Game on January 17, 2025 at 03:10, 5 players
1. 324 pts sunshine12
2. 25 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 25 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 70 70 


8H 74 144 


5E 82 226 


L8 80 306 


15G 33 339 


3H 72 411 


O1 81 492 


14B 41 533 


1F 69 602 


14J 49 651 


15A 56 707 


13K 41 748 


10G 66 814 


2B 39 853 


L1 52 905 


E11 34 939 


12A 32 971 


B5 68 1039 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sunshine12 0 10:26 -715 324 1.7048 sunshine12 0 10:26 -715 324
GLOBEMAN 0 0:52 -1014 25 2.7373 GLOBEMAN 0 0:52 -1014 25
roocatcher 0 1:48 -1014 25 3.7499 roocatcher 0 1:48 -1014 25
4. -
BadBoyBen 0 0:52 -1021 18 Group: not rated
5. -
chunk88 0 0:16 -1027 12 1. - BadBoyBen 0 0:52 -1021 18
2. - chunk88 0 0:16 -1027 12
On 1st draw, REDIALS H2 70 --- REDIAL to dial again [v]
Other tops: DERAILS H4 70, DIALERS H4 70, SIDERAL H2 70
Other moves: DERAILS H2 68, DERAILS H3 68, DERAILS H6 68, DERAILS H7 68, DERAILS H8 68
On 2nd draw, STEELIE(S) 8H 74 --- STEELIE a steel playing marble [n]
Other tops: SEELIE(S)T 8H 74, SLEETIE(R) 8H 74, STEELIE(R) 8H 74, (S)TEELIES 8A 74
Other moves: SELE(N)ITE 8H 71, DELETI(V)E 4H 68, TREELI(K)E 2G 68, (G)LEETIER 2A 68, (S)LEETIER 2A 68
On 3rd draw, ARRIEROS 5E 82 --- ARRIERO a muleteer [n]
Other moves: ARRIEROS M5 60, ARRIERO 5E 28, AEROS 9I 19, AROSE G2 18, REARERS 3G 18
ROSE I3 15 sunshine12
On 4th draw, LANOSITY L8 80 --- LANOSITY the state of being lanose [n]
Other moves: NASTY 4K 30, NOISY 4K 30, TANSY 4K 30, AYINS 4J 27, AYONT 4J 27
YARN G3 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 5th draw, ENMITY 15G 33 --- ENMITY hostility [n]
Other moves: MIME K11 32, MEINY 15H 30, MINTY 15H 30, IMMANE 9I 28, MEM K11 28
MIME K11 32 sunshine12
MI K11 18 BadBoyBen
QAT E4 12 chunk88
On 6th draw, EU(P)HONIA 3H 72 --- EUPHONIA an agreeable sound [n]
Other moves: EU(P)HONIA N8 70, O(P)HIURAN 2C 64, UNHI(P) 1D 48, HATIN(G) 14J 47, HAT(P)IN 14J 47
OH 14I 30 sunshine12
On 7th draw, AMAZON O1 81 --- AMAZON a tall, powerful woman [n]
Other moves: MATZO 14J 56, ZONDA 4A 52, ZOOMS L1 52, AZO K10 50, ZOA K11 50
ZONDA 4A 52 sunshine12
On 8th draw, DIOECY 14B 41 --- DIOECY separation of sexes in plants [n]
Other moves: CYTODE 4A 35, DITTY 14J 35, CYTODE 14B 34, CYTOID 13H 32, OYE 4K 32
DITTY 14J 35 sunshine12
On 9th draw, JAP 1F 69 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: FAP 1F 57, PAINT 1H 57, PATIN 1H 57, PINTA 1H 57, INAPT 1E 54
On 10th draw, HATED 14J 49 --- HATE to despise [v]
Other moves: BATHED 14J 48, PATHED 14J 48, PITHED 14J 48, BATHE 14J 44, BATED 14J 40
HIDE 15A 36 sunshine12
On 11th draw, LATEX 15A 56 --- LATEX a milky liquid of certain plants [n]
Other moves: AXLE 13B 47, PAX 13A 45, LAX 13A 41, LEX 13A 41, TAX 13A 41
On 12th draw, WIFIE 13K 41 --- WIFIE an endearment for wife [n]
Other moves: WIFE 13K 39, WIFE M11 37, WOF 13A 34, WEFTE 4A 32, OFT 13B 31
On 13th draw, FOOTINGS 10G 66 --- FOOTING a foundation [n]
Other moves: SOFT 13A 33, TIFOSO 2A 33, OFT 13B 31, OOF 13A 28, FOG 13A 26
On 14th draw, DECKO 2B 39 --- DECKO to look [v]
Other moves: TOCKED 11C 34, TUCKED 11C 34, COKED 4A 33, COKED 11D 32, DECKO 4B 32
DOC 13A 26 sunshine12
On 15th draw, QUOPS L1 52 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: QUINA 4A 50, QUAG 6B 37, QI 1A 36, QUAI 6B 35, QUIN 6B 35
QUINA 4A 50 sunshine12
On 16th draw, VIBEX E11 34 --- VIBEX a streak under the skin [n]
Other moves: BAVIN 4A 28, VINAL 4A 26, BLAIN 11E 23, VAN 1A 23, VIA 1A 23
VAN 1A 23 sunshine12
On 17th draw, VERGING 12A 32 --- VERGE to come near [v]
Other moves: ENGRAVE C2 30, GRAVING 12A 28, VEGAN 4A 28, VINEGAR 12D 26, GARVIE 12A 24
On 18th draw, TURNABLE B5 68 --- TURN to move around a central point [adj] --- TURNABLE able to be turned [adj]
Other moves: AB 3E 22, BALUN 4A 22, BLART 4A 22, BLAUD 4D 22, BLUNT 4A 22
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