Game on January 15, 2025 at 20:40, 5 players
1. 218 pts sunshine12
2. 118 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 89 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 76 76
2. 3B 86 162
3. 2I 36 198
4. 1D 48 246
5. 8A 83 329
6. 5A 70 399
7. 1L 52 451
8. 10H 27 478
9. C8 32 510
10. 12C 68 578
11. K7 47 625
12. 13H 78 703
13. 12L 34 737
14. A1 34 771
15. 8J 45 816
16. A7 63 879
17. B10 69 948
18. B13 39 987
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7053 sunshine12 1 5:52 -769 218 1.7053 sunshine12 1 5:52 -769 218
2.7463 GLOBEMAN 1 2:58 -869 118 2.7463 GLOBEMAN 1 2:58 -869 118
3.7651 roocatcher 0 2:31 -898 89 3.7651 roocatcher 0 2:31 -898 89
4. - chunk88 0 0:50 -956 31 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:20 -956 31 1. - chunk88 0 0:50 -956 31
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:20 -956 31
On 1st draw, SY(E)NITE H3 76 --- SYENITE an igneous rock [n]
Other tops: SINTE(R)Y H6 76, SYENIT(E) H3 76, TENSI(T)Y H6 76, TINSEY(S) H7 76, TIN(S)EYS H7 76, (C)YSTEIN H3 76, (C)YSTINE H3 76, (D)ENSITY H6 76, (D)ESTINY H6 76, (J)ITNEYS H7 76, (T)ENSITY H6 76, (W)ITNEYS H7 76
Other moves: SINTE(R)Y H2 70, SINTE(R)Y H3 70, SINTE(R)Y H4 70, SINTE(R)Y H8 70, SYENIT(E) H2 70
On 2nd draw, READJUST 3B 86 --- ADJUST to bring to a more satisfactory state [v] --- READJUST to adjust again [v]
Other moves: ADJUSTER 3D 68, JADERY 4C 34, ADJURES 3B 32, JUNTA 6F 30, JURATS 3C 28
On 3rd draw, AWAITS 2I 36 --- AWAIT to wait for [v]
Other moves: SNAW J3 32, STAW J3 32, TAWAI 2A 30, TAWAIS G7 28, AWA 4C 27
On 4th draw, FIANCE 1D 48 --- FIANCE a man engaged to be married [n]
Other moves: FAI(E)NCE 5E 44, FINCA 1F 40, FICO 1G 37, FRANCO B2 34, COIF 1F 33
On 5th draw, COALIEST 8A 83 --- COALY containing coal [adj]
Other moves: CARIOLES B1 74, CELOSIA 10D 73, COALISE 10C 71, ALOETICS 8D 61, SOCIETAL 8C 61
On 6th draw, ADORABL(E) 5A 70 --- ADORABLE worthy of being adored [adj]
Other moves: BAAL 1L 38, BAA 4D 30, BOA 4D 30, LABROID 7C 28, ABROAD B1 26
On 7th draw, HAEM 1L 52 --- HAEM a component of hemoglobin [n]
Other moves: MAGI 4A 41, HAM 4A 30, HAME 7C 30, HEM 4A 30, HIM 4A 30
On 8th draw, SUK 10H 27 --- SUK a market place [n]
Other tops: KOS 10F 27
Other moves: KO 4A 26, TSK 3M 23, GOUKS 10D 22, GUSTO 10F 22, SKUG 10H 21
On 9th draw, AVOWER C8 32 --- AVOWER one that avows [n]
Other moves: AVOWER 11J 30, NAVEW 11I 30, VAW 2A 27, VOW 2A 27, AVOW 11J 26
On 10th draw, ERIONITE 12C 68 --- ERIONITE a type of mineral [n]
Other moves: ERIONITE F8 62, NOTER B10 27, TONER B10 27, READJUSTER 3B 25, NOTER D10 23
On 11th draw, QOPH(S) K7 47 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: QI 11E 46, HIP A1 43, HOP A1 43, Q(I) 11E 43, H(A)P A1 40
On 12th draw, DINGIER 13H 78 --- DINGY grimy [adj]
Other moves: RIGID L4 34, RODING 8J 30, GRIDE L5 29, GENII L4 28, GREIN L4 28
On 13th draw, DREY 12L 34 --- DREY a squirrel's nest [n]
Other moves: YOND 6F 33, YONT 6F 32, YOURT N10 32, YOWED 11A 32, DYER 12L 31
YO B10 31 sunshine12
On 14th draw, TUP A1 34 --- TUP to copulate with a ewe [v]
Other tops: NAP A1 34, NIP A1 34, TAP A1 34, TIP A1 34
Other moves: PAINTY O7 33, NIPA L6 31, PANTY O8 30, PATIN L4 30, PUNTY O8 30
PA B10 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 15th draw, BOVINE 8J 45 --- BOVINE an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other moves: BEZ 14M 39, VIBEY O8 39, BONZE F11 36, OVINE 8K 36, HIZEN L1 34
ZONE 10B 33 roocatcher, sunshine12
ZO 10B 31 chunk88, BadBoyBen
On 16th draw, OCTANGLE A7 63 --- OCTANGLE an octagon [n]
Other moves: GONE 14J 27, TOGA 14L 25, TOGE 14L 25, AWETO 11B 24, EGAL 14L 24
GENT 14L 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 17th draw, ZO B10 69 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: FEZ 14M 42, ZEL 14M 42, ZOOM F10 35, AZOLE 10A 34, LOZEN N4 34
ZO B10 69 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
AZO 10A 32 roocatcher
On 18th draw, OX B13 39 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: FOX 9M 37, FLEX 14F 36, XU 7M 36, XU B14 36, EX 9H 34
XU 7M 36 sunshine12
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