Game on January 16, 2025 at 07:21, 8 players
1. 210 pts LongJump22
2. 152 pts moonmonkey
3. 146 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 20 20
2. 11E 60 80
3. 8H 74 154
4. 7K 45 199
5. 14B 99 298
6. E6 65 363
7. 10B 38 401
8. K4 28 429
9. 13G 73 502
10. 8A 36 538
11. 15H 66 604
12. 14J 20 624
13. L1 48 672
14. 1L 36 708
15. 2J 53 761
16. N10 32 793
17. F2 83 876
18. 12A 28 904
19. 5I 24 928
20. 3C 48 976
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5861 LongJump22 3 3:21 -766 210 1.7898 moonmonkey 2 2:54 -824 152
2.7898 moonmonkey 2 2:54 -824 152 2.7741 Mycophot 1 2:11 -830 146
3.7741 Mycophot 1 2:11 -830 146 3.7460 VVVVVV1112 2 2:16 -832 144
4.7460 VVVVVV1112 2 2:16 -832 144 Group: novice
5.5581 MMMMMM1112 1 2:24 -891 85 1.5861 LongJump22 3 3:21 -766 210
6.5597 NNNNNN1112 2 2:40 -895 81 2.5581 MMMMMM1112 1 2:24 -891 85
7.5305 OOOOOO1112 0 1:24 -927 49 3.5597 NNNNNN1112 2 2:40 -895 81
8.5682 LLLLLL1112 1 1:09 -938 38 4.5305 OOOOOO1112 0 1:24 -927 49
5.5682 LLLLLL1112 1 1:09 -938 38
On 1st draw, STODGE H8 20 --- STODGE to stuff full with food [v]
Other tops: DIGEST H4 20, DOGIES H4 20, GEOIDS H4 20, GEOIDS H8 20, GODETS H4 20
Other moves: DIGEST H3 18, DIGEST H7 18, DIGEST H8 18, DOGES H4 18, DOGIE H4 18
On 2nd draw, BAWDI(L)Y 11E 60 --- BAWDILY in a bawdy manner [adv]
Other moves: WA(R)BY 14F 36, BAWDY 11E 28, BAWD(R)Y 11E 28, DAWB(R)Y 11H 28, B(A)WDY 11E 26
On 3rd draw, SELENI(T)E 8H 74 --- SELENITE a variety of gypsum [n]
Other tops: SELENI(D)E 8H 74, (A)LIENEES 8A 74, (B)EELINES 8A 74, (G)LEENIES 8A 74
Other moves: (A)LIENEE G3 63, (G)LEENIE G3 63, (G)LEENIE I3 63, (A)LIENEE G2 60, (B)EELINE G2 60
On 4th draw, WOX 7K 45 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: NOX 7K 39, WOX 12D 39, OX 7L 36, LOX 12D 33, NOX 12D 33
WOX 7K 45 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, NNNNNN1112
On 5th draw, CLASHER 14B 99 --- CLASHER one that clashes [n]
Other tops: LARCHES 14B 99
Other moves: RASCHEL 14H 87, LEACHERS 13C 86, RELACHES 13B 86, LARCHES 14F 81, LARCHES 6F 81
CLASHER 14B 99 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 6th draw, PREAMBLES E6 65 --- PREAMBLE an introductory statement [n] --- PREAMBLE to give an explanatory introduction [v]
Other moves: PALMER 12A 32, (T)EMPERA N8 32, (T)EMPLAR N8 32, REMAP 10B 31, AMPLER 12A 28
On 7th draw, DUMMY 10B 38 --- DUMMY silent [adj] --- DUMMY to make a representation of [v]
Other moves: TUMMY 10B 35, TYNDE 8A 33, IMMY 10C 32, MINTED 8A 30, UNITY 12K 29
DUMMY 10B 38 LLLLLL1112, moonmonkey
On 8th draw, OUTWEARY K4 28 --- OUTWEARY to surpass in wearying [v]
Other moves: UNWEARY K5 26, NOTOUR D3 23, RATOON D3 23, UNROOT D3 23, ATONER 8A 21
On 9th draw, NEURITIS 13G 73 --- NEURITIS inflammation of a nerve [n]
Other moves: NEURITIS O7 59, UNITISER O2 59, SNIRT 15H 48, SUINT 15H 48, INS 15F 46
SNIRT 15H 48 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 10th draw, NAIVE 8A 36 --- NAIVE an unsophisticated person [n] --- NAIVE lacking sophistication [adj]
Other moves: NAFF L1 32, NIFF L1 32, TIFF L1 32, FAINT L1 30, AFF L2 28
NAFF L1 32 Mycophot
On 11th draw, SEZ 15H 66 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other moves: SJOE 15H 63, JOSSER N10 58, ZEROS L1 54, ZERO L1 50, ESTRO 15G 48
SEZ 15H 66 Mycophot, moonmonkey, LongJump22
On 12th draw, IO 14J 20 --- IO a cry of joy [n]
Other tops: EN 14J 20, ET 14J 20, IN 14J 20, IT 14J 20, NINON 14K 20, NITON 14K 20, NOTION L3 20, TENON 14K 20
Other moves: INTONE J1 18, NINON L1 18, NITON L1 18, NOINT L1 18, NONET L1 18
On 13th draw, JIVE L1 48 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: JAVEL 12A 46, JANE L1 42, JEAN L1 42, FEIJOA 4G 34, FAVE L1 32
On 14th draw, JONG 1L 36 --- JONG friend (Afrikaans) [n]
Other moves: BOING 2J 28, FANGO F2 25, FOB 14M 25, FOP 14M 25, FOG 14M 23
On 15th draw, KNIFE 2J 53 --- KNIFE a sharp-edged instrument used for cutting [n] --- KNIFE to cut with a knife [v]
Other moves: FANKLE 12A 40, FAINE 2J 38, AKED 12L 34, FEAST N10 32, AKE 12L 26
On 16th draw, BRASH N10 32 --- BRASH a mass of fragments [n] --- BRASH rash; hasty [adj] --- BRASH to attack [v]
Other tops: BRUSH N10 32
Other moves: BURSA N10 26, DHURNA F1 26, DUNSH N10 26, (T)ARBUSH N8 26, DHURNA 5I 25
On 17th draw, GAUCIER F2 83 --- GAUCY gaucie [adj]
Other moves: CAGIER F3 28, CURIAE F2 24, GRACE O1 24, GRAILE 12A 24, GRICE O1 24
On 18th draw, PATTLE 12A 28 --- PATTLE a spade used to clean a plough [n]
Other moves: ATAP 12L 24, ATAP D12 24, EF G6 24, FETAL 12A 24, ATTAP 3C 20
On 19th draw, FOUD 5I 24 --- FOUD a bailiff of Orkney and Shetland [n]
Other moves: FUD 5J 23, FOUND 4D 22, UDON 5K 21, OF O14 20, OUD 5J 20
On 20th draw, TALAQ 3C 48 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: LOQUAT 4C 32, QANAT 3C 30, DIQUAT C7 28, ALIQUOT C6 27, TALAQ 3E 25
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