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Game on January 19, 2025 at 01:27, 5 players
1. 279 pts sunshine12
2. 181 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 140 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ellnot   H7    64    64   tonnell
 2. aabdeim  13C    30    94   amiable
 3. abeknry  14B    57   151   beany
 4. aadegrs   7C    64   215   gradates
 5. cgiorsu  10B    68   283   coursing
 6. deehino   8J    38   321   honied
 7. aeegklr  15E    46   367   kegler
 8. ?diimnt   N2    74   441   mutinied
 9. ehrstuv   A5    38   479   turves
10. ainoqtx   M6    44   523   axion
11. aelpvwz   4K    54   577   waltz
12. aehtuwy   O1    53   630   yutz
13. ahiostt  12B    38   668   that
14. cefoprs  11J    35   703   fresco
15. aeefijo   5G    44   747   feijoa
16. inoopru   B2    38   785   unrip
17. deiiopv  O11    39   824   ovoid
18. eeiopqw  N14    47   871   qi

Remaining tiles: eeopw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6979 Filesunshine12  1 10:44  -592  279     1.7544 GLOBEMAN    0  3:32  -690  181 
  2.7544 FileGLOBEMAN    0  3:32  -690  181     2.7535 roocatcher  0  3:15  -731  140 
  3.7535 Fileroocatcher  0  3:15  -731  140            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:47  -822   49     1.6979 sunshine12  1 10:44  -592  279 
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:18  -852   19            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  1:47  -822   49 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:18  -852   19 

On 1st draw, TON(N)ELL H7 64 --- TONNELL a tunnel [n]
Other tops: TOLL(M)EN H2 64, TOLL(M)EN H3 64, TOLL(M)EN H4 64, TOLL(M)EN H6 64, TOLL(M)EN H7 64, TON(N)ELL H2 64, TON(N)ELL H3 64, TON(N)ELL H4 64, TON(N)ELL H6 64, TON(N)ELL H8 64, TO(N)NELL H3 64, TO(N)NELL H4 64, TO(N)NELL H6 64, TO(N)NELL H7 64, TO(N)NELL H8 64, (P)OLLENT H2 64, (P)OLLENT H3 64, (P)OLLENT H6 64, (P)OLLENT H7 64, (P)OLLENT H8 64, (S)TOLLEN H2 64, (S)TOLLEN H3 64, (S)TOLLEN H6 64, (S)TOLLEN H7 64, (S)TOLLEN H8 64
Other moves: TOLL(M)EN H5 62, TOLL(M)EN H8 62, TON(N)ELL H5 62, TO(N)NELL H2 62, TO(N)NELL H5 62

On 2nd draw, AMIABLE 13C 30 --- AMIABLE having a pleasant disposition [adj]
Other moves: ABEAM G7 26, ABEAM I7 26, AMABILE 13C 26, LAMBDA 13H 24, LAMBED 13H 24

On 3rd draw, BEANY 14B 57 --- BEANY a small cap [n]
Other moves: BEAKY 12B 49, BYKE 12A 46, BREAK 12A 44, KYNE 12A 42, BAKE 12A 40

On 4th draw, GRADATES 7C 64 --- GRADATE to change by degrees [v]
Other moves: EGADS 12B 38, ARGAL 12D 36, DAGS 12C 36, DARG 12C 36, GADS 12C 36

On 5th draw, COURSI(N)G 10B 68 --- COURSING the pursuit of game by hounds [n]
Other tops: SOURCI(N)G 10B 68
Other moves: SCOURING 9B 67, COURSING 9B 65, SOURCING 9B 65, SCOURI(N)G 10B 64, CIGS 12A 34
SIC 15F 21 sunshine12

On 6th draw, HONIED 8J 38 --- HONEY to sweeten with honey (a sweet, viscid fluid) [v]
Other tops: HOIDEN 8J 38
Other moves: EHED 15F 30, HOIDEN 14I 29, HONE 11B 29, HONIED 14I 29, DHOLE 12E 28
NEED 15E 24 sunshine12

On 7th draw, KEGLER 15E 46 --- KEGLER a bowler [n]
Other moves: KEREL 15E 40, ARK 12D 37, KEEL 15E 37, AKEE 7L 31, REGAL 12A 31
KEEL 15E 37 sunshine12

On 8th draw, M(U)TINIED N2 74 --- MUTINY to revolt against constituted authority [v]
Other moves: MINI(A)TED N2 70, DI(R)IMENT N3 64, MID(S)T 12A 40, D(A)M 12C 32, M(A)D 12C 32
MINT(E)D 6I 26 sunshine12

On 9th draw, TURVES A5 38 --- TURF a surface layer of earth containing a dense growth of grass and its roots [n]
Other tops: VERTUS A5 38
Other moves: ERUVS A6 35, HETS 12A 35, HUERS A6 35, HURST A7 35, HURTS A6 35

On 10th draw, AXION M6 44 --- AXION a hypothetical subatomic particle [n]
Other tops: TAXI M1 44
Other moves: IXIA M6 43, QI 7M 42, QI M7 42, IXIA 7L 41, QAT O1 41

On 11th draw, WALTZ 4K 54 --- WALTZ to dance in three-four time [v]
Other moves: ZAP O1 49, ZEP O1 49, VAW 12C 45, WAP 12C 42, ZA 15A 37
ZAP O1 49 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, chunk88

On 12th draw, YUTZ O1 53 --- YUTZ a stupid, foolish, or ineffectual person [n]
Other moves: THAW 12B 47, HAW 12C 45, YAW 12C 45, WHAT 12B 44, WHEY 5I 41
YEH 5J 33 roocatcher
HA O1 19 BadBoyBen

On 13th draw, THAT 12B 38 --- THAT the one indicated [pron]
Other tops: SH*T 12B 38
Other moves: HAO 12C 36, HAS 12C 36, HAT 12C 36, HATS 12A 35, HITS 12A 35
HATS 11J 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 14th draw, FRESCO 11J 35 --- FRESCO to paint on a surface of plaster [v]
Other moves: FORCES 5G 34, FORCES K10 34, COPERS K10 32, FORCES B1 32, FRESCO 5F 32
FOPS 11J 31 roocatcher

On 15th draw, FEIJOA 5G 44 --- FEIJOA a green edible fruit [n]
Other moves: JOE 9C 39, JEFE 5H 38, JO 9C 36, AJEE 5I 34, AJEE 5H 32
JOE 5J 32 sunshine12

On 16th draw, UNRIP B2 38 --- UNRIP to rip open [v]
Other moves: UNRIP 4D 32, OP 6J 30, ROO 6I 30, ON 6J 26, OO 6J 26
ROOP B3 24 sunshine12

On 17th draw, OVOID O11 39 --- OVOID an egg-shaped body [n]
Other moves: DOP 6I 36, VID 15A 33, DOE 6I 32, IVIED 4D 32, DOVIE H1 30
OVOID O11 39 sunshine12

On 18th draw, QI N14 47 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 15A 37, PEWEE H1 33, OW 6J 32, OP 6J 30, OE 6J 26

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