Game on January 15, 2025 at 21:24, 5 players
1. 223 pts sunshine12
2. 136 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 113 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 32 32
2. 8A 89 121
3. 12H 38 159
4. 11K 27 186
5. H8 45 231
6. 10L 25 256
7. J10 28 284
8. F7 39 323
9. O4 27 350
10. 4J 32 382
11. C3 76 458
12. E1 83 541
13. 15A 92 633
14. 1A 51 684
15. N2 47 731
16. M1 30 761
17. 5G 25 786
18. 6E 48 834
19. F14 31 865
20. A1 61 926
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7062 sunshine12 1 6:21 -703 223 1.7062 sunshine12 1 6:21 -703 223
2.7463 GLOBEMAN 0 5:49 -790 136 2.7463 GLOBEMAN 0 5:49 -790 136
3.7651 roocatcher 0 5:14 -813 113 3.7651 roocatcher 0 5:14 -813 113
4. - BadBoyBen 0 0:16 -895 31 Group: not rated
5. - chunk88 0 1:47 -903 23 1. - BadBoyBen 0 0:16 -895 31
2. - chunk88 0 1:47 -903 23
On 1st draw, SMEEK H8 32 --- SMEEK to smoke [v]
Other moves: KETOSE H4 30, KEETS H4 28, MOKES H4 28, STEEK H8 28, MOKES H8 24
On 2nd draw, (O)UTWEE(D)S 8A 89 --- OUTWEED to root out [v]
Other tops: (O)UTWEE(P)S 8A 89
Other moves: U(N)(S)WEET 13F 73, U(N)(S)WEET G4 72, (O)UTWEE(D) G4 71, (O)UTWEE(P) G4 71, U(N)(S)WEET I2 61
On 3rd draw, KYLIX 12H 38 --- KYLIX a two-handled drinking vessel [n]
Other tops: WAXILY D8 38
Other moves: OXTAIL I9 37, AXIL I10 29, TAXOL I11 28, AXLE 10E 27, AXLE F5 27
On 4th draw, OARY 11K 27 --- OARY like oars [adj]
Other moves: AVIARY K10 24, AVOYER E4 24, RENVOY E7 24, YAAR 7B 23, ENVOY E8 22
On 5th draw, SMEEKING H8 45 --- SMEEK to smoke [v]
Other moves: INGENUE E5 32, GYNIE N10 26, NOYING N9 24, EYING N10 22, NYING N10 22
On 6th draw, SEAR 10L 25 --- SEAR to burn the surface of [v] --- SEAR withered, dry [adj]
Other moves: SEA 10L 24, AYRIES N10 22, EYRIES N10 22, SAREE 7C 21, AYRES N10 20
On 7th draw, AGLOW J10 28 --- AGLOW glowing [adj]
Other moves: WAGER O6 27, WATTER O5 27, GLOW J11 25, TAWER O6 24, TOWER O6 24
On 8th draw, HEEZED F7 39 --- HEEZE to hoist [v]
Other moves: HEEZED E4 38, HEEZED E6 38, HEEZED E7 38, NUDZH B7 38, HEEZE F7 37
On 9th draw, SNIDIER O4 27 --- SNIDEY maliciously derogatory [adj]
Other tops: INSIDER O4 27
Other moves: DAYSIDE N9 24, INDEED E4 24, SDAYNED N8 24, SWIDDEN D7 24, WIDDIES D8 24
ENDS 13L 21 sunshine12
On 10th draw, JIVERS 4J 32 --- JIVER one that jives [n]
Other tops: JIVED 12B 32, VERBID 12A 32
Other moves: BEVOR E11 31, BIJOU B4 30, JIBED 12B 30, JIBERS 4J 30, JIVE N1 30
JIVE N1 30 sunshine12
On 11th draw, RECRATED C3 76 --- RECRATE to crate again [v]
Other tops: RETRACED C6 76
Other moves: CAREERED M1 74, TERRACED C8 74, CRATERED C5 63, ACRED N2 33, CARED N2 33
CAD 5I 27 sunshine12
On 12th draw, FOOTRACE E1 83 --- FOOTRACE a race run on foot [n]
Other moves: COOF 5H 37, FORCAT 5F 35, ROOF 5H 33, FACT E11 31, OAF 5I 31
COOF 5H 37 sunshine12
On 13th draw, EMBASING 15A 92 --- EMBASE to lower [v]
Other moves: BEAMINGS 15B 64, ABRIM N2 42, INFAMES 1C 39, FAMINES 1E 36, INFAME 1C 36
RIB N4 23 sunshine12
On 14th draw, POUFF 1A 51 --- POUFF pouf [n] --- POUFF to give a puffed shape to the hair [v]
Other moves: APO 6E 39, FAVUS E11 35, FAP 14D 31, FOP 14D 31, OAF 5I 31
RAP N4 23 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 15th draw, TORAH N2 47 --- TORAH the body of Jewish law [n]
Other moves: HALO 14B 36, THAN 14A 36, THON 14A 36, LOHAN 14D 35, NOAH 14A 33
HOT N6 32 roocatcher
On 16th draw, TUBED M1 30 --- TUBE to provide with a tube (a long, hollow cylinder) [v]
Other moves: BIDET M1 27, BINDS E11 27, DIB 14D 27, DUB 14D 27, BINTS E11 25
DUB 14D 27 roocatcher
On 17th draw, GLOAT 5G 25 --- GLOAT to regard with great or excessive satisfaction [v]
Other moves: GALIOT 1H 24, GOAT 5H 23, LIGAN 14D 23, LOGAN 14D 23, LOGIN 14D 23
LOGIN 14D 23 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88
On 18th draw, APIAN 6E 48 --- APIAN pertaining to bees [adj]
Other moves: PAL 6J 32, PAN 6J 32, PA 6J 31, QI F14 31, LAPIN 14D 29
QI F14 31 BadBoyBen, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 19th draw, QI F14 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIM B12 30, QUID 12C 28, QUINA D11 28, QUOD 12C 28, QUOTA D11 28
QI F14 31 sunshine12
On 20th draw, POLLUTI(O)N A1 61 --- POLLUTION [n]
Other moves: OILNUT 1H 21, AYONT N10 16, TOLUID 12A 16, UNTOLD 12A 16, LO D4 15
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