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Game on January 20, 2025 at 00:51, 5 players
1. 185 pts sunshine12
2. 68 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 29 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?acgiuy   H8    30    30   gaucy
 2. ?eeirsx  11D   114   144   exercise
 3. aaeelrt   L6    83   227   laetare
 4. ?aegnpu   K1    71   298   unpaged
 5. aimnott   4G    72   370   antiatom
 6. adjkors   O1    60   430   jaks
 7. einstty   3A    87   517   tensity
 8. adeinrv   B2    90   607   reinvade
 9. belorsw   A7   107   714   bowlers
10. aeghlrw   D5    88   802   ragwheel
11. deeoopv  10C    34   836   veep
12. abdhnou   A1    50   886   both
13. ddeimru   1G    39   925   dirdum
14. ainotuz   J6    67   992   zona
15. cdeilou   I7    25  1017   col
16. deinooq   2E    28  1045   qi
17. dfiinot  M12    21  1066   foid
18. efiinot  15F    89  1155   notified

Remaining tiles: eouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7044 Filesunshine12  0  4:53  -970  185     1.7044 sunshine12  0  4:53  -970  185 
  2.7502 FileGLOBEMAN    0  2:33 -1087   68     2.7502 GLOBEMAN    0  2:33 -1087   68 
  3.7412 Fileroocatcher  0  1:18 -1126   29     3.7412 roocatcher  0  1:18 -1126   29 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:48 -1126   29            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:41 -1143   12     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:48 -1126   29 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:41 -1143   12 

On 1st draw, GAUCY H8 30 --- GAUCY gaucie [adj]
Other tops: CAGI(L)Y H7 30
Other moves: ACUI(T)Y H7 28, CAGI(L)Y H4 28, CAG(E)Y H8 28, CA(D)GY H8 28, CIG(G)Y H8 28

On 2nd draw, EXERCIS(E) 11D 114 --- EXERCISE to perform a set drill [v]
Other tops: EX(E)RCISE 11D 114, EX(O)RCISE 11D 114, (E)XERCISE 11D 114
Other moves: CER(V)IXES 11H 82, EXCI(M)ERS 11F 82, EXCI(T)ERS 11F 82, (P)REXIES I4 80, RE(F)IX I5 39
SIX I7 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 3rd draw, LAETARE L6 83 --- LAETARE the fourth Sunday in Lent [n]
Other moves: LAETARES J4 62, AERATE L9 29, ALERT L8 29, LEARE L8 29, RATAL L11 29
ALERT L8 29 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88

On 4th draw, UNPAGE(D) K1 71 --- UNPAGED having no page numbers [adj]
Other moves: GEAN(S) M7 37, PEANU(T) 12A 34, NEAP 10C 33, (S)NEAP 10B 33, GE(E)P 10C 32
NAP 10D 32 sunshine12
PEAN F10 12 BadBoyBen

On 5th draw, ANTIATOM 4G 72 --- ANTIATOM an atom comprised of antiparticles [n]
Other moves: TINAMOU 10B 40, MATTIN 12A 37, MAIN L1 35, MOAI L1 35, MOAN L1 35
NAM 10D 32 sunshine12

On 6th draw, JAKS O1 60 --- JAK a type of fruit [n]
Other tops: JUDOKA 1J 60
Other moves: ROJAK 3C 53, JAK 3M 50, JAKS 12A 50, JOKED D8 50, JOKERS D8 50

On 7th draw, TENSITY 3A 87 --- TENSITY the state of being tense [n]
Other moves: TENSITY 13I 80, TENSITY 5B 77, TENSITY 5A 75, TINSEY M8 47, STEY 10C 39

On 8th draw, REINVADE B2 90 --- INVADE to enter for conquest or plunder [v] --- REINVADE to invade again [v]
Other moves: RAVINED 5A 79, INVADER 5A 78, VERDIN 12A 45, VANED 10B 39, VINED 10B 39

On 9th draw, BOWLERS A7 107 --- BOWLER one that bowls [n]
Other moves: BLOWERS A9 102, BOWLERS A9 93, BLOWSIER I6 88, SEROW 10B 57, BOWELS A7 54

On 10th draw, RAGWHEEL D5 88 --- RAGWHEEL a toothed wheel [n]
Other moves: RAGWHEEL D6 84, RAGWHEEL F6 75, RAGWHEEL F5 69, LATHE A1 49, RATHE A1 49

On 11th draw, VEEP 10C 34 --- VEEP a vice president [n]
Other moves: DEEP 10C 32, VETO A1 29, DEVELOPE 6H 28, DEVELOP 6H 27, NERVED 5B 27

On 12th draw, BOTH A1 50 --- BOTH being the two [adj]
Other tops: BATH A1 50
Other moves: DOTH A1 47, OATH A1 44, BUHUND 1H 39, BOUNDS J6 32, DONAHS J6 32

On 13th draw, DIRDUM 1G 39 --- DIRDUM uproar [n]
Other tops: DURDUM 1G 39, UREDIUM 1F 39
Other moves: IMPED 3I 37, UMPED 3I 37, DURUM 1H 33, MOIDER M3 29, DEMUR 1H 27

On 14th draw, ZONA J6 67 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other moves: ZOA J6 66, ZO J6 65, MAZOUT N4 37, MIZUNA N4 37, ZELANT 6J 37

On 15th draw, COL I7 25 --- COL a depression between two mountains [n]
Other tops: CEL I7 25, COILED E1 25
Other moves: OPED 3J 24, CLOD 12C 23, LEK 3M 22, OUK 3M 22, ECOD 8L 21

On 16th draw, QI 2E 28 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: OPED 3J 24, NEK 3M 22, QIS D1 22, RONDE 5D 21, RONDO 5D 21

On 17th draw, FOID M12 21 --- FOID one of a group of minerals related to feldspar [n]
Other tops: FIDO M12 21, FIND M12 21, FOND M12 21
Other moves: LOD 12D 20, FID M12 19, FID M8 19, FINI M12 19, FINO M12 19
LOD 12D 20 sunshine12

On 18th draw, NOTIFIED 15F 89 --- NOTIFY to inform [v]
Other moves: FINITE 14J 34, FINITO 14J 34, FOETID 15H 33, FOINED 15H 33, FENI N12 32
FOINED 15H 33 sunshine12

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