Game on January 18, 2025 at 01:47, 5 players
1. 139 pts sunshine12
2. 36 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 26 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 66 66
2. G7 24 90
3. 14B 88 178
4. C9 66 244
5. 12A 44 288
6. F6 23 311
7. I1 70 381
8. 2I 58 439
9. 13G 98 537
10. 4B 72 609
11. A1 42 651
12. 1K 43 694
13. 3A 42 736
14. 1E 33 769
15. N9 36 805
16. 15L 41 846
17. 5C 28 874
18. L8 30 904
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7051 sunshine12 1 2:10 -765 139 1.7051 sunshine12 1 2:10 -765 139
2.7396 GLOBEMAN 0 1:59 -868 36 2.7396 GLOBEMAN 0 1:59 -868 36
3.7483 roocatcher 0 0:49 -878 26 3.7483 roocatcher 0 0:49 -878 26
4. - chunk88 0 1:22 -878 26 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:54 -878 26 1. - chunk88 0 1:22 -878 26
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:54 -878 26
On 1st draw, ENTASIA H7 66 --- ENTASIA a spasmodic contraction of a muscle [n]
Other moves: ENTASIA H5 64, TAENIAS H5 64, ANSATE H3 14, ANSATE H4 14, ANSATE H7 14
On 2nd draw, POET G7 24 --- POET one who writes poems [n]
Other moves: PERGOLA 13B 22, GOLPE G4 20, GROPE G4 20, OLPE G11 20, PROLEGS 11B 20
On 3rd draw, RENVOYS 14B 88 --- RENVOY the sending back of an alien by a government [n]
Other moves: RENVOYS F3 85, RENVOYS F9 81, RENVOYS I1 71, AVOYERS 13H 34, ENVOYS F4 34
On 4th draw, Q(U)INZE C9 66 --- QUINZE a card game [n]
Other moves: ZONA(T)ION 8A 51, AZION(E) 13H 48, AZONA(L) 13H 48, AZONI(C) 13H 48, AZY(M) G12 48
Z(E)A 15A 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 5th draw, JUNCO 12A 44 --- JUNCO a small finch [n]
Other moves: JOE F6 34, ADJURE 13H 32, JUICED 11A 32, JO F6 30, JUCO F9 30
J(U)D 10B 26 roocatcher, chunk88, BadBoyBen
On 6th draw, BAIT F6 23 --- BAIT to set a trap [v]
Other tops: BAIL F6 23
Other moves: ABID I9 22, BALATA 13G 22, BAD 13G 21, BAD F6 21, BALD 13G 21
BALTI 13G 21 sunshine12
On 7th draw, WALDOES I1 70 --- WALDOES
Other moves: LASSOED 11E 43, LES 15A 35, OES 15A 35, SO 15C 30, WEALDS I3 29
Q(U)INZES C9 24 sunshine12
On 8th draw, AXONAL 2I 58 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [adj] --- AXONAL relating to an axon [adj]
Other tops: EXO J1 58
Other moves: EX J1 55, OX J1 55, EX J5 52, OX J5 52, HOAX J2 49
EXO J1 58 sunshine12
On 9th draw, FANFARE(S) 13G 98 --- FANFARE a short, lively musical flourish [n] --- FANFARE to herald with loud acclaim [v]
Other tops: FANFARE(D) 13G 98
Other moves: FANF(A)RED 4B 80, F(A)NFARED 4B 80, FANFARE(D) M1 78, FANFARE(S) M1 78, FIREFAN(G) 12G 76
On 10th draw, RADIATED 4B 72 --- RADIATE to emit rays [v]
Other tops: RADIATED 4G 72
Other moves: DATARIE(S) N6 64, AIRDATE(S) N6 62, ERADIATE M6 62, RADIATE(S) N6 62, LARIATED N2 61
On 11th draw, GIBERS A1 42 --- GIBER one that gibes [n]
Other moves: BES 15A 41, GIBER 1K 39, GIBER A1 39, GIBES 1K 39, GIBES A1 39
On 12th draw, WIDER 1K 43 --- WIDE having great extent from side to side [adj]
Other moves: WILED 1K 42, LWEI 1H 32, DEW 3K 29, CLAWED C2 28, WED 5C 28
On 13th draw, BODILY 3A 42 --- BODILY of the body [adj]
Other moves: YOLD 3C 34, BOYO 3A 33, DOTY 3C 32, TIDY 3C 31, TODY 3C 31
On 14th draw, THEOW 1E 33 --- THEOW a slave [n]
Other moves: HOU(S)EL N10 32, HOTEL 12K 30, HOU(S)E N10 30, LETHE 14K 30, THEW 1F 30
On 15th draw, CHOU(S)E N9 36 --- CHOUSE to swindle [v]
Other moves: CHO(S)EN N10 32, CHO(S)E N10 30, CHU(S)E N10 30, CUI(S)H N10 30, HOI(S)E N10 30
On 16th draw, MARG 15L 41 --- MARG margarine [n]
Other tops: MAUGRE 15J 41
Other moves: GERM 15L 38, MARE 15L 38, MART 15L 38, MATURE 15J 38, MURA 15L 38
On 17th draw, NEP 5C 28 --- NEP catmint [n]
Other moves: PEN 5C 26, PET 5C 26, PLIE 3H 25, PLUE 3H 25, LIEN 3I 22
On 18th draw, MILKER L8 30 --- MILKER one that milks [n]
Other moves: VIM D8 26, ELK 3M 25, KI 11E 24, KULFI J10 24, MOKE 5H 24
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