Game on January 16, 2025 at 00:30, 5 players
1. 403 pts sunshine12
2. 40 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 40 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 4H 72 96
3. 9D 60 156
4. 8A 51 207
5. K3 106 313
6. M2 74 387
7. 11E 74 461
8. 12I 96 557
9. N9 40 597
10. O3 36 633
11. 12C 42 675
12. 13B 34 709
13. 6D 37 746
14. 14A 33 779
15. 5B 20 799
16. 10B 34 833
17. B1 26 859
18. 4A 34 893
19. N1 30 923
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7064 sunshine12 4 10:30 -520 403 1.7064 sunshine12 4 10:30 -520 403
2.7472 GLOBEMAN 0 1:29 -883 40 2.7472 GLOBEMAN 0 1:29 -883 40
3.7615 roocatcher 0 1:56 -883 40 3.7615 roocatcher 0 1:56 -883 40
4. - chunk88 0 0:36 -899 24 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:29 -906 17 1. - chunk88 0 0:36 -899 24
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:29 -906 17
On 1st draw, MANDIS H4 24 --- MANDI (Hindi) a big market [n]
Other tops: MASING H4 24
Other moves: ADMINS H3 22, AGISM H8 22, DISMAN H4 22, GAMINS H4 22, MAIDS H4 22
MASING H4 24 sunshine12
On 2nd draw, MELANITE 4H 72 --- MELANITE a black variety of garnet [n]
Other moves: ALIENATE 5C 66, ALIENATE 5H 66, LINEATE G8 64, DATELINE 7H 61, ENTAILED 7A 61
MANTLE 4H 16 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, ANOESTRA 9D 60 --- ANOESTRUM period of sexual inactivity [n]
Other moves: AERATION 8C 59, ATONER 5J 26, ARENA 5J 22, ATONE 5J 22, NOTER 3K 22
NEATER O3 18 sunshine12
On 4th draw, WIRY 8A 51 --- WIRY resembling wire [adj]
Other moves: GREY 8A 45, REIF 8A 42, WIFEY O1 42, FIERY 8K 41, RYFE 10D 40
YEW 10D 37 sunshine12
On 5th draw, TAMPONADE K3 106 --- TAMPONADE
POME 10D 36 sunshine12
On 6th draw, BEIG(N)ETS M2 74 --- BEIGNET a type of fritter or doughnut [n]
Other moves: BEIG(N)ETS B6 66, BET(I)SE 3I 36, BETES 3I 35, BETE(L)S 3I 35, BE(A)ST 12H 33
On 7th draw, FASTENED 11E 74 --- FASTEN to secure [v]
Other moves: FASTENED 11G 62, DAFT 10D 40, DEFT 10D 40, FEAST 12H 39, DEAF 10C 37
DAFT 10D 40 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 8th draw, FUS(A)RIA 12I 96 --- FUSARIUM a disease-causing fungus [n]
Other tops: FUSARI(A) 12I 96
Other moves: FUS(A)RIA 12B 81, SUF(F)ARI 12A 79, SU(F)FARI 12A 79, FUSARI(A) 12B 78, RUFI(Y)AAS 5B 72
TRIF(F) H11 24 chunk88
FRI(T)S B6 17 BadBoyBen
On 9th draw, TYPIER N9 40 --- TYPEY conforming to the strict characteristics of a group [adj] --- TYPY characterized by strict conformance to the characteristics of a group [adj]
Other moves: EUTROPY O4 36, OUTPRAY O7 36, PORTY 12A 34, POUTY 12A 34, PURTY 12A 34
TOYER 10B 32 sunshine12
On 10th draw, HERDIC O3 36 --- HERDIC a type of carriage [n]
Other moves: COHEIR O1 33, COWED O1 33, HEROIC O3 33, ICHED O1 33, CH 10F 30
OCA F9 11 sunshine12
On 11th draw, HOAX 12C 42 --- HOAX to deceive [v]
Other moves: WAX 12D 40, LAX 12D 34, XOANA L1 33, AXAL 12C 29, AXAL J1 29
HOAX 12C 42 sunshine12
On 12th draw, KAIE 13B 34 --- KAIE a wharf [n]
Other moves: KEEL 13L 29, KAIE 13A 28, KAE 13B 26, KAI 13B 26, NAIK L4 25
KAI 13B 26 sunshine12
On 13th draw, BIZONE 6D 37 --- BIZONE a country formed of two zones [n]
Other moves: BEZOAR 5D 36, ZOBO F6 35, QI 14A 34, ZEL J2 34, ZERIBA 5C 34
ZO 14A 34 sunshine12
On 14th draw, VAG 14A 33 --- VAG a vagrant [n] --- VAG to arrest someone for vagrancy, VAGS, VAGGED, VAGGING [v]
Other moves: VAE 14A 30, VOE 14A 30, GAE 14A 26, GOE 14A 26, AG 14B 25
VAG 14A 33 sunshine12
On 15th draw, COOL 5B 20 --- COOL moderately cold [adj] --- COOL to lower the temperature of [v]
Other moves: OUD 7F 19, COL 5C 18, COO 5C 18, NOUL L4 17, NOUN L4 17
On 16th draw, JUG 10B 34 --- JUG to put into a jug (a large, deep container with a narrow mouth and a handle) [v]
Other moves: GJU 15C 28, JOB D4 24, JOE G5 24, JUVE 10A 22, VEG 10B 22
JOB D4 24 sunshine12
On 17th draw, VELOCE B1 26 --- VELOCE rapidly -- used as a musical direction [adv]
Other moves: VOICE B2 24, NOULE L4 23, OVULE J1 22, VELE J2 21, VILE J2 21
On 18th draw, WOOL 4A 34 --- WOOL the dense, soft hair forming the coat of certain mammals [n]
Other tops: WOON 4A 34
Other moves: LOWN 4A 31, NOWL 4A 31, QI N1 30, OWL 4B 27, OWN 4B 27
On 19th draw, QI N1 30 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: REQUIN 2A 17, UNI L6 15, TUI N4 14, NU L7 10, IN L6 9
QI N1 30 sunshine12
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