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Game on January 18, 2025 at 01:01, 5 players
1. 185 pts sunshine12
2. 49 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 25 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beeiltu   H4    20    20   belie
 2. eorrstv   8H    86   106   evertors
 3. emnostw   6B    71   177   snowmelt
 4. adeknot   5D    34   211   koa
 5. ?giiios   N2    70   281   signiori
 6. aegmnou   K5    36   317   neuroma
 7. aceegis   D2    30   347   geckoes
 8. dfhiorx   M8    67   414   oxford
 9. aehioty  J10    38   452   hyte
10. ?ehiuuz  13C   110   562   euphuize
11. ceinooy  12A    36   598   cony
12. adelnpt   A7    36   634   pandect
13. aglnorr  H10    24   658   arling
14. aaeinpr   2G    62   720   panaries
15. abilrtv   1H    31   751   bat
16. addefou  K13    28   779   dof
17. deilltw   L1    33   812   willed
18. aiijtuv   3A    28   840   jive
19. aaiqrtu  15K    54   894   faqir

Remaining tiles: aitu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7038 Filesunshine12  2  7:32  -709  185     1.7038 sunshine12  2  7:32  -709  185 
  2.7396 FileGLOBEMAN    1  3:02  -845   49     2.7396 GLOBEMAN    1  3:02  -845   49 
  3.7452 Fileroocatcher  0  1:47  -869   25     3.7452 roocatcher  0  1:47  -869   25 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:07  -876   18            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:49  -882   12     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:07  -876   18 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:49  -882   12 

On 1st draw, BELIE H4 20 --- BELIE to misrepresent [v]
Other tops: BETEL H4 20, BLITE H4 20, BLUET H4 20, BUILT H4 20, BUTLE H4 20
Other moves: BELIE H8 16, BETEL H8 16, BLITE H8 16, BLUET H8 16, BUILT H8 16

On 2nd draw, EVERTORS 8H 86 --- EVERTOR a muscle that turns a part outward [n]
Other tops: RESTROVE 8A 86
Other moves: EVERTORS 5F 72, EVERTORS 5H 72, RESTROVE 5A 72, RESTROVE 5G 72, TROVERS 9C 71

On 3rd draw, SNOWMELT 6B 71 --- SNOWMELT water produced by the melting of snow [n]
Other moves: TEMENOS 5E 36, TONEMES 5E 36, TOWMONS M7 34, MEOW 9J 30, ENWOMBS 4C 28

On 4th draw, KOA 5D 34 --- KOA a timber tree [n]
Other tops: KAE 5D 34
Other moves: DOEK 7J 32, OKA 5C 32, TEAK 7J 30, KA 5D 28, KO 5D 28

On 5th draw, SIG(N)IORI N2 70 --- SIGNIOR an Italian title of courtesy for a man [n] --- SIGNOR an Italian title of courtesy for a man [n]
Other moves: SIG(N)IORI K2 66, GI(R)OS J2 27, GO(R)IS J2 27, GOBII(D)S 4F 24, GIOS J3 23

On 6th draw, NEUROMA K5 36 --- NEUROMA a type of tumor [n]
Other moves: MIAOU 7G 29, GAUM M3 28, GNOMAE M6 26, GNOME M6 25, MEGA M1 25

On 7th draw, GECKOES D2 30 --- GECKO a small lizard [n]
Other tops: CAESE 12H 30, CEASE 12H 30
Other moves: GECKOS D2 26, SAICE 12K 26, GECKO D2 24, SCAG 12K 24, SIEGE 12K 24

On 8th draw, OXFORD M8 67 --- OXFORD a type of shoe [n]
Other moves: HOX M7 51, FIX M1 46, FOX M1 46, HOX M1 46, REFIX 3C 46

On 9th draw, HYTE J10 38 --- HYTE insane [adj]
Other moves: HYE J10 37, ETHE J8 34, HAY J10 34, HEY J10 34, HAET J10 32

On 10th draw, EU(P)HUIZE 13C 110 --- EUPHUIZE to write in an affected literary style [v]
Other moves: ZH(O) O1 48, ZH(O)S 8A 45, (F)RIZ 12L 44, (P)REZ 12L 44, (T)REZ 12L 44

On 11th draw, CONY 12A 36 --- CONY a rabbit [n]
Other moves: YOGIC 2B 34, YONI O1 32, CONEY L1 31, COOEY L1 31, YINCE L1 30

On 12th draw, PANDECT A7 36 --- PANDECT a complete body of laws [n]
Other moves: ALPINE H10 33, PIED H12 30, PLEIAD H10 30, PANTED L1 29, PENTAD L1 29
CLAP A12 24 sunshine12

On 13th draw, ARLING H10 24 --- ARLE to give money [v]
Other tops: LORING H10 24, OARING H10 24, RARING H10 24
Other moves: GAOL M3 22, GARRON L1 22, RAZOR I11 22, ALIGN H11 21, GILA H12 21
LORING H10 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 14th draw, PANARIES 2G 62 --- PANARY a bread store [n]
Other moves: NAGAPIE 2B 32, AIRGAP 2A 30, ANNA 14F 26, ARNA 14F 26, PANIER L1 26
NAPA M1 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 15th draw, BAT 1H 31 --- BAT to hit a ball with a bat (cricket,baseball) [v]
Other tops: BAL 1H 31, BIT 1H 31
Other moves: REBAIT M1 30, BIVIA L1 28, LAB 1H 27, LIB 1H 27, TAB 1H 27
BAT 1H 31 sunshine12
REB M1 18 chunk88
BA H1 12 BadBoyBen

On 16th draw, DOF K13 28 --- DOF stupid (South African slang) [adj]
Other tops: DEF K13 28
Other moves: DAD K13 26, DOD K13 26, DUD K13 26, FEOD N11 26, AUF C1 25
FID 3M 24 sunshine12

On 17th draw, WILLED L1 33 --- WILL to decide upon [v]
Other tops: WILTED L1 33
Other moves: FELID 15K 30, FETID 15K 30, FIELD 15K 30, FILED 15K 30, FLIED 15K 30
FIELD 15K 30 sunshine12

On 18th draw, JIVE 3A 28 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other tops: JUVE 3A 28
Other moves: JUT C1 27, JUBA 4F 25, JAB 4F 24, JIB 4F 24, JUGA 2B 24
JUT C1 27 sunshine12

On 19th draw, FAQIR 15K 54 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: RAJA A1 36, AQUA 10E 33, QUA 10F 32, QUIRTS B1 30, RAJ A1 30

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