Game on January 18, 2025 at 23:52, 5 players
1. 94 pts sunshine12
2. 93 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 55 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


G3 36 58 


I4 26 84 


3I 32 116 


N1 38 154 


J7 79 233 


13G 84 317 


F4 29 346 


O5 43 389 


H12 42 431 


M5 75 506 


1L 63 569 


L11 42 611 


2J 28 639 


5E 44 683 


15K 39 722 


1F 27 749 


2B 22 771 


12D 39 810 


B2 72 882 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sunshine12 1 3:27 -788 94 1.7028 sunshine12 1 3:27 -788 94
GLOBEMAN 1 5:26 -789 93 2.7544 GLOBEMAN 1 5:26 -789 93
roocatcher 0 3:07 -827 55 3.7562 roocatcher 0 3:07 -827 55
4. -
chunk88 0 1:45 -862 20 Group: not rated
5. -
BadBoyBen 0 0:15 -868 14 1. - chunk88 0 1:45 -862 20
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:15 -868 14
On 1st draw, BONIST H4 22 --- BONIST one who avows bonism [n]
Other tops: BIONTS H4 22
Other moves: BINTS H4 20, BIONT H4 20, BISON H4 20, BITOS H4 20, BLINS H4 20
On 2nd draw, (B)OBAK G3 36 --- BOBAK a type of marmot [n]
Other tops: BO(B)AK G3 36
Other moves: BOKO(S) G5 35, BOKO G5 34, O(T)AKU G4 33, BAK(E) G5 32, BOK(E) G5 32
On 3rd draw, ANES I4 26 --- ANE one [n]
Other tops: AINS I4 26, ANIS I4 26, EANS I4 26, SAIN I4 26, SIEN I4 26
Other moves: NISI I5 23, INIA I6 22, AIN I5 20, AIS I5 20, INS I5 20
On 4th draw, CANTLE 3I 32 --- CANTLE the rear part of a saddle [n] --- CANTLE to divide [v]
Other tops: CATLIN 3I 32, CENTAI 3I 32, CENTAL 3I 32, CLIENT 3I 32
Other moves: CITAL 3I 30, CLEAN 3I 30, CLEAT 3I 30, CLINE 3I 30, CLINT 3I 30
On 5th draw, PRELAW N1 38 --- PRELAW preceding the professional study of law [adj]
Other moves: AW J5 34, WATAPE L1 30, WATAP L1 28, PEA 2J 25, AWA 2M 24
On 6th draw, THAWIER J7 79 --- THAWY inclined to melt [adj]
Other moves: WHIPT 1K 51, WHITER J6 48, WHARE J6 47, WHEAR J6 47, WHEAT J6 47
On 7th draw, FLORIDER 13G 84 --- FLORID ruddy [adj]
Other moves: FLORIDER 13C 78, OILFIRED 11F 74, REFOLD O5 37, ROLFED O5 37, EF F5 34
On 8th draw, SEG F4 29 --- SEG one who advocates racial segregation [n]
Other moves: AGES K8 27, GAPE 1L 27, GAPS 1L 27, GEEPS 1K 27, GIPS 1L 27
On 9th draw, HELMER O5 43 --- HELMER a film director [n]
Other moves: HELM O5 37, HEME O5 37, HERM O5 37, REHEM O5 37, HELMER 8J 36
On 10th draw, FLEY H12 42 --- FLEY to frighten [v]
Other tops: FLAY H12 42
Other moves: *F*YOFAY 12L 41, FEGARY N9 39, OFLAG H11 39, FLAG H12 36, FLEG H12 36
On 11th draw, PASTURE M5 75 --- PASTURE to put in a pasture (a grazing area) [v]
Other moves: PASTURED L6 74, UPSTARED L6 74, STUPRATE L2 72, UPRATES 10B 72, UPTEARS 10B 72
On 12th draw, JAPE 1L 63 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: JAI 2J 55, JA 2J 52, GIDJEE 14C 36, JEED 14F 36, AJEE 14E 32
On 13th draw, A(D)DAX L11 42 --- ADDAX an African antelope [n]
Other moves: QUA(S)S 8D 33, AX(E) 14L 32, EX(O) 12J 31, (S)AX K7 31, AX(E) K8 27
AX(E) 14L 32 sunshine12
On 14th draw, YO 2J 28 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other moves: COYED 14E 24, TOYED 14E 22, TYED 14F 21, DYE 14F 19, YO 4K 19
YO 2J 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 15th draw, DEBONED 5E 44 --- DEBONE to remove the bones from [v]
Other moves: JUTE L1 28, TAMED 14K 26, DAME 14K 25, METIF 12D 25, DIODE I11 24
On 16th draw, OXIDE 15K 39 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other moves: ODEON I10 22, NIDE K12 19, VEE 14F 19, VOIDEE 14C 19, IDE K8 17
On 17th draw, INCUR 1F 27 --- INCUR to bring upon oneself [v]
Other moves: CUR 1H 21, ISOBAR 4E 18, CURVITY 15B 16, CURVY 15D 16, JUT L1 16
IT 14N 14 sunshine12
On 18th draw, MOUNT 2B 22 --- MOUNT to get up on [v]
Other tops: MUTON 2B 22
Other moves: OM 14N 20, UM 14N 20, MOON I11 18, MOOT I11 18, TOOM I11 18
OM 14N 20 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88
On 19th draw, QUOIF 12D 39 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: QIVIUT 9C 29, VUG 1A 28, GIO 3A 16, JUT L1 16, YOU 2J 16
QI 3A 15 roocatcher
QUIT 9E 14 BadBoyBen
On 20th draw, MOTIVING B2 72 --- MOTIVE to inspire to action [v]
Other moves: TONG 1A 32, VIG 13C 28, VIN 13C 25, VINT 3A 24, INGO 3B 23
VOTING C1 20 roocatcher
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