Game on January 17, 2025 at 21:12, 11 players
1. 304 pts Pacific
2. 238 pts LongJump22
3. 131 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 64 64
2. 14H 77 141
3. 15B 107 248
4. A11 51 299
5. 15L 43 342
6. J8 63 405
7. 13J 39 444
8. K5 29 473
9. L1 31 504
10. M3 39 543
11. E10 24 567
12. 8A 92 659
13. B1 74 733
14. 1A 33 766
15. 14E 50 816
16. 1J 30 846
17. B10 33 879
18. 4A 48 927
19. 5D 43 970
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.9594 Pacific 2 6:47 -666 304 1.9594 Pacific 2 6:47 -666 304
2.5901 LongJump22 2 2:01 -732 238 Group: advanced
3.7275 VVVVVV1112 1 2:02 -839 131 1.7275 VVVVVV1112 1 2:02 -839 131
4.7781 moonmonkey 0 2:36 -841 129 2.7781 moonmonkey 0 2:36 -841 129
5.7555 Mycophot 0 3:02 -841 129 3.7555 Mycophot 0 3:02 -841 129
6.7207 ArcticFox 1 2:23 -896 74 4.7207 ArcticFox 1 2:23 -896 74
7.5392 OOOOOO1112 0 2:44 -898 72 5.7538 queen66 1 0:46 -940 30
8.5674 LLLLLL1112 0 3:25 -898 72 Group: novice
9.5538 MMMMMM1112 0 0:22 -935 35 1.5901 LongJump22 2 2:01 -732 238
10.5469 NNNNNN1112 0 0:55 -935 35 2.5392 OOOOOO1112 0 2:44 -898 72
11.7538 queen66 1 0:46 -940 30 3.5674 LLLLLL1112 0 3:25 -898 72
4.5538 MMMMMM1112 0 0:22 -935 35
5.5469 NNNNNN1112 0 0:55 -935 35
On 1st draw, RETR(A)IT H7 64 --- RETRAIT a withdrawal [n]
Other tops: RETR(A)IT H2 64, RETR(A)IT H3 64, RETR(A)IT H4 64, RETR(A)IT H6 64, RITTER(S) H2 64, RITTER(S) H3 64, RITTER(S) H4 64, RITTER(S) H7 64, RITTER(S) H8 64, R(A)TTIER H2 64, R(A)TTIER H4 64, R(A)TTIER H6 64, R(A)TTIER H7 64, R(A)TTIER H8 64, R(U)TTIER H2 64, R(U)TTIER H4 64, R(U)TTIER H6 64, R(U)TTIER H7 64, R(U)TTIER H8 64, TERRIT(S) H2 64, TERRIT(S) H3 64, TERRIT(S) H4 64, TERRIT(S) H7 64, TERRIT(S) H8 64, T(A)RTIER H2 64, T(A)RTIER H4 64, T(A)RTIER H6 64, T(A)RTIER H7 64, T(A)RTIER H8 64, (C)RITTER H2 64, (C)RITTER H3 64, (C)RITTER H6 64, (C)RITTER H7 64, (C)RITTER H8 64, (F)RITTER H2 64, (F)RITTER H3 64, (F)RITTER H6 64, (F)RITTER H7 64, (F)RITTER H8 64, (G)RITTER H2 64, (G)RITTER H3 64, (G)RITTER H6 64, (G)RITTER H7 64, (G)RITTER H8 64
Other moves: RETR(A)IT H5 62, RETR(A)IT H8 62, RITTER(S) H5 62, RITTER(S) H6 62, R(A)TTIER H3 62
R(A)TTIER H4 64 LongJump22
(C)RITTER H6 64 Pacific
On 2nd draw, TENTIGO 14H 77 --- TENTIGO morbid lasciviousness [n]
Other moves: TENTIGO 14E 71, TENTIGO 14G 67, OTTERING 10D 63, TENTIGO G1 63, OTTERING 7D 61
TENTIGO 14G 67 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 3rd draw, (P)UNKIES 15B 107 --- PUNKIE a biting gnat [n]
Other tops: (H)*NK**S(H)UNKIES 15B 107, (J)UNKIES 15B 107, (S)UNKIES 15B 107
Other moves: SUNKIE(S) 15B 104, UN(L)IKES 15B 104, UN(L)IKES O8 104, h*NK**S(H)UNKIES O8 92, (J)UNKIES O8 92
(H)*NK**S 15B(H)UNKIES 15B 107 LongJump22
UN(L)IKES 15B 104 Pacific
(H)*NK**S 15B(H)UNKIES 15B 57 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 4th draw, AEROS A11 51 --- AERO air [n]
Other moves: AIRS A12 48, ARES A12 48, ARIS A12 48, EARS A12 48, ERAS A12 48
ORES A12 48 Pacific
ARIOSE O10 30 Mycophot, moonmonkey, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
On 5th draw, DOWS 15L 43 --- DOW to do well [v]
Other moves: BOWSE O11 42, DOBS 15L 39, DOWSE O11 39, OWSE O12 33, DOES 15L 31
BOWSE O11 42 moonmonkey, Mycophot, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
On 6th draw, FAINEANT J8 63 --- FAINEANT a lazy person [n]
Other moves: FANE 13L 35, FATE 13L 35, FENI 13L 35, FENT 13L 35, FETA 13L 35
FANE 13L 35 MMMMMM1112
FATE 13L 35 NNNNNN1112
On 7th draw, AIMED 13J 39 --- AIM to direct toward a specified object or goal [v]
Other moves: BEMA 13L 38, MABE 13L 38, MAIDED K7 37, AIDED 13J 36, BAM 13L 36
On 8th draw, FAVEL K5 29 --- FAVEL light brown [adj]
Other tops: AB 12L 29
Other moves: FLAVINE 12D 26, FABLE K4 25, FAVE K5 25, FLANK E11 24, ELVAN K5 23
On 9th draw, BOWIE L1 31 --- BOWIE s in bowie knife, a type of hunting knife. [adj]
Other moves: BOEP J3 29, WEB J4 29, W*PWOP J4 29, BOP J4 28, WEB L8 28
On 10th draw, ETHAL M3 39 --- ETHAL cetyl alcohol [n]
Other moves: HALBERT 1I 36, HURLBAT 1H 36, ETH M3 33, H**L*HAOLE 2J 32, FEATER 8J 30
On 11th draw, UPLOOK E10 24 --- UPLOOK to look up [v]
Other tops: BEEP 1L 24, BOEP 1L 24, OUP L7 24
Other moves: PLOOK E11 22, PLOUK E11 22, OBOLE 1K 21, OLPE 2L 21, POLE 2K 21
On 12th draw, VERNICLE 8A 92 --- VERNICLE a handkerchief bearing the image of Christ's face [n]
Other moves: VIOLER 2J 43, ENOLIC 2J 29, NEROLI 2I 25, BICE 1L 24, VIOL 2J 24
On 13th draw, RESIANCE B1 74 --- RESIANCE a residence [n]
Other tops: INCREASE B1 74
Other moves: INCREASE B4 70, NARCEINS D2 70, CINEREAS B5 68, SCENARIO 2E 68, ARCSINE I1 66
On 14th draw, BROGAN 1A 33 --- BROGAN a heavy shoe [n]
Other moves: BANDOG N6 30, DRAB 1A 30, DRAGON 1A 30, GRAB 1A 30, AB 12L 29
On 15th draw, OX 14E 50 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: XI F14 50
Other moves: AXE A3 39, PAX N1 37, AX A3 36, EX A3 36, DEX N1 35
XI F14 50 Pacific, ArcticFox
On 16th draw, UPBEAR 1J 30 --- UPBEAR to raise aloft [v]
Other moves: CAPE F8 28, CAPI F8 28, PEA F10 27, PIA F10 27, RECAP F6 27
UPBEAR 1J 30 queen66
BURP 1L 24 ArcticFox
On 17th draw, QI B10 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: EQUALI 12A 30, SQUAD 3B 30, SQUID 3B 30, EQUAL 12A 28, QADI E5 28
On 18th draw, JIHAD 4A 48 --- JIHAD a Muslim holy war [n]
Other moves: HODJA N6 41, HOYA C3 39, HADJ N6 38, JIAO 4A 38, HAJ N6 36
JIAO 4A 38 Pacific
On 19th draw, DOZY 5D 43 --- DOZY drowsy [adj]
Other moves: MY N5 40, MOZ 5D 38, GYM 2E 33, MOZ C11 33, AZO 6M 32
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