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Game on January 18, 2025 at 10:05, 8 players
1. 257 pts Chelsea
2. 168 pts LongJump22
3. 102 pts VVVVVV1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. degnory   H4    28    28   yonder
 2. ?eimnru   8A    80   108   meuniere
 3. ceinrss   5D    90   198   necrosis
 4. aacennt   B1    74   272   catenane
 5. aeeilpw   1B    36   308   calipee
 6. aeimtuv   4A    28   336   meve
 7. aehostu   2H    88   424   atheous
 8. ?fgiior   1K    40   464   fogie
 9. aiootty   3M    27   491   yo
10. defilow   O3    51   542   wolfed
11. adeiivx   J4    29   571   dixie
12. egirsuw  10F    29   600   wiser
13. aenoruz  F10    37   637   warez
14. agilnor   N7    67   704   rangoli
15. abdglot  O11    29   733   dotal
16. aghjkou  E11    38   771   ja
17. abgiptu  13C    34   805   upbeat
18. bhikott  M13    34   839   khi
19. bgiotuv   M6    23   862   bitou

Remaining tiles: gqtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7253 FileChelsea     3  8:06  -605  257     1.7253 Chelsea     3  8:06  -605  257 
  2.5773 FileLongJump22  2  2:37  -694  168     2.7275 VVVVVV1112  1  3:22  -760  102 
  3.7275 FileVVVVVV1112  1  3:22  -760  102     3.7753 moonmonkey  1  1:24  -800   62 
  4.7753 Filemoonmonkey  1  1:24  -800   62            Group: novice
  5.5526 FileMMMMMM1112  0  0:55  -827   35     1.5773 LongJump22  2  2:37  -694  168 
  6.5469 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:19  -827   35     2.5526 MMMMMM1112  0  0:55  -827   35 
  7.5392 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:38  -837   25     3.5469 NNNNNN1112  0  1:19  -827   35 
  8.5674 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:58  -849   13     4.5392 OOOOOO1112  0  1:38  -837   25 
                                             5.5674 LLLLLL1112  0  1:58  -849   13 

On 1st draw, YONDER H4 28 --- YONDER over there [adv] --- YONDER the distance [n]
Other tops: DOGEY H8 28, GRODY H8 28
Other moves: DRONY H8 26, NERDY H8 26, DOGEY H4 24, ERYNGO H8 24, GRODY H4 24

On 2nd draw, MEUNI(E)RE 8A 80 --- MEUNIERE cooked in browned butter [adj]
Other tops: MERIN(G)UE 8A 80, M(E)UNIERE 8A 80, RE(L)UMINE 8A 80, (L)EMURINE 8A 80
Other moves: MUREIN(S) 10B 76, MURINE(S) 10B 76, ERYN(G)IUM 4F 74, EMURIN(G) G7 71, NEURI(S)M 10C 70

On 3rd draw, NECROSIS 5D 90 --- NECROSIS the death of living tissue [n]
Other tops: SERICINS E5 90
Other moves: CERESINS B7 74, SCRIENES B2 74, SCRINES 10B 74, SCRINES 10H 74, SERICINS E3 70

On 4th draw, CATENANE B1 74 --- CATENANE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ANTIACNE J2 64, CATENANE B5 64, CANE 4A 22, CATE 4A 22, CATENA D1 22

On 5th draw, CALIPEE 1B 36 --- CALIPEE the edible part of a turtle [n]
Other moves: PEWEE 4A 32, PAW A2 27, PEW A2 27, WAP A4 27, AWEE A3 26

On 6th draw, MEVE 4A 28 --- MEVE to move [v]
Other moves: MAUVE 4J 26, MAVIE 4J 26, UNMET 7A 25, VARIER G3 25, MAUVE 2G 24

On 7th draw, ATHEOUS 2H 88 --- ATHEOUS godless [adj]
Other moves: ATHEOUS 2F 77, ATHEOUS 10B 75, T(E)AHOUSE F7 70, ATHEOUS 2G 66, RATHOUSE G8 66
HENTS 6F 41 Chelsea

On 8th draw, FOGI(E) 1K 40 --- FOGIE a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other tops: FIGO(S) 1K 40
Other moves: ORIGI(N) 1J 36, GO(A)F 1L 35, GO(O)F 1L 35, G(O)OF 1L 35, FIORI(N) 6J 33
GO(O)F 1L 35 Chelsea

On 9th draw, YO 3M 27 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other moves: ANY 7A 23, ONY 7A 23, TOY 3M 23, AYU C6 21, TOADY 7E 20
TOY 4J 16 Chelsea

On 10th draw, WOLFED O3 51 --- WOLF to devour voraciously [v]
Other moves: FOWLED 6J 38, FIELD 6J 36, FILED 6J 36, FOILED 6J 35, FOLIE 6J 33
FOWLED 6J 38 Chelsea

On 11th draw, DIXIE J4 29 --- DIXIE a camp-kettle [n]
Other moves: DIXI J4 28, DEX 4J 27, IXIA J5 27, DIXIE E7 26, NIXED D8 26
DIXIE J4 29 Chelsea

On 12th draw, WISER 10F 29 --- WISE having wisdom [adj]
Other moves: DEWS 4J 26, WISE 10F 26, ERGS 9G 25, SEW 10H 25, WIS 10F 25
WISER 10F 29 Chelsea

On 13th draw, WAREZ F10 37 --- WAREZ illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes de-activated [n]
Other moves: ZONURE 11A 35, AZON 11D 33, AZURE 11B 33, ZONAE 11B 33, NAZE 11C 31
ZONURE 11A 35 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, VVVVVV1112
ZONE 11C 31 Chelsea

On 14th draw, RANGOLI N7 67 --- RANGOLI Hindu decoration [n]
Other moves: REGIONAL 13E 62, GERANIOL 13E 61, ORANG N6 24, ONAGRI N6 23, ORIGAN N6 23
RANGOLI N7 67 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
ZAG 14F 13 LLLLLL1112

On 15th draw, DOTAL O11 29 --- DOTAL pertaining to a dowry [adj]
Other moves: BAD E11 25, BOD E11 25, DAB M11 25, GAB M11 25, BAD M11 24
DAB M11 25 OOOOOO1112

On 16th draw, JA E11 38 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: HAJ M13 38, JO E11 38, KHOJA 11B 38
Other moves: HAJ G13 37, PAJOCK F1 33, HADJI 7F 32, HAG G13 31, HOG G13 31
JA E11 38 LongJump22, Chelsea

On 17th draw, UPBEAT 13C 34 --- UPBEAT an unaccented beat in a musical measure [n]
Other moves: TUBAGE 13A 29, BAPU D12 28, GAUP D12 28, PUBE 13C 28, BAGIE 13B 26
BAPU D12 28 LongJump22, moonmonkey

On 18th draw, KHI M13 34 --- KHI a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: KOB M13 32, KHI 14B 29, BOK M13 28, HOB M13 28, KIT M13 28
KHI M13 34 moonmonkey

On 19th draw, BITOU M6 23 --- BITOU as in bitou bush, a sprawling woody South African shrub. [adj]
Other tops: BOUT M8 23
Other moves: GOUT M8 21, GUAR 12C 21, UNGOT 7A 21, ISO I4 20, OBI M7 20

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