Game on January 16, 2025 at 20:24, 1 player
1. 187 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 22 22
2. 5G 66 88
3. O1 35 123
4. I8 68 191
5. 11E 40 231
6. 15D 73 304
7. 4H 52 356
8. 6B 73 429
9. D1 110 539
10. L10 39 578
11. 1A 48 626
12. 12A 45 671
13. 2J 36 707
14. J10 45 752
15. C9 50 802
16. A8 51 853
17. 2B 29 882
18. H1 33 915
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7155 ArcticFox 1 6:32 -728 187 1.7155 ArcticFox 1 6:32 -728 187
On 1st draw, PULED H4 22 --- PULE to whine [v]
Other tops: PENDU H4 22
Other moves: DUPLE H4 20, PULED H8 20, UPEND H8 20, UPLED H8 20, DUPLE H8 18
PULED H4 22 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, LUNATION 5G 66 --- LUNATION the interval between two successive new moons [n]
Other moves: ANTLION G8 62, ANTLION I8 62, NONTIDAL 8C 60, LATINO I3 22, NATION G5 18
On 3rd draw, TEEM(S) O1 35 --- TEEM to be full to overflowing [v]
Other moves: MET(R)E 6J 33, TEGME(N) 4J 32, G(O)LEM 6F 30, CETE(S) O1 29, MEET(S) O1 29
METE 6J 28 ArcticFox
On 4th draw, OVERNET I8 68 --- OVERNET to cover with a net [v]
Other tops: OVERNET G8 68
Other moves: OVERTONE M5 63, VENTRE 2J 34, VOLET 6F 26, TRONE N2 24, ENERVE 2J 22
On 5th draw, FLEURON 11E 40 --- FLEURON a flowerlike ornament [n]
Other moves: FLOUNCE 3I 32, FLUENCE 3I 32, ENUF H12 31, FEU J10 31, FOEN N2 30
On 6th draw, JERID(S) 15D 73 --- JERID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: J*WsJEW(S) 15F 49, J(E)WIE 12A 49, WEIRD(S) 15D 49, JEWI(E) 12A 48, JEDI(S) 15E 46
On 7th draw, PAKIHI 4H 52 --- PAKIHI (New Zealand) an area of swampy infertile land [n]
Other moves: LAKH 4J 43, EKE 10I 35, HANKIE N3 32, EIK 4J 30, HAEN N2 30
HOE J10 29 ArcticFox
On 8th draw, CONTROLE 6B 73 --- CONTROLE registered [adj]
Other moves: ECOTONE 2I 30, TORC 3I 29, CENOTE 2J 28, CENTRE 2J 28, CON 3I 26
On 9th draw, ZEBRANOS D1 110 --- ZEBRANO a tree having striped wood [n]
Other moves: REBOZOS C3 58, ZEBRA 12A 57, ZEBRANO D1 56, REBOZO C3 54, BRAZE 12A 43
On 10th draw, ASWARM L10 39 --- ASWARM swarming [adj]
Other moves: SWARM L11 37, WAXERS 2A 36, MARA 3I 34, MASA 3I 34, MAW 3I 33
On 11th draw, DIAZOS 1A 48 --- DIAZO a type of photocopy [n]
Other tops: SWIZ 1A 48
Other moves: DIAZO 1A 45, FAW 3I 37, WOF 3I 37, FOOD J10 34, FAD 3I 33
On 12th draw, XENIA 12A 45 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: EX M12 41, MAXI 15L 39, MINX 15L 39, MIXT 15L 39, XENIA 10B 39
MINX 15L 39 ArcticFox
On 13th draw, COWAGE 2J 36 --- COWAGE a tropical vine [n]
Other moves: WAG 3K 34, CAW 3I 33, COW 3I 33, WAG 3I 33, W*GWOG 3I 33
On 14th draw, HOYLE J10 45 --- HOYLE a rule book [n]
Other tops: HELIX A8 45
Other moves: HEY M13 37, EXILE A11 36, HOY J10 35, YEH 10H 35, HEY 2F 30
HEYS 8A 30 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, QUINTA C9 50 --- QUINTA a country estate in Portugal or Latin America [n]
Other moves: QUANT C9 48, QUINA C9 48, QUINT C9 48, UMIAQ 15K 48, QUASI 8A 42
QATS 8A 39 ArcticFox
On 16th draw, VIBEX A8 51 --- VIBEX a streak under the skin [n]
Other moves: VITEX A8 45, IMBUE 15K 27, GIBBET 3B 24, BEET B11 22, GIBBET 3A 22
On 17th draw, DYER 2B 29 --- DYER one that dyes [n]
Other tops: DREY 2B 29
Other moves: TYED 2B 28, MIRY 15L 27, MITY 15L 27, DYE 2B 25, TREY 2B 25
On 18th draw, STIPULED H1 33 --- STIPULE an appendage at the base of a leaf in certain plants [adj] --- STIPULED having a stipule [adj]
Other moves: FUST H10 27, SUB 3B 26, MIPS 15L 24, FOP C5 23, FILS F9 22
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