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Game on January 18, 2025 at 13:09, 11 players
1. 189 pts Pacific
2. 174 pts LongJump22
3. 144 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceotuv   H8    30    30   octave
 2. ddeiouv  13C    30    60   videoed
 3. eeinnrt  14I    71   131   interne
 4. abekpuy  15G    49   180   upbye
 5. acknnor  O11    42   222   acker
 6. aablnrs   O7    45   267   ransacker
 7. ?eghilz   M9    54   321   zither
 8. abddelu   N2    85   406   blauded
 9. alnoort   G2    61   467   ortolan
10. aglpstu   1D    40   507   gaups
11. aeghjly   O1    57   564   yeah
12. ?aegoow   M1    28   592   woad
13. eemnqst  11E    36   628   entames
14. iimoqru  10B    39   667   quim
15. aiinrtw  10H    31   698   taw
16. egiorrs   I2    63   761   gorsier
17. ffgilot   L3    39   800   goff
18. eiinotx  14D    56   856   tix
19. eiilnot   9C    32   888   noetic

Remaining tiles: iijll

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9571 FilePacific     3  3:54  -699  189     1.9571 Pacific     3  3:54  -699  189 
  2.5773 FileLongJump22  2  3:45  -714  174            Group: advanced
  3.7207 FileArcticFox   1  6:04  -744  144     1.7207 ArcticFox   1  6:04  -744  144 
  4.7604 Filemoonmonkey  2  5:07  -768  120     2.7604 moonmonkey  2  5:07  -768  120 
  5.7275 FileVVVVVV1112  1  1:02  -803   85     3.7275 VVVVVV1112  1  1:02  -803   85 
  6.5526 FileMMMMMM1112  1  0:59  -831   57     4.7537 Mycophot    1  0:38  -852   36 
  7.5469 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:19  -831   57     5.7538 queen66     1  1:03  -852   36 
  8.5392 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:37  -831   57            Group: novice
  9.7537 FileMycophot    1  0:38  -852   36     1.5773 LongJump22  2  3:45  -714  174 
 10.7538 Filequeen66     1  1:03  -852   36     2.5526 MMMMMM1112  1  0:59  -831   57 
 11.5674 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:16  -860   28     3.5469 NNNNNN1112  1  1:19  -831   57 
                                             4.5392 OOOOOO1112  1  1:37  -831   57 
                                             5.5674 LLLLLL1112  1  1:16  -860   28 

On 1st draw, OCTAVE H8 30 --- OCTAVE a type of musical interval [n]
Other tops: AVOCET H3 30
Other moves: OCTAVE H3 28, COVET H4 26, AVOCET H4 24, AVOCET H7 24, AVOCET H8 24

On 2nd draw, VIDEOED 13C 30 --- VIDEO to make a video recording [v]
Other moves: AVOIDED 11H 24, VOIDED 12H 22, VOIDEE 13C 22, VOTED 10F 21, VADED 11G 20

On 3rd draw, INTERNE 14I 71 --- INTERNE a recent medical school graduate on a hospital staff [n]

On 4th draw, UPBYE 15G 49 --- UPBYE a little farther on [adv]
Other moves: KYPE 15G 47, KEEP O12 45, UPBY 15G 44, BYKE 15F 43, KYPE 15F 43

On 5th draw, ACKER O11 42 --- ACKER (Australian slang) an academic [n]
Other tops: OCKER O11 42
Other moves: CANKER O10 39, CONKER O10 39, KRONEN O10 33, KOA 12D 31, KON 12D 31
OCKER O11 42 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, RANSACKER O7 45 --- RANSACKER [n]
Other moves: ALBS 10L 24, ARBS 10L 24, BRANSLE L8 24, LABS 10L 24, NABLAS 10J 24

On 7th draw, ZI(T)HER M9 54 --- ZITHER a stringed instrument [n]
Other moves: HI(Z)Z D12 50, ZI(N)GER M9 50, GLI(T)Z D11 48, GI(Z)Z D12 46, GH(A)ZEL N3 42
HI(Z)Z D12 50 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, BLAUDED N2 85 --- BLAUD to strike [v]
Other moves: BUDDLEIA D7 76, BELAUDED F7 68, BLAUDED G2 66, BLAUDED I2 66, ADDABLE 11E 44
BLAUDED N2 85 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
BLAUDED N2 35 moonmonkey

On 9th draw, ORTOLAN G2 61 --- ORTOLAN a European bird [n]
Other tops: ORTOLAN I2 61
Other moves: LOAN O1 24, LOON O1 24, LOOR O1 24, LOOT O1 24, ROAN O1 24
ORTOLAN I2 61 LongJump22
LOON O1 24 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, GAUPS 1D 40 --- GAUP to stare stupidly [v]
Other tops: GULPS 1D 40
Other moves: TULPAS 1D 37, PLUGS 1G 34, STUPA 1D 34, TULPA 1D 34, GAPS 1E 31
PAUL F2 28 LongJump22
PAST F2 28 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, YEAH O1 57 --- YEAH an affirmative reply [n] --- YEAH yes [adv]
Other moves: GYAL O1 39, HAY 12D 36, HEY 12D 36, HAJ F5 33, HEAL O1 33
YEAH O1 57 MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, Pacific, OOOOOO1112, moonmonkey

On 12th draw, WOA(D) M1 28 --- WOAD a blue dye [n]
Other moves: AWE L12 27, EWE L12 27, OWE L12 27, GEA(R)E L10 25, GEO(D)E L10 25
WOA(D) M1 28 LLLLLL1112, moonmonkey

On 13th draw, ENTAMES 11E 36 --- ENTAME to tame [v]
Other moves: MESNE L10 31, EMOTES 2E 30, EMOTE 2E 27, MOTEN 2F 27, MOTES 2F 27
ENTAMES 11E 36 Mycophot, queen66

On 14th draw, QUIM 10B 39 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: QUIM 2B 37, MOI L3 28, MOR L3 28, MOU L3 28, QUIRT 4C 28
QUIM 10B 39 Pacific

On 15th draw, TAW 10H 31 --- TAW to convert into white leather by the application of minerals [v]
Other moves: AWE L12 27, WARTIME E5 24, INWIT 2A 21, RAWIN 2A 21, RICIN 9F 21

On 16th draw, GORSIER I2 63 --- GORSY abounding in gorse [adj]
Other moves: SCROG 9G 34, GORIER L3 33, ERICS 9E 32, GOORIES 5E 32, GOOSIER 5E 32

On 17th draw, GOFF L3 39 --- GOFF to play golf (a ball game) [v]
Other moves: IFF J5 37, OFF J5 37, TOFF L3 36, FILFOTS K5 33, GOLF L3 33
OFF J5 37 Pacific

On 18th draw, TIX 14D 56 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other tops: NIX 14D 56, NOX 14D 56, TEX 14D 56
Other moves: EX 14E 53, OX 14E 53, XENIC 9D 41, XENOTIME E4 34, NOETIC 9C 32
NOX 14D 56 Pacific

On 19th draw, NOETIC 9C 32 --- NOETIC pertaining to reason [adj]
Other moves: TELIC 9D 27, ETIC 9E 24, NOR 15M 23, OINT K5 23, EON K5 21

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