Game on January 18, 2025 at 14:44, 11 players
1. 314 pts Chelsea
2. 237 pts LongJump22
3. 154 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 78 78
2. 14G 76 154
3. 11E 40 194
4. G13 43 237
5. M7 80 317
6. 15A 48 365
7. 8L 36 401
8. B10 36 437
9. J4 62 499
10. A6 27 526
11. 4H 44 570
12. B1 81 651
13. 1A 48 699
14. 5I 34 733
15. F4 67 800
16. 2D 43 843
17. 1G 59 902
18. C6 28 930
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7224 Chelsea 2 9:14 -616 314 1.7224 Chelsea 2 9:14 -616 314
2.5773 LongJump22 4 3:48 -693 237 2.7275 VVVVVV1112 2 2:17 -776 154
3.7275 VVVVVV1112 2 2:17 -776 154 3.7537 Mycophot 2 3:45 -854 76
4.7537 Mycophot 2 3:45 -854 76 4.7604 moonmonkey 1 0:35 -882 48
5.5392 OOOOOO1112 1 2:13 -866 64 5.7538 queen66 1 1:08 -882 48
6.5674 LLLLLL1112 1 3:11 -866 64 Group: novice
7.7604 moonmonkey 1 0:35 -882 48 1.5773 LongJump22 4 3:48 -693 237
8.7538 queen66 1 1:08 -882 48 2.5392 OOOOOO1112 1 2:13 -866 64
9. - QQQQQQ1144 1 1:45 -887 43 3.5674 LLLLLL1112 1 3:11 -866 64
10.5469 NNNNNN1112 1 1:24 -894 36 4.5469 NNNNNN1112 1 1:24 -894 36
11.5526 MMMMMM1112 1 1:34 -894 36 5.5526 MMMMMM1112 1 1:34 -894 36
Group: not rated
1. - QQQQQQ1144 1 1:45 -887 43
On 1st draw, URAEMIC H8 78 --- URAEMIA an abnormal condition of the blood [adj] --- URAEMIC pertaining to uraemia [adj]
Other tops: URAEMIC H6 78
Other moves: URAEMIC H2 74, URAEMIC H3 74, URAEMIC H4 74, URAEMIC H7 74, URAEMIC H5 72
URAEMIC H6 78 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 2nd draw, ACTIONED 14G 76 --- ACTION to carry out [v]
Other tops: CATENOID 14H 76
Other moves: TAENIOID 13B 74, DOMINATE 12F 72, IDEATION 13C 72, IDEATION 13H 72, NEMATOID 12F 72
CATENOID 14H 76 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 3rd draw, ASSEVER 11E 40 --- ASSEVER to solemnly declare [v]
Other moves: SNARES 15J 33, ENSEARS 11E 28, NARES 15K 28, RASES 15K 28, SANER 15K 28
ASSEVER 11E 40 LongJump22, Mycophot
On 4th draw, QAT G13 43 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: NOTAL 15K 28, OATEN 15K 28, QAT 12D 28, QAT 12C 26, AEON 15L 23
QAT G13 43 LongJump22, QQQQQQ1144
On 5th draw, HAI(R)LINE M7 80 --- HAIRLINE a very thin line [n]
Other moves: HAI(R)LINE J4 64, NIL(G)HAIS F4 64, (P)LAINISH F5 64, HAILIN(G) G2 62, HAILIN(G) I2 62
On 6th draw, STEWPOT 15A 48 --- STEWPOT a pot for cooking stew [n]
Other moves: FAWS 8L 42, SWAPT 8K 42, WAFT 8L 42, WAPS 8L 39, WASP 8L 39
On 7th draw, YAUD 8L 36 --- YAUD an old horse [n]
Other tops: YALD 8L 36
Other moves: GLADY 8K 33, DAYGLO N2 31, DAYGLO 12A 30, GAUDY 12A 29, GLADY 12A 29
YALD 8L 36 OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, Mycophot
YOU(R) 10J 29 Chelsea
On 8th draw, BRIGHT B10 36 --- BRIGHT a light-hued tobacco [n] --- BRIGHT emitting much light [adj]
Other moves: HERIOT B10 34, BROGH 12A 33, HING L12 32, HONG L12 32, BEGIRT B10 30
HING L12 32 Chelsea
On 9th draw, NONELITE J4 62 --- NONELITE not belonging to an elite group [adj]
Other moves: INDOLENT O6 60, LINNEY L3 23, LINEY L4 21, TONEY L4 21, LENTO A6 19
On 10th draw, GENTOO A6 27 --- GENTOO a Falkland Island penguin [n]
Other moves: GENTOO A5 25, GOONEY L3 25, GENOA A7 24, TOGAE A7 24, GOOEY L4 23
AGONE K2 20 Chelsea
On 11th draw, JANNIES 4H 44 --- JANNY (colloquial) a janitor [n]
Other moves: FINJANS 4H 42, FINJAN 4H 40, JANES 4H 40, JANNS 4H 40, JINNE 4H 40
JANES 4H 40 Chelsea
On 12th draw, REGR(O)OM B1 81 --- GROOM to clean and care for [v] --- REGROOM to groom again [v]
Other moves: REGRO(O)M B1 74, ERGO(G)RAM E5 70, ER(G)OGRAM E5 70, REGRO(O)MS F4 70, REGR(O)OMS F4 70
On 13th draw, BRAKE 1A 48 --- BRAKE to slow down or stop [v]
Other tops: BRACK 1A 48, BRICK 1A 48, CRAKE 1A 48
Other moves: BRAK 1A 45, BRIK 1A 45, ERICK 1A 42, BANK L12 40, BINK L12 40
BRICK 1A 48 Chelsea, moonmonkey
BRACK 1A 48 queen66
On 14th draw, WOOF 5I 34 --- WOOF to utter a gruff barking sound [v]
Other moves: FRIVOL 4A 32, FROWIE 4A 32, FEW 3M 30, WOF 3M 30, FROW 4A 28
WOF 3M 30 Chelsea
On 15th draw, PREDICTS F4 67 --- PREDICT to tell of or about in advance [v]
Other moves: RECTI C9 34, PACTIONED 14F 30, PO F14 30, DEPICT F1 28, PEND L12 28
PEND L12 28 Chelsea
On 16th draw, ADZE 2D 43 --- ADZE a cutting tool [n] --- ADZE to dress timber with an adze [v]
Other moves: ADZ 2D 42, FEZ 3M 42, FAZE M1 32, SAZ N4 32, SEZ N4 32
ZILA 12L 28 Chelsea
On 17th draw, FLAXY 1G 59 --- FLAXY flaxen [adj]
Other moves: FAIX 1G 47, FALX 1G 47, FLAX 1G 47, FLEX 1G 47, FLIX 1G 47
FLAXY 1G 59 Chelsea
On 18th draw, VOILA C6 28 --- VOILA used to call attention to something [interj]
Other tops: VOILE C6 28, VOLAE C6 28
Other moves: EUOI 2I 24, LIEU 2I 24, OVULE C5 24, UVEAL C5 24, AUE 2I 23
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