Game on January 15, 2025 at 19:10, 5 players
1. 94 pts sunshine12
2. 94 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 72 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 74 74
2. I8 74 148
3. 15G 114 262
4. N9 88 350
5. J9 45 395
6. O3 78 473
7. 4E 76 549
8. 12I 38 587
9. 5A 32 619
10. A5 36 655
11. 3J 44 699
12. B1 29 728
13. 1A 48 776
14. 5J 39 815
15. 6G 34 849
16. 7J 24 873
17. 14F 34 907
18. B9 31 938
19. A13 25 963
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7045 sunshine12 2 2:49 -869 94 1.7045 sunshine12 2 2:49 -869 94
2.7463 GLOBEMAN 2 6:13 -869 94 2.7463 GLOBEMAN 2 6:13 -869 94
3.7604 roocatcher 1 5:20 -891 72 3.7604 roocatcher 1 5:20 -891 72
4. - chunk88 1 1:24 -929 34 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 1 1:54 -929 34 1. - chunk88 1 1:24 -929 34
2. - BadBoyBen 1 1:54 -929 34
On 1st draw, UNPURSE H2 74 --- UNPURSE to disburse [v]
Other moves: UNPURSE H3 70, UNPURSE H4 70, UNPURSE H6 70, UNPURSE H7 70, UNPURSE H8 70
On 2nd draw, HOATZ(I)N I8 74 --- HOATZIN a tropical bird [n]
Other tops: HOATZ(I)N G8 74
Other moves: HOATZ(I)NS 7A 71, H(E)RTZ 6F 44, HAZ(A)N I7 41, HAZ(E) I7 40, HAZ(Y) I7 40
On 3rd draw, DISPACE 15G 114 --- DISPACE to range about [v]
Other moves: SPICATED 11D 102, CAPSIZED 12D 96, PERACIDS 6F 75, EPACRIDS 6D 69, DISPACES 7A 65
On 4th draw, BROILED N9 88 --- BROIL to cook by direct heat [v]
Other moves: ERODIBLE M8 74, BIRLED N10 44, BOILED N10 44, ZEBROID 12I 42, DEBITOR 11E 40
On 5th draw, SHOAT J9 45 --- SHOAT a young hog [n]
Other moves: HOAS J10 42, HAO J10 40, HOA J10 40, AZOTH 12H 36, SOH J8 35
On 6th draw, GRI(S)TLE O3 78 --- GRISTLE the tough part of meat [n]
Other tops: TRI(N)GLE O3 78
Other moves: TIGERL(Y) O3 77, LING(S)TER 3F 72, PLIG(H)TER 4H 72, REL(A)TING 3B 72, RET(I)LING 3B 72
On 7th draw, OUTPRAYS 4E 76 --- OUTPRAY to surpass in praying [v]
Other moves: AYS K10 42, YAOURTS 5E 40, ARS K10 30, TZARS 12H 30, AY K10 28
On 8th draw, ZAIKAI 12I 38 --- ZAIKAI the business community of Japan [n]
Other moves: MAIK 5J 36, KAME M12 34, KAIM 3J 33, KEIR K8 31, MAIK 3J 31
On 9th draw, VINEW 5A 32 --- VINEW to become mouldy [v]
Other moves: WEIR 5J 31, IWI K10 30, VIEW 5B 30, WIVERN 5A 30, WYVERN K3 30
On 10th draw, VOWED A5 36 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: DEWORM 3A 34, MEOW 5J 34, RODMEN 3C 34, DEVOIR A3 33, DORMIN 3C 33
On 11th draw, JOEY 3J 44 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: TOYMEN 3C 40, JONTY C3 38, JOEY 3B 37, JOY 3C 35, OJIME B3 35
On 12th draw, NITRID B1 29 --- NITRID a compound of nitrogen [n]
Other moves: NITID B2 27, RANID B2 27, DRAT 2K 25, TANNIN 3C 25, TRAD 2K 24
On 13th draw, ENFIX 1A 48 --- ENFIX to fix in [v]
Other moves: AXE A1 47, AXLE 13L 46, AX A1 42, EX A1 42, FIXER B8 39
On 14th draw, META 5J 39 --- META pertaining to positions in a benzene ring separated by one carbon atom [adj]
Other moves: MET 5J 37, ACETUM B9 35, ALMUCE 14B 35, CLAM 2K 32, ME 5J 32
On 15th draw, GRAB 6G 34 --- GRAB to grasp suddenly [v]
Other moves: REB 6H 32, RIB 6H 32, ABLE 13L 26, BAG 2L 23, BAILIE 14B 23
GRAB 6G 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 16th draw, UNGILT 7J 24 --- UNGILT not gilt [adj]
Other tops: UNGIRT 7J 24
Other moves: AGLU 13L 22, IGLU 13L 22, INIA K10 22, ARGULI 14B 21, ARGULI B9 21
GAR 2L 18 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 17th draw, QI 14F 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ALEVIN B9 25, ALVINE 14B 25, ALVINE B9 25, VALINE 14B 25, VAE 2L 24
QI 14F 34 chunk88, BadBoyBen
QUA 2G 12 roocatcher
On 18th draw, AMORAL B9 31 --- AMORAL lacking a sense of right and wrong [adj]
Other moves: AMIA K10 30, AMI K10 26, AMLA 13L 26, MAARE M11 24, ARIA K10 22
MO(I)T 13G 17 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 19th draw, FEE A13 25 --- FEE to pay a fee (a fixed charge) to [v]
Other tops: FEN A13 25
Other moves: FOE 2L 24, FON 2L 24, FREON 12A 24, VOE 2L 24, FEE C11 23
FEE A13 25 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
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