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Game on January 18, 2025 at 00:15, 5 players
1. 237 pts sunshine12
2. 213 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 102 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aadirs   H7    68    68   aramids
 2. eillort  12A    70   138   trollied
 3. ddeehis   E8    76   214   shielded
 4. degiprs   7F    68   282   spairged
 5. begnorz  15A    48   330   zoned
 6. aalnnot  13H    68   398   sonantal
 7. egijnot   O9    51   449   jinglet
 8. abeittw  14B    39   488   bewet
 9. ?elmotu   K4    90   578   outgleam
10. abfinoo   8A    36   614   naifs
11. abkmnot   J9    38   652   oka
12. abenruw   L1    38   690   brawn
13. ehiipuy  14I    37   727   hye
14. ceimors   A1    95   822   cremosin
15. aeioqrx  N10    64   886   qi
16. aceefgr   2J    38   924   farcer
17. aegoopx   O1    63   987   prex
18. giootuu   1F    23  1010   outgo
19. aiuuvvy   M1    30  1040   icy

Remaining tiles: auuvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7036 Filesunshine12  4  6:49  -803  237     1.7036 sunshine12  4  6:49  -803  237 
  2.7373 FileGLOBEMAN    3  5:11  -827  213     2.7373 GLOBEMAN    3  5:11  -827  213 
  3.7452 Fileroocatcher  1  3:43  -938  102     3.7452 roocatcher  1  3:43  -938  102 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:24 -1004   36            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:44 -1009   31     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:24 -1004   36 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:44 -1009   31 

On 1st draw, ARA(M)IDS H7 68 --- ARAMID a type of chemical compound [n]
Other tops: ARAIS(E)D H6 68, AS(C)ARID H6 68, A(B)RAIDS H7 68, A(C)ARIDS H7 68, RADIA(L)S H2 68, RADIA(N)S H2 68, S(U)DARIA H2 68
Other moves: ARAIS(E)D H2 66, ARAIS(E)D H3 66, ARAIS(E)D H4 66, ARAIS(E)D H8 66, ARA(M)IDS H2 66

On 2nd draw, TROLLIED 12A 70 --- TROLLY to travel by streetcar [v]
Other moves: TRILLOES 13A 68, TROLLIES 13A 68, TELOI G9 19, ESTRIOL 13G 18, RELIT I7 18

On 3rd draw, SHIELDED E8 76 --- SHIELD to provide with a protective cover or shelter [v]
Other moves: SHIELDED D8 66, HERDED B10 38, HERIED B10 36, HERSED B10 36, SHIRED B9 36

On 4th draw, SPAIRGED 7F 68 --- SPAIRGE to sprinkle [v]
Other moves: DISPRED 15E 33, DRIPS 8A 33, GRIPS 8A 33, SPREDD 15A 33, PRIED F6 32

On 5th draw, ZONED 15A 48 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: POZ G7 47, DOZEN 15E 45, DOZER 15E 45, ZEROS 8A 45, ZONES 8A 45

On 6th draw, SONANTAL 13H 68 --- SONANT a sound uttered with vibration of the vocal cords [adj] --- SONANTAL pertaining to a sonant [adj]
Other tops: NEONATAL L6 68
Other moves: LATEN 14B 22, NONET 14B 22, OATEN 14B 22, ANNATTO A7 21, LANA 8L 21

On 7th draw, JINGLET O9 51 --- JINGLET a clapper on a sleigh-bell [n]
Other moves: JONGS 8A 45, JETE 14B 44, JIGOT C9 42, JETON C9 40, JETE G9 39

On 8th draw, BEWET 14B 39 --- BEWET to wet [v]
Other moves: BAWTIE D4 32, WADT 13C 30, WAITE 14K 29, TAWTIE D4 28, WATE 14B 28

On 9th draw, OUTGLE(A)M K4 90 --- OUTGLEAM to surpass in gleaming [v]
Other moves: OUT(S)MELT 15H 86, OUT(S)MELT A5 77, EMUL(A)TOR B5 67, MOULTER(S) J1 63, MOGULE(D) K5 36

On 10th draw, NAIFS 8A 36 --- NAIF a naive person [n]
Other moves: FAIN J10 31, FOIN J10 31, IF F9 31, OF F9 31, FA J10 29

On 11th draw, OKA J9 38 --- OKA a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other tops: KNOB L1 38, TOMBAK 4J 38
Other moves: KAON J10 37, KOAN J10 37, RANK J7 37, KA J10 35, KO J10 35

On 12th draw, BRAWN L1 38 --- BRAWN muscular strength [n]
Other moves: BRAW L1 34, BREW L1 34, WANNER L10 34, WARB L1 34, WUNNER L10 34
BRAWN L1 38 sunshine12

On 13th draw, HYE 14I 37 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other tops: YEH M1 37
Other moves: PINEY L11 35, PYE 14I 35, HYPER J3 33, PHI 7B 30, HEAPY B6 29
YEH M1 37 sunshine12

On 14th draw, CREMOSIN A1 95 --- CREMOSIN crimson coloured [adj]
Other moves: MICROBES 1G 92, ISOMERIC C2 82, SERMONIC A3 63, COMBERS 1I 39, COMBIER 1I 39
COME 15G 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 15th draw, QI N10 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: XI N10 52, QI 7C 47, AXE 14M 40, XI 7C 39, EX M2 38
QI N10 64 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
EXO 15G 36 chunk88

On 16th draw, FARCER 2J 38 --- FARCER a performer in farces [n]
Other moves: FARCE 2J 36, FARER 2J 32, FERER 2J 32, EF F9 31, CAREER 2J 28
EF F9 31 BadBoyBen, sunshine12

On 17th draw, PREX O1 63 --- PREX a president [n]
Other moves: GREX O1 60, EXPO 1G 44, AXE 14M 40, EXO B2 37, EXO 15G 36
PREX O1 63 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, OUTGO 1F 23 --- OUTGO to go beyond [v]
Other moves: CIT M2 20, GIO 15G 18, GOO 15G 18, RIGOUT 2A 18, GIO 1H 17

On 19th draw, ICY M1 30 --- ICY covered with ice [adj]
Other tops: IVY 2D 30
Other moves: YUAN L10 28, AY 2E 26, AYE 14M 24, AYU N13 24, PAY G7 23
ICY M1 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

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