Game on January 16, 2025 at 02:49, 5 players
1. 82 pts sunshine12
2. 23 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 21 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 26 26
2. 11E 52 78
3. 10D 38 116
4. 12D 44 160
5. 13H 41 201
6. 12J 37 238
7. N7 75 313
8. O3 90 403
9. 14I 29 432
10. 8D 62 494
11. 15D 57 551
12. D1 72 623
13. 2B 34 657
14. 7G 47 704
15. 5H 68 772
16. 3H 74 846
17. 1G 32 878
18. 14A 23 901
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7081 sunshine12 0 3:13 -819 82 1.7081 sunshine12 0 3:13 -819 82
2.7472 GLOBEMAN 0 1:28 -878 23 2.7472 GLOBEMAN 0 1:28 -878 23
3.7615 roocatcher 0 1:58 -880 21 3.7615 roocatcher 0 1:58 -880 21
4. - chunk88 0 0:37 -890 11 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:03 -890 11 1. - chunk88 0 0:37 -890 11
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:03 -890 11
On 1st draw, ENTOMB H7 26 --- ENTOMB to place in a tomb [v]
Other tops: ENTOMB H8 26
Other moves: NEEMB H8 24, BEENTO H4 22, ENTOMB H3 22, ENTOMB H4 22, TONEME H8 22
On 2nd draw, BEAMI(S)H 11E 52 --- BEAMISH cheerful [adj]
Other tops: BEAMI(L)Y 11E 52
Other moves: HAI(R)Y I7 37, HEA(D)Y I7 37, HEA(P)Y I7 37, HYE(N)A I7 37, ABEI(G)H G6 34
On 3rd draw, JAW 10D 38 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: JELAB 12D 36, JEWEL F10 33, LAW 10D 31, RAW 10D 31, TAW 10D 31
On 4th draw, FAX 12D 44 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: FAXES 12A 43, FAX I5 38, SAX 12D 38, SAXE I5 38, AXE I6 37
On 5th draw, SMIGHT 13H 41 --- SMIGHT to strike [v]
Other moves: EISH 13F 37, EHS 13F 35, MEITH 12K 35, EMS 13F 33, MIGHT 12K 31
On 6th draw, KAE 12J 37 --- KAE a bird resembling a crow [n] --- KAE to serve [v]
Other moves: DHAK L12 34, EARD 12L 26, KADE 13A 23, EARL 12L 22, AE 12K 21
On 7th draw, LUNGIES N7 75 --- LUNGIE a diving bird [n]
Other moves: LUNGIES I1 63, ENGS 14I 35, GUNSEL N10 35, GUISE N10 33, ENG 14I 28
On 8th draw, SCROO(G)E O3 90 --- SCROOGE a miserly person [n] --- SCROOGE to squeeze [v]
Other moves: SCROO(G)E M1 71, SOROC(H)E M1 71, RO(S)COES G3 69, ROSCOE(S) G3 66, RECOO(K)S I1 65
On 9th draw, OP 14I 29 --- OP a style of abstract art [n]
Other tops: UP 14I 29
Other moves: PEA G7 21, POA G7 21, PEAT M8 20, POUT M8 20, TAUPE G4 19
On 10th draw, ERRANTLY 8D 62 --- ERRANTLY in a wandering manner [adv]
Other moves: ARTERY 15D 38, RARELY 15D 38, REALTY 15D 38, REARLY 15D 38, TELARY 15D 38
On 11th draw, FERVID 15D 57 --- FERVID fervent [adj]
Other moves: FAIRED 15D 48, VARIED 15D 48, FADIER 15D 47, VIFDA 15E 41, AVIDER 15D 38
On 12th draw, TRIPTANE D1 72 --- TRIPTANE a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: TRIPTANS 3H 72
Other moves: ATRIP 14A 23, PAINTY K3 22, PANTRY K3 22, PARITY K3 22, NIPA 14C 21
ATRIP 14A 23 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TRIP 14B 21 roocatcher
On 13th draw, STRAWN 2B 34 --- STRAW to cover with straw (stalks of threshed grain) [v]
Other moves: STRAW 2B 32, QINTAR 5J 30, TWAINS 1D 27, QATS 3L 26, QATS 5B 26
QIS 3C 24 sunshine12
QI 11M 11 chunk88, BadBoyBen
On 14th draw, ZEE 7G 47 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ZONED 14A 38, DIZEN 14A 37, DOZEN 14A 37, DEZINC 4J 36, DONZEL J3 36
ZO 1A 35 sunshine12
On 15th draw, DOUANIER 5H 68 --- DOUANIER a custom-house officer [n]
Other moves: ANODE 14B 28, ADIEU 14B 27, DAINE 14B 27, AIDER E4 25, AUDIO 1F 25
On 16th draw, GLUCINAS 3H 74 --- GLUCINA an oxide of beryllium used as a hardener [n]
Other moves: NILGAU 4G 31, UNCIAL 1G 29, AULIC 1F 28, LINAC 13A 27, ACING 1G 26
On 17th draw, ODDLY 1G 32 --- ODDLY in an odd manner [adv]
Other moves: DEY 2L 29, DOY 2L 29, EDDY 1G 29, ODYLE 1G 29, DYED 14B 26
On 18th draw, REVIE 14A 23 --- REVIE to stake higher [v]
Other tops: VIREO 14A 23
Other moves: EVER 14B 21, EVOE 14B 21, OVER 14B 21, VEER 14B 21, VIER 14B 21
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