Game on January 15, 2025 at 22:12, 1 player
1. 33 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 64 64
2. 11E 94 158
3. G7 37 195
4. 12A 28 223
5. J4 73 296
6. 5D 98 394
7. 13G 80 474
8. N10 70 544
9. E2 58 602
10. A7 39 641
11. B1 82 723
12. 15L 39 762
13. 8J 33 795
14. A1 31 826
15. 4H 32 858
16. C8 38 896
17. C1 52 948
18. 3K 30 978
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7069 sunshine12 0 1:10 -945 33 1.7069 sunshine12 0 1:10 -945 33
On 1st draw, ITE(R)ATE H7 64 --- ITERATE to repeat [v]
Other tops: AI(L)ETTE H3 64, AI(L)ETTE H4 64, AI(L)ETTE H6 64, AI(L)ETTE H7 64, AI(L)ETTE H8 64, A(R)IETTE H2 64, A(R)IETTE H4 64, A(R)IETTE H6 64, A(R)IETTE H7 64, A(R)IETTE H8 64, A(V)IETTE H2 64, A(V)IETTE H4 64, A(V)IETTE H6 64, A(V)IETTE H7 64, A(V)IETTE H8 64, E(V)ITATE H2 64, E(V)ITATE H4 64, E(V)ITATE H6 64, E(V)ITATE H7 64, E(V)ITATE H8 64, ITE(R)ATE H2 64, ITE(R)ATE H3 64, ITE(R)ATE H4 64, ITE(R)ATE H6 64, ITE(R)ATE H8 64, TEATI(M)E H2 64, TEATI(M)E H3 64, TEATI(M)E H4 64, TEATI(M)E H6 64, TEATI(M)E H8 64
Other moves: AI(L)ETTE H2 62, AI(L)ETTE H5 62, A(R)IETTE H3 62, A(R)IETTE H5 62, A(V)IETTE H3 62
On 2nd draw, UNMATTED 11E 94 --- MATT to produce a dull finish on [adj] --- UNMATTED not matted [adj]
Other moves: MUTATED 11E 40, UNMATED 11E 40, UNTAMED 11E 40, NUTATED 11E 32, MUTED G9 30
On 3rd draw, KEP G7 37 --- KEP to catch [v]
Other moves: APEEK 10J 34, AKEE G6 30, KAE G7 29, KAT G7 29, KEA G7 29
On 4th draw, PILUM 12A 28 --- PILUM a heavy javelin [n]
Other tops: LINUM 12K 28
Other moves: PLUME 10B 25, ILEUM 12J 24, LIMEN 12K 24, LIMP 12K 24, LINEUP I2 24
On 5th draw, NEWSBEAT J4 73 --- NEWSBEAT a news source that a reporter is assigned to cover [n]
Other moves: NEWBIES B8 40, BESAW I5 38, SNAW I6 35, NAW I7 34, SAW I7 34
On 6th draw, VISIONED 5D 98 --- VISION to imagine [v]
Other moves: DIVISION B7 78, BOVIDS 8J 48, DIVINES 5E 44, VOIDS B10 34, BIDONS 8J 33
On 7th draw, RECOINED 13G 80 --- RECOIN to coin again [v]
Other moves: BICORN 8J 39, BICRON 8J 39, BODICE 8J 39, COPIED A10 33, DIVORCE D3 32
COPIED A10 33 sunshine12
On 8th draw, QI(N)DAR N10 70 --- QINDAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: QAID(S) N10 68, Q(U)IRT B10 66, QI(B)LA C9 46, Q(U)ILT C9 46, QAN(A)T I3 39
On 9th draw, ANTIROLL E2 58 --- ANTIROLL designed to reduce roll [adj]
Other moves: BALLON 8J 27, BALLOT 8J 27, BARTON 8J 27, NONART 4H 22, ANON I4 21
On 10th draw, EYECUP A7 39 --- EYECUP a cup used for applying lotions to the eyes [n]
Other moves: CELERY 15J 36, CORY 15L 36, BOUCLE 8J 33, YORE 15L 33, YOU 14J 31
On 11th draw, WHEREAS B1 82 --- WHEREAS an introductory statement of a formal document [n]
Other moves: WHEREAS B3 74, WERSHER 15H 51, HEWERS 15J 48, BEWARE 8J 45, WHARE 15K 45
On 12th draw, FORB 15L 39 --- FORB any herb which is not grass [n]
Other tops: FOLDERS 15I 39
Other moves: FORD 15L 36, SWOB 1A 36, BONED 4H 34, BODLES 8J 33, DSOBO H1 33
On 13th draw, BAGNIO 8J 33 --- BAGNIO a brothel [n]
Other moves: NGAIO O7 31, OAT A1 31, BATING 8J 30, BITING 8J 30, TWIG 1A 30
On 14th draw, OAR A1 31 --- OAR to propel with oars (long, broad-bladed poles) [v]
Other tops: OUR A1 31
Other moves: GONIA 4H 26, OU A1 26, AWOL 1A 24, LARGO H1 24, LUNAR I3 23
On 15th draw, GANEF 4H 32 --- GANEF a thief [n]
Other moves: FEARING M3 28, IF C2 28, GREGO H1 27, REGGO H1 27, FAG 13B 26
On 16th draw, VIZSLA C8 38 --- VIZSLA a Hungarian breed of dog [n]
Other moves: RIZAS 3K 37, SIZAR 3K 37, CZAR 10A 35, RIZA 3K 35, SHRI B9 34
On 17th draw, TIX C1 52 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other moves: OX F1 50, AXOID 2E 29, LOX 3K 29, OXID 3L 29, THO F1 29
On 18th draw, GOLDY 3K 30 --- GOLDY similar to gold [adj]
Other tops: GODLY 3K 30
Other moves: HO 14J 28, HO F2 28, YO 14J 28, YO F2 28, YU F2 28
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