Game on January 18, 2025 at 02:31, 5 players
1. 371 pts sunshine12
2. 39 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 36 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


8A 92 122 


11E 106 228 


E1 80 308 


1D 45 353 


2I 85 438 


L5 70 508 


B7 92 600 


2B 83 683 


4C 78 761 


N2 65 826 


O8 71 897 


A12 30 927 


10H 33 960 


9G 32 992 


1A 29 1021 


O1 25 1046 


M4 26 1072 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sunshine12 2 9:41 -701 371 1.7051 sunshine12 2 9:41 -701 371
GLOBEMAN 0 1:29 -1033 39 2.7383 GLOBEMAN 0 1:29 -1033 39
roocatcher 0 1:58 -1036 36 3.7483 roocatcher 0 1:58 -1036 36
4. -
BadBoyBen 0 1:05 -1047 25 Group: not rated
5. -
chunk88 0 0:20 -1049 23 1. - BadBoyBen 0 1:05 -1047 25
2. - chunk88 0 0:20 -1049 23
On 1st draw, REPAYS H8 30 --- REPAY to pay back [v]
Other tops: NAPERY H7 30, PYRANS H3 30, SPEARY H7 30
Other moves: APERY H8 28, PANSY H8 28, PAYERS H4 28, PYRANS H4 28, RASPY H8 28
On 2nd draw, CROAKI(E)R 8A 92 --- CROAKY low and hoarse [adj]
Other moves: CROAKI(L)Y 12A 88, AIR(L)OCKS 13A 86, APRICO(C)K 10G 77, APRI(C)OCK 10G 77, CROAKIE(R) 9B 65
On 3rd draw, UNWASHEN 11E 106 --- UNWASHEN not washed [adj]
Other moves: UNWASHEN D5 78, HEWN 9A 34, HEWS 9A 34, HEW 9A 31, HEW I9 31
On 4th draw, HAND(B)OOK E1 80 --- HANDBOOK a manual [n]
Other moves: (M)ANHOODS 13A 76, HONO(R)AND L5 74, HONORA(N)D B4 63, HO(N)ORAND B4 63, DOS(E)H I9 36
HON(E)D 12K 29 sunshine12
On 5th draw, SHAMOY 1D 45 --- SHAMOY to wash with a chamois (cloth) [v]
Other moves: EMYS 9B 42, HOMEYS 1E 42, EYAS 9B 40, HOMEY 1E 39, MAYOS 12J 39
HOMEY 1E 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HOMY 1E 36 roocatcher
On 6th draw, OBELISE 2I 85 --- OBELISE to mark with an obelus [v]
Other moves: EROSIBLE B7 74, OBELISE 2G 74, OBELISES 13C 74, OBELISES 13A 72, BES 9C 33
*B*S 2EABOS 2E 28 sunshine12
*B* 2EABO 2E 25 BadBoyBen
*B* F1ABO F1 23 chunk88
On 7th draw, TROULING L5 70 --- TROULE to trundle [v]
Other moves: GUITAR 2A 24, REGILT O1 24, REGULI O1 24, REGULO O1 24, GIO 1M 23
GOT 1M 23 sunshine12
On 8th draw, BRAWNIER B7 92 --- BRAWNY muscular strength [adj]
Other moves: BRAWNIER B1 80, WEBINARS 13A 78, NEWBIE O1 42, WEBINAR O1 39, RAINBOW C3 38
On 9th draw, RETAX 2B 83 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: TAXER 1K 61, TAXA 2D 58, AXE 2E 55, AXE F1 53, TAX 2D 53
AXE 2E 55 sunshine12
On 10th draw, LADIFIED 4C 78 --- LADIFY to make a lady of [v]
Other moves: FILIATED 5G 74, SALIFIED N2 70, FELID 1K 51, ALEF 1L 46, ALIF 1L 46
DEAF A12 39 sunshine12
On 11th draw, SPANDREL N2 65 --- SPANDREL a space between two adjoining arches [n]
Other moves: NAPED 1K 47, PALED 1K 47, RAPED 1K 47, APED 1L 42, APED A1 42
PEAR A12 38 sunshine12
On 12th draw, MAZED O8 71 --- MAZE to bewilder [v]
Other moves: MAZE O8 59, DAZE O8 53, NAZE O8 47, ZINE 12A 46, ZITE 12A 46
MAZED O8 71 sunshine12
On 13th draw, GEAT A12 30 --- GEAT the hole for pouring into a mould [n]
Other tops: GOAT A12 30
Other moves: GEAT O1 25, VIGA 12A 24, TAV A13 22, TEAT A12 22, TEAT O1 22
GOAT A12 30 sunshine12
On 14th draw, PECTIN 10H 33 --- PECTIN a carbohydrate derivative [n]
Other moves: PEC 10H 28, PIC 10H 28, COIN 10J 27, COIT 10J 27, ONCE C12 27
CEE O1 19 sunshine12
On 15th draw, FETE 9G 32 --- FETE to honor with a celebration [v]
Other moves: FEET O1 31, FIVE N11 28, FET 9G 23, TEF 9G 23, FEE O1 22
On 16th draw, JO 1A 29 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JOR 6J 26, JOG 7D 23, JIAO D6 22, JO M4 21, JAG D7 20
On 17th draw, GEIT O1 25 --- GEIT a child [n]
Other moves: TOUTING 5I 21, OUTING 5J 17, GEO O1 16, GIGOT 12A 16, GIO M1 16
On 18th draw, QI M4 26 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VIRID 6J 17, DIVI J4 16, DIV J4 15, VIVO 7I 14, VOR 6J 14
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