUREKA used to express triumph upon discovering something [interj]
Other moves: AUK 15M 28, EEK 15M 28, EUK 15M 28, KEA 4J 28, KERERU 14B 28
On 14th draw, NAIF 6G 32 --- NAIF a naive person [n] --- NAIF naive [adj]
Other moves: FE 6J 28, FEN 15M 28, FER 15M 28, FE 3C 26, FIL 2M 25
On 15th draw, OTARINE B6 70 --- OTARINE pertaining to otaries [adj]
Other moves: ANTERIOR D7 68, AROINTED 12E 60, RATIONED 12E 60, RETRAIN B1 38, TERRAIN B1 38
On 16th draw, MOP 15M 30 --- MOP to wipe with a mop (an implement for cleaning floors) [v]
Other moves: IMP 15A 29, MOIL 2L 29, MOP 13C 28, MAP 13K 27, PAM 13K 27
On 17th draw, XU 13C 38 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: VIXEN E11 30, VEX C3 26, NIX 13G 25, NIXIE E10 24, XI 3F 23
On 18th draw, QI 1E 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI A10 24
Other moves: VEIN C3 17, NIL 2M 16, QI 6D 16, VIVID 12H 16, VIG L3 14
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