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Game on January 15, 2025 at 07:43, 8 players
1. 249 pts Chelsea
2. 155 pts LongJump22
3. 72 pts NNNNNN1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaddeir   H7    20    20   adread
 2. aeenosx   I5    39    59   saxe
 3. ehiinpt   J5    45   104   thein
 4. ?ikmttu  13F    25   129   muskit
 5. efiinrs  10B    71   200   fineries
 6. aeilnoy  14B    47   247   onely
 7. abegrsv   H1    45   292   brave
 8. abeinnp  15A    28   320   pian
 9. ?ceggos  15F    93   413   coggers
10. ablnost   E4    90   503   notables
11. efglowy   D1    41   544   fogey
12. dehiqtt   1A    33   577   theft
13. adeijot   2F    33   610   jerid
14. acilopu   1J    36   646   oilcup
15. adeioqw  12J    41   687   qadi
16. eemnoot   8A    36   723   neemb
17. aorrtwz   B1    46   769   howzat
18. iloruvw  11K    31   800   viol
19. aorruuw  O11    35   835   arrow

Remaining tiles: ruu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7258 FileChelsea     1  6:42  -586  249     1.7258 Chelsea     1  6:42  -586  249 
  2.5935 FileLongJump22  3  3:22  -680  155            Group: novice
  3.5695 FileNNNNNN1112  2  2:14  -763   72     1.5935 LongJump22  3  3:22  -680  155 
  4.  -  FileQQQQQQ1144  1  1:58  -794   41     2.5695 NNNNNN1112  2  2:14  -763   72 
  5.5452 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:23  -799   36     3.5452 OOOOOO1112  1  1:23  -799   36 
  6.5525 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:47  -799   36     4.5525 LLLLLL1112  1  1:47  -799   36 
  7.5533 FileKKKKKK1112  0  1:08  -807   28     5.5533 KKKKKK1112  0  1:08  -807   28 
  8.  -  FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:37  -810   25            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  QQQQQQ1144  1  1:58  -794   41 
                                             2.  -  MMMMMM1112  0  1:37  -810   25 

On 1st draw, ADREAD H7 20 --- ADREAD to fear [v]
Other tops: ADREAD H3 20, RAIDED H7 20
Other moves: ADRAD H8 18, ADREAD H4 18, ADREAD H8 18, ADRED H8 18, AIDED H8 18

On 2nd draw, SAXE I5 39 --- SAXE as in saxe blue [adj]
Other moves: AXE I6 38, EXO I6 38, AXONES 13C 37, NOX I5 35, SAX I5 35

On 3rd draw, THEIN J5 45 --- THEIN caffeine [n]
Other moves: THEN J5 44, HENT J6 42, HEN J6 41, THE J5 39, HE J6 36

On 4th draw, MU(S)KIT 13F 25 --- MUSKIT a spiny tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: DI(N)KUM 12H 24, MIST(E)UK 5G 24, STI(C)KUM 5I 24, KUTI(S) G3 23, MU(S)K 13F 23

On 5th draw, FINERIES 10B 71 --- FINERY elaborate adornment [n]
Other moves: FINERS 14J 49, FIRIES 14J 49, FENIS 14J 47, FERNS 14J 47, FIERS 14J 47
FINERS 14J 49 Chelsea

On 6th draw, ONELY 14B 47 --- ONELY standing alone [adj]
Other tops: INLAY 14B 47, LEANY 14B 47, LINEY 14B 47, NOILY 14B 47, ONLAY 14B 47
Other moves: INLY 14C 30, LINY 14C 30, OILY 14C 30, ONLY 14C 30, ANY 14D 29

On 7th draw, BRAVE H1 45 --- BRAVE showing courage [adj] --- BRAVE to face with courage [v]
Other moves: BARGESTS 5D 44, GREAVES E5 44, GRAVE H1 42, ABREGES E5 40, BAREGES E5 40

On 8th draw, PIAN 15A 28 --- PIAN a tropical disease [n]
Other tops: BEAN 15A 28, BIEN 15A 28, PEAN 15A 28
Other moves: BAP 13B 26, PEBA 9C 26, PEBA 9A 25, PENNIA 12J 24, PENNINE D8 24

On 9th draw, COGGE(R)S 15F 93 --- COGGER one who cheats [n]
Other tops: COGG(I)ES 15F 93, COGG(L)ES 15F 93
Other moves: COGGE(R)S L7 84, COGG(I)ES L7 84, COGG(L)ES L7 84, CROGG(I)ES 2G 80, C(L)OGGERS 2B 80
COGG(I)ES L7 34 Chelsea

On 10th draw, NOTABLES E4 90 --- NOTABLE a person of distinction [n]
Other moves: LASTBORN 2B 82, STONABLE E3 70, LASTBORN F4 62, OBLATES E5 36, OBTESTS 5E 36
BLOATS L8 34 Chelsea

On 11th draw, FOGEY D1 41 --- FOGEY a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: FOLEY D1 39, FOGEY D3 38, FOLEY D3 35, FYLE K8 33, FELONY 4A 32
FEY F5 25 Chelsea

On 12th draw, THEFT 1A 33 --- THEFT the act of stealing [n]
Other moves: TITHED 12J 28, HIED F2 26, QADI 3G 26, QAID 3G 25, DEIF 1A 24
THEFT 1A 33 Chelsea

On 13th draw, JERID 2F 33 --- JERID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: HADJI B1 32, HODJA B1 32, HADJ B1 30, JOE F2 29, HAJI B1 28
JAR 2F 26 Chelsea

On 14th draw, OILCUP 1J 36 --- OILCUP a closed cup for supplying lubricant [n]
Other moves: OILCUP 12J 30, CAUP 14J 29, COPULA 9A 29, COUP 14J 29, CAUL 14J 27
OILCUP 1J 36 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
PACO 12J 22 Chelsea

On 15th draw, QADI 12J 41 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAID 12J 41
Other moves: HOWDIE B1 30, WADE F5 30, WADI F5 30, WIDE F5 30, QADI C7 26
QADI 12J 41 LongJump22, QQQQQQ1144
QADI C7 26 Chelsea

On 16th draw, NEEMB 8A 36 --- NEEMB an East Indian tree [n]
Other moves: EMOTE F4 30, METEOR F5 30, MOTEN 11K 29, METE 11K 27, MOON 11K 27
NEEMB 8A 36 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112
MOT 11K 25 MMMMMM1112

On 17th draw, HOWZAT B1 46 --- HOWZAT int a cricketing appeal for a dismissal [n]
Other moves: WAZIR M9 42, HARROW B1 40, CZAR M1 30, ROZIT M9 30, WIZ M11 30
WAZIR M9 42 LongJump22
COZ M1 28 KKKKKK1112

On 18th draw, VIOL 11K 31 --- VIOL a stringed instrument [n]
Other moves: VOL 11K 29, WO 11K 25, WO F5 20, WAXER 7G 19, CLOW M1 18

On 19th draw, ARROW O11 35 --- ARROW to indicate the proper position of with an arrow (a linear figure with a wedge-shaped end) [v]
Other moves: WAR F5 23, AW 13C 22, ARROW 3J 20, ORRA O8 20, WO F5 20

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