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Game on January 17, 2025 at 06:52, 5 players
1. 121 pts LongJump22
2. 89 pts moonmonkey
3. 89 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adfinr   H7    78    78   indraft
 2. aenrssw  14B    85   163   answers
 3. adelmqs  12H    24   187   flamed
 4. ?aehiru   K8    74   261   haulmier
 5. eeghirs   C8    82   343   sheering
 6. efiknou   8A    48   391   fisk
 7. enottuu   8K    27   418   hoten
 8. agiilnt   L1    70   488   intaglio
 9. aglnorw   2J    34   522   wonga
10. abcoopz   1F    59   581   cobza
11. aeiortu   3I    30   611   tertia
12. enopqrt  10J    37   648   quoter
13. aelosux  12A    40   688   xerus
14. dellopu  O10    33   721   repoll
15. deimouv   B5    32   753   oidium
16. deijtty   A1    53   806   jetty
17. bdeinoy  J12    36   842   abye
18. adinoov  15A    32   874   vagi
19. cdnoopu   D3    26   900   undock

Remaining tiles: nopv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5893 FileLongJump22  3  2:05  -779  121     1.7807 moonmonkey  2  1:49  -811   89 
  2.7807 Filemoonmonkey  2  1:49  -811   89     2.7627 Mycophot    2  2:28  -811   89 
  3.7627 FileMycophot    2  2:28  -811   89     3.7437 VVVVVV1112  2  2:26  -815   85 
  4.7437 FileVVVVVV1112  2  2:26  -815   85     4.7562 queen66     1  1:48  -847   53 
  5.7562 Filequeen66     1  1:48  -847   53            Group: novice
                                             1.5893 LongJump22  3  2:05  -779  121 

On 1st draw, INDRAF(T) H7 78 --- INDRAFT an inward flow or current [n]
Other tops: FARDIN(G) H4 78, FINDRA(M) H4 78, FRIAND(E) H4 78, FRIAND(S) H4 78
Other moves: FRIAND(E) H7 74, FRIAND(S) H7 74, INDRAF(T) H2 74, FARDIN(G) H2 72, FARDIN(G) H3 72

On 2nd draw, ANSWERS 14B 85 --- ANSWER to say, write, or act in return [v]
Other tops: RAWNESS 14B 85
Other moves: ANSWERS 14F 75, RAWNESS 14C 73, RAWNESS G1 68, RAWNESS I1 68, ANSWERS G1 65

On 3rd draw, FLAMED 12H 24 --- FLAME to burn brightly [v]
Other tops: DAMSELS D8 24
Other moves: QIS 7G 23, DESMAN C9 22, FAMED 12H 22, FEMALS 12H 22, FLAMES 12H 22

On 4th draw, HAU(L)MIER K8 74 --- HAULMY having haulms [adj]
Other moves: EU(C)HARIS D7 72, HAURIEN(T) C8 72, HAU(L)IERS D7 72, U(N)HAIRED 9A 66, U(N)HAIRED M5 66

On 5th draw, SHEERING C8 82 --- SHEER to swerve [v]
Other moves: SHEERING 8B 63, HEIGH 8K 39, HIGHS 8K 39, RHIES 15K 36, HERIES 14J 34

On 6th draw, FISK 8A 48 --- FISK to frisk [v]
Other moves: KIEF B7 39, KEENO 14J 38, NIEF B7 35, UFO B9 34, FIGO 15A 32

On 7th draw, HOTEN 8K 27 --- HETE to command [v]
Other moves: (T)ONITE 13H 25, TURNOUT 15I 24, TENUTO J5 21, TENUTO L3 20, NITE 13J 18

On 8th draw, INTAGLIO L1 70 --- INTAGLIO an incised or sunken design [n] --- INTAGLIO to engrave in intaglio [v]
Other tops: LIGATION L2 70, LITIGANT M1 70
Other moves: TAILING G1 66, INTAGLI G2 65, GLAIKIT D4 31, AIRTING 15I 27, TIRLING 15I 27

On 9th draw, WONGA 2J 34 --- WONGA money [n]
Other moves: WARLING 1H 33, WRANGLE N2 30, WO B10 28, WO J14 28, ROWAN 15K 27

On 10th draw, COBZA 1F 59 --- COBZA a musical instrument [n]
Other moves: BAZOO 1F 53, BOZO 1G 50, ZOBO 1G 50, RAZOO 15K 45, ZA 1N 44

On 11th draw, TERTIA 3I 30 --- TERTIA an infantry regiment [n]
Other moves: TROIKA D4 25, ERGO 15A 23, RAGI 15A 23, REGO 15A 23, AITU 3J 22

On 12th draw, QUOTER 10J 37 --- QUOTER one that quotes [n]
Other moves: QUERN 10J 36, QUOTE 10J 36, QUEP 10J 35, QUOP 10J 35, ROQUET 10H 35

On 13th draw, XERUS 12A 40 --- XERUS an African ground squirrel [n]
Other moves: RAXES 15K 39, RELAX 15K 39, LUXE G5 38, SAXE G5 38, AXE G6 37

On 14th draw, REPOLL O10 33 --- POLL to question for the purpose of surveying public opinion [v] --- REPOLL to poll again [v]
Other moves: DRUPEL 15J 30, PLIED B6 30, PROLED 15J 30, ROUPED O10 30, ROPED 15K 27

On 15th draw, OIDIUM B5 32 --- OIDIUM a type of fungus [n]
Other tops: VEGO 15A 32
Other moves: IDIOM B6 31, ODIUM B6 31, DIME 13J 27, IVIED B6 27, MIDI 13J 27
OIDIUM B5 32 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 16th draw, JETTY A1 53 --- JETTY having the color jet black [adj] --- JETTY to jut out [v]
Other moves: DEITY A1 35, DITTY A1 35, JETTY C1 35, JIG 15A 35, JILTED 6J 32
JETTY A1 53 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112, moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66

On 17th draw, ABYE J12 36 --- ABYE to pay the penalty [v]
Other moves: ABY J12 33, BEYOND C1 33, BEGO 15A 29, BOYED C1 29, BODYING 5F 28
ABYE J12 36 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 18th draw, VAGI 15A 32 --- VAGUS a cranial nerve [n]
Other moves: VIAND C2 27, D*G* 15A 26, ADO B1 25, AVOID C1 25, ODA B1 25

On 19th draw, UNDOCK D3 26 --- UNDOCK to move away from a dock [v]
Other tops: PONDOK D3 26
Other moves: CONDO C2 25, POUND C2 25, COND C3 23, POND C3 23, POUND C1 23

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