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Game on January 16, 2025 at 01:16, 5 players
1. 205 pts sunshine12
2. 42 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 42 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehlpsu   H8    30    30   alephs
 2. ?afilru  13F    72   102   fissural
 3. bdeenos  14A    83   185   debones
 4. adeilmr  11F    76   261   imparled
 5. aegiors   9C    63   324   seraglio
 6. ?ehnorw  15D   109   433   nowhere
 7. dfinost   8A    37   470   foid
 8. ainntvy   7C    28   498   viny
 9. eegikst   6D    45   543   tikes
10. abelotu   A5    64   607   outfable
11. einooqt   8J    23   630   toonie
12. aceotxy   H1    69   699   coaxes
13. aeegqrt  14J    27   726   retag
14. aiprtuy   B2    38   764   atrip
15. aeginvw   3G    34   798   vaginae
16. cdmnuuy  15M    33   831   yum
17. cjntuwz   J2    35   866   jiz
18. cdnqtuw   L1    48   914   quant

Remaining tiles: cdw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7070 Filesunshine12  1  5:07  -709  205     1.7070 sunshine12  1  5:07  -709  205 
  2.7472 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:21  -872   42     2.7472 GLOBEMAN    0  1:21  -872   42 
  3.7615 Fileroocatcher  0  1:54  -872   42     3.7615 roocatcher  0  1:54  -872   42 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:17  -881   33            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:48  -884   30     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:17  -881   33 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:48  -884   30 

On 1st draw, ALEPHS H8 30 --- ALEPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: SULPHA H8 30
Other moves: ALEPH H8 28, HAPUS H4 28, HEAPS H4 28, HELPS H4 28, PLASH H8 28

On 2nd draw, FIS(S)URAL 13F 72 --- FISSURAL pertaining to a long narrow opening [adj]
Other tops: FIS(T)ULAR 13F 72
Other moves: FAILURE(S) 10B 70, FAILUR(E)S 13A 70, FAUL(T)IER 10B 68, FI(B)ULAR G4 68, FI(B)ULAR I4 68

On 3rd draw, DEBONES 14A 83 --- DEBONE to remove the bones from [v]
Other moves: DEBONERS K7 72, DEBONES I2 64, DEBOSH 12C 31, DEBONE 14A 29, HONED 12H 29

On 4th draw, IMPARLED 11F 76 --- IMPARL to talk over [v]
Other moves: REMAILED 10G 67, REMAILED B8 67, REMAILED 10B 65, REMEDIAL 10E 65, REMEDIAL 10G 65

On 5th draw, SERAGLIO 9C 63 --- SERAGLIO a harem [n]
Other moves: GIRASOLE 9B 62, GASOLIER 9D 61, ARISE 15A 38, AROSE 15A 38, REGOS 15D 36

On 6th draw, NOWH(E)RE 15D 109 --- NOWHERE a non-existent place [n]
Other tops: NOWHER(E) 15D 109
Other moves: RE(S)HOWN 15D 105, WHER(E)ON 15F 104, WH(E)REON 15F 104, NOWH(E)RE 15F 98, NOWHER(E) 15F 95

On 7th draw, FOID 8A 37 --- FOID one of a group of minerals related to feldspar [n]
Other moves: FIDO A12 36, FIDS A12 36, DOF 13B 31, FINDS A11 30, FOIDS A11 30

On 8th draw, VINY 7C 28 --- VINY covered with vines [adj]
Other tops: NAY 13B 28, TAY 13B 28
Other moves: TIDY A12 27, VINA 7C 25, VINT 7C 25, VITA 7C 25, AY 13C 24

On 9th draw, TIKES 6D 45 --- TIKE a small child [n]
Other moves: EIKS 6D 44, SEKT 6D 44, SIKE 6D 44, TIKE 6D 44, EEK 6D 43
KEDS A12 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
KIDS A12 42 roocatcher

On 10th draw, OUTFABLE A5 64 --- OUTFABLE to surpass in fabling [v]
Other moves: ALBEDO A10 36, LOBATE 8J 35, ABODE A11 33, TAUBES H1 33, BOATEL 8J 31
ABODE A11 33 chunk88, sunshine12
BODE A12 30 BadBoyBen

On 11th draw, TOONIE 8J 23 --- TOONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin [n]
Other moves: QIS H4 22, TONIES H1 21, NOOIT B2 20, TONE 12L 20, TOON 12L 20
QIS H4 22 sunshine12

On 12th draw, COAXES H1 69 --- COAX to cajole [v]
Other moves: EXACTS H1 54, AX 15A 45, EX 15A 45, OX 15A 45, EXACT 14K 41
OX 15A 45 sunshine12

On 13th draw, RETAG 14J 27 --- RETAG to tag again [v] --- TAG to provide with a tag (an identifying marker) [v]
Other moves: ARETE 12K 25, RETAG 10J 25, TRANQ M5 25, GEARE G2 24, RETAX 4D 24

On 14th draw, ATRIP B2 38 --- ATRIP aweigh [adj]
Other moves: PAY 13B 34, PYA G2 34, YAR B10 33, YIP 15M 33, YUP 15M 33

On 15th draw, VAGINAE 3G 34 --- VAGINA the passage leading from the uterus to the vulva [n]
Other tops: WEAVING M3 34
Other moves: WEAVING 5G 33, WAINAGE 3G 32, WAG 13B 31, VIG 15M 30, WIG 15M 30
WIN I3 30 sunshine12

On 16th draw, YUM 15M 33 --- YUM used to express pleasurable satisfaction [interj]
Other moves: CUM 15M 29, MYC 2L 29, MUD 2J 27, CUD 15M 26, MINCY J2 26
YUM 15M 33 sunshine12

On 17th draw, JIZ J2 35 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other tops: ZINC J2 35
Other moves: ZIN J2 32, ZIT J2 32, CAJUN L2 28, CAZ L2 28, JAW L2 26

On 18th draw, QUANT L1 48 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other tops: QUAD L1 48
Other moves: QUAT L1 46, QUINT N6 36, QUID N6 34, QUIN N6 33, QUIT N6 33

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