Game on January 16, 2025 at 22:38, 8 players
1. 429 pts VVVVVV1112
2. 300 pts moonmonkey
3. 300 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 36 36
2. 8A 95 131
3. A1 95 226
4. 6H 67 293
5. O4 33 326
6. 1A 80 406
7. 2F 44 450
8. 5K 41 491
9. N9 84 575
10. 3I 42 617
11. 15G 77 694
12. B5 54 748
13. 14A 87 835
14. 15A 53 888
15. L2 34 922
16. 14J 37 959
17. I1 24 983
18. 5A 26 1009
19. 12J 40 1049
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7512 VVVVVV1112 5 10:13 -620 429 1.7512 VVVVVV1112 5 10:13 -620 429
2.7916 moonmonkey 3 7:59 -749 300 2.7916 moonmonkey 3 7:59 -749 300
3.7807 Mycophot 3 10:30 -749 300 3.7807 Mycophot 3 10:30 -749 300
4.5893 LongJump22 4 3:47 -756 293 Group: novice
5.5401 OOOOOO1112 2 2:44 -980 69 1.5893 LongJump22 4 3:47 -756 293
6.5676 LLLLLL1112 2 3:36 -980 69 2.5401 OOOOOO1112 2 2:44 -980 69
7.5540 MMMMMM1112 0 1:27 -1019 30 3.5676 LLLLLL1112 2 3:36 -980 69
8.5479 NNNNNN1112 0 1:53 -1019 30 4.5540 MMMMMM1112 0 1:27 -1019 30
5.5479 NNNNNN1112 0 1:53 -1019 30
On 1st draw, HYPED H4 36 --- HYPE to stimulate artificially [v]
Other moves: HEEDY H4 32, HEEDY H8 32, HEYED H4 32, HYNDE H4 32, HYPED H8 32
HYPED H4 36 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
On 2nd draw, EN(S)HROUD 8A 95 --- ENSHROUD to cover up [v]
Other moves: H(O)NOURED 8A 86, UNHOR(S)ED 8A 86, HON(O)URED 8A 83, HUR(C)HEON 4H 78, HOUN(D)ER G7 77
EN(S)HROUD 8A 95 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
EN(S)HROUD 8A 45 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 3rd draw, BREGMATE A1 95 --- BREGMA a junction point of the skull [adj] --- BREGMATE relating to the bregma [adj]
Other moves: BERGAMOT F2 71, BREGMATE A6 64, AMBERY 5C 26, MEAT I4 26, AMBRY 5D 24
BREGMATE A1 95 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 4th draw, PIGTAILS 6H 67 --- PIGTAIL a tight braid of hair [n]
Other moves: AILS I5 29, AITS I5 29, ALS I6 23, ITS I6 23, AGIN B5 22
PIGTAILS 6H 67 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 5th draw, MESETA O4 33 --- MESETA a plateau [n]
Other moves: OMENTA B5 32, MESTO O4 30, MOSTE O4 30, AMENE B5 29, AMENT B5 29
MESETA O4 33 moonmonkey, Mycophot, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
On 6th draw, BL(U)ENOSE 1A 80 --- BLUENOSE a puritanical person [n]
Other tops: BONELES(S) 1A 80, BONELE(S)S 1A 80
Other moves: ENSOR(C)EL E4 78, ENT(R)ESOL K4 78, EN(T)RESOL E5 78, NOTELES(S) K4 78, NOTELE(S)S K4 78
BONELES(S) 1A 30 moonmonkey, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
BONELE(S)S 1A 30 Mycophot
On 7th draw, WIFED 2F 44 --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: WIFIE 2F 41, DOWIE 2D 39, WIFE 2F 38, FEW 2D 37, WOF 2F 37
WIFED 2F 44 moonmonkey, Mycophot, VVVVVV1112
On 8th draw, AZO 5K 41 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: HOATZIN D8 38, AZON N9 35, AZO N9 34, AZOTH 4D 34, AZOTH D4 34
AZON 6A 33 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 9th draw, PINKERS N9 84 --- PINKER one that pinks [n]
Other tops: PERKINS N9 84
Other moves: PRINKERS E7 78, PERKINS 10I 76, PINKERS 10I 76, PRINK 3C 50, SPINK 3C 50
PINKERS N9 34 Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 10th draw, FAVOR 3I 42 --- FAVOR to regard with approval [v]
Other moves: FIBRO 3I 40, AVISO 15K 36, FORZA L2 34, VISA 15L 33, BAIZA L2 32
AVISO 15K 36 moonmonkey, Mycophot
(U)R C1 1 VVVVVV1112
On 11th draw, OUTEARNS 15G 77 --- OUTEARN to surpass in earning [v]
Other moves: ARET O12 32, MONETARY 5A 26, ORNATE 1J 25, OUTRAN 1J 25, ARENOUS 15H 24
(U)N C1 1 VVVVVV1112
On 12th draw, OX B5 54 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OXEN 7F 42, OXO 14E 28, AXON 6A 27, GOX 2L 27, GOX 14F 26
XI 10M 9 VVVVVV1112, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 13th draw, JAUNTED 14A 87 --- JAUNT to go on a pleasure trip [v]
Other moves: JAUNTED 13I 46, JAUNTEE 13I 44, JANTEE 13I 42, JADE C3 40, JANE C3 37
On 14th draw, ALGA 15A 53 --- ALGA any of a group of primitive aquatic plants [n]
Other moves: AGS 15A 44, AAS 15A 40, ALS 15A 40, ALT 15A 40, AG 15A 39
On 15th draw, COLZAS L2 34 --- COLZA a plant of the cabbage family [n]
Other moves: COLZA L2 32, VOCULES 13I 32, VOCULE 13I 30, VIOLS 3C 28, CLOVIS 10J 26
On 16th draw, WYE 14J 37 --- WYE the letter Y [n]
Other moves: BY 13B 33, BYRE C3 33, NEW(S)Y C5 33, BINER(S) C3 31, BYE 14J 31
On 17th draw, DEFI I1 24 --- DEFI a challenge [n]
Other tops: BHINDI D7 24, BINDHI D4 24, BUNKO 12K 24
Other moves: BOINK 12J 22, BUNDH 4D 22, BUNDH D4 22, BUNDY 5D 22, DIOXIN B3 22
On 18th draw, MORONITY 5A 26 --- MORONITY the condition of being a moron [n]
Other tops: MONITORY 5A 26
Other moves: IVORY 5D 22, VOR 13I 22, INVITER L9 20, TIVY 5E 20, VINT 3C 20
On 19th draw, QUICK 12J 40 --- QUICK acting or capable of acting with speed [adj] --- QUICK part of the fingernail flesh [n]
Other moves: QUIVER L10 36, QUBIT E10 32, BUCKO 12K 28, QUINA D11 28, QUINO 11K 28
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