Game on January 16, 2025 at 13:27, 9 players
1. 221 pts LongJump22
2. 173 pts VVVVVV1112
3. 144 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 48 48
2. 10C 65 113
3. D8 108 221
4. 14A 72 293
5. 8A 48 341
6. 15H 30 371
7. C1 72 443
8. 1C 36 479
9. 2B 43 522
10. A4 66 588
11. L8 82 670
12. 8J 36 706
13. N7 72 778
14. 14J 29 807
15. 15A 25 832
16. M6 35 867
17. 13C 39 906
18. E4 32 938
19. J1 69 1007
All tiles in the bag were taken.
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5893 LongJump22 3 2:26 -786 221 1.7460 VVVVVV1112 2 2:52 -834 173
2.7460 VVVVVV1112 2 2:52 -834 173 2.7898 moonmonkey 2 2:51 -863 144
3.7898 moonmonkey 2 2:51 -863 144 3.7741 Mycophot 2 3:55 -871 136
4.7741 Mycophot 2 3:55 -871 136 Group: novice
5.5597 NNNNNN1112 1 1:54 -959 48 1.5893 LongJump22 3 2:26 -786 221
6. - ALPHA2025 1 1:54 -959 48 2.5597 NNNNNN1112 1 1:54 -959 48
7.5305 OOOOOO1112 0 0:24 -959 48 3.5305 OOOOOO1112 0 0:24 -959 48
8.5682 LLLLLL1112 0 1:04 -959 48 4.5682 LLLLLL1112 0 1:04 -959 48
9.5581 MMMMMM1112 0 1:47 -959 48 5.5581 MMMMMM1112 0 1:47 -959 48
Group: not rated
1. - ALPHA2025 1 1:54 -959 48
On 1st draw, HIJA(C)K H7 48 --- HIJACK to seize a vehicle while in transit [v]
Other moves: HIJA(C)K H4 46, KH(O)JA H4 46, JIHA(D) H4 44, HIJA(C)K H3 40, KA(N)JI H4 40
HIJA(C)K H7 48 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot, NNNNNN1112
On 2nd draw, VOU(T)SAFE 10C 65 --- VOUTSAFE to condescend to grant [v]
Other moves: HIJA(C)KE(R)S H7 63, F(A)UVES 13C 44, F(A)VOUS 13C 44, FOVE(A)S 13C 42, FOE(T)US 13C 38
VOU(T)SAFE 10C 65 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 3rd draw, ZOOGLEAS D8 108 --- ZOOGLEA a jellylike mass of bacteria [n]
Other moves: ZEALOUS E5 64, GLAZES 13C 54, GLOZES 13C 54, ZOOGLEA D8 54, AZOLES 13C 52
ZOOGLEAS D8 108 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
ZOOGLEAS D8 58 Mycophot
On 4th draw, GLOATERS 14A 72 --- GLOATER one that gloats [n]
Other tops: LEGATORS 14A 72
Other moves: HIJA(C)KERS H7 66, GLOZES 8A 48, GLOZE 8A 45, TREZ 8A 39, GERLES 13C 36
GLOZES 8A 48 OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112, moonmonkey, MMMMMM1112
On 5th draw, SPAZA 8A 48 --- SPAZA (South Africa) as in spaza shop, a small shop in a township. No -S [adj]
Other moves: SPAZ 8A 45, CAGY A12 39, SPACY K10 38, YAGS A12 36, PASTY K8 34
SPAZA 8A 48 moonmonkey, ALPHA2025
On 6th draw, OREAD 15H 30 --- OREAD a mountain nymph in Greek mythology [n]
Other tops: OARED 15H 30
Other moves: ROADIE K7 29, ADAGE A11 27, ADORE K9 27, AIDER K8 27, DEAIR K10 27
OARED 15H 30 Mycophot
On 7th draw, MONTARIA C1 72 --- MONTARIA a light canoe [n]
Other moves: MONTARIA E1 70, TORMINA G1 67, TORMINA I1 67, MAINOR 14J 43, AMIGO A11 33
On 8th draw, MAHOUT 1C 36 --- MAHOUT the keeper and driver of an elephant [n]
Other moves: ANOUGH A10 33, HUMAN 1A 33, HAO 14J 32, HAUT B2 30, HOMA 1A 30
On 9th draw, NOWED 2B 43 --- NOWED knotted [adj]
Other moves: DOWIE 2B 36, FEED 14J 34, WEED 14J 34, WEID 14J 34, ENDEW K8 33
On 10th draw, DYNASTIC A4 66 --- DYNASTIC pertaining to a dynasty [adj] --- DYNASTY a succession of rulers from the same line of descent [adj]
Other moves: DAINTY 14J 40, CADGY A11 39, CAGY A12 39, CYANID K5 39, ACIDY K7 37
On 11th draw, MULTIPED L8 82 --- MULTIPED an animal having many feet [n]
Other moves: PLIM 14J 29, PLIE 14J 27, HEMPIE E1 26, JIMP 9H 26, KEMPT 12H 26
On 12th draw, GEMONY 8J 36 --- GEMONY expressing surprise [interj]
Other moves: YEED 13C 31, YEED 14J 31, DOGEY K5 29, GONOF I6 29, GOONEY K4 29
On 13th draw, INTRUDER N7 72 --- INTRUDER one that intrudes [n]
Other moves: EDIT M11 25, REEDIT 14J 24, NERD 3C 22, DIE M12 21, DIT M12 21
On 14th draw, WEE 14J 29 --- WEE a short time [n] --- WEE to urinate [v] --- WEE very small [adj]
Other moves: WEER 13C 28, WEIR 13C 28, BEER 13C 24, EWE 13B 24, WEB 3E 24
On 15th draw, IONS 15A 25 --- ION an electrically charged atom [n]
Other moves: AWEEL D1 24, BEEN 13C 24, BEIN 13C 24, ELPEE 13J 23, JEE 9H 21
On 16th draw, EXO M6 35 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other tops: AXE D4 35
Other moves: REX O13 34, BEARE 13C 33, AX D4 31, AX K11 31, EX D4 31
On 17th draw, CEIBA 13C 39 --- CEIBA a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: NIQAB L2 36, TRANQ 4C 28, NIQAB G4 27, BEAN 13C 26, BEAR 13C 26
On 18th draw, QIBLA E4 32 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: BELIVE K3 22, BLIVE L2 22, FIVE L3 22, HELVE E1 22, LEV O13 22
On 19th draw, FEVERING J1 69 --- FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v]
Other moves: EREV O12 32, FEERIN L1 28, FERINE L1 28, FINEER L1 28, VEINER L1 28
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