Game on January 20, 2025 at 03:51, 5 players
1. 322 pts sunshine12
2. 195 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 123 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 40 40 


G8 28 68 


11E 48 116 


L8 91 207 


14G 82 289 


15D 70 359 


12A 51 410 


A8 51 461 


C7 30 491 


B1 70 561 


A1 40 601 


D2 82 683 


E1 31 714 


J4 68 782 


4H 30 812 


F1 34 846 


N1 40 886 


1L 27 913 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sunshine12 3 9:24 -591 322 1.7050 sunshine12 3 9:24 -591 322
GLOBEMAN 2 8:06 -718 195 2.7513 GLOBEMAN 2 8:06 -718 195
roocatcher 1 6:43 -790 123 3.7365 roocatcher 1 6:43 -790 123
4. -
BadBoyBen 0 0:28 -892 21 Group: not rated
5. -
chunk88 0 1:58 -896 17 1. - BadBoyBen 0 0:28 -892 21
2. - chunk88 0 1:58 -896 17
On 1st draw, UNTAX H8 40 --- UNTAX to remit a tax on [v]
Other moves: AXONE H4 26, AXONE H8 26, TAXON H4 26, TAXON H8 26, UNTAX H4 26
TEX H6 20 sunshine12
On 2nd draw, GUIDE G8 28 --- GUIDE to show the way to [v]
Other moves: DIGHT I11 24, HIDE I11 24, HUGE I11 24, DUH I11 23, HEID G11 23
HUGE I11 24 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, D(I)DAKEI 11E 48 --- DIDAKEI an itinerant tinker [n]
Other tops: DIDAKA(I) 11E 48, DIDAKE(I) 11E 48, D(I)DAKAI 11E 48
Other moves: K(O) F10 35, (B)AUKED 13B 35, (F)AIKED 13B 35, (J)AUKED 13B 35, (L)AIKED 13B 35
KADI F12 27 sunshine12
On 4th draw, GNASHED L8 91 --- GNASH to grind the teeth together [v]
Other moves: GNASHED 13A 89, HAGDENS 13A 85, HAGDENS L5 77, HAGDENS I3 76, HAGDENS I2 68
HANGED 10J 36 sunshine12
On 5th draw, UNACIDI(C) 14G 82 --- ACIDIC sour [adj] --- UNACIDIC not acidic [adj]
Other moves: UNA(C)IDIC 14G 70, IN(D)UCIAE J4 61, UNACIDI(C) E6 60, UNA(C)IDIC E6 60, UNTAXIN(G) H8 42
UNTAXIN(G) H8 42 sunshine12
On 6th draw, WORMY 15D 70 --- WORMY infested with worms [adj]
Other moves: AWMRY 15D 59, AWRY 15E 47, MOWRA 15D 47, WARY 15E 47, WIRY 15E 47
WORMY 15D 70 sunshine12
On 7th draw, ZOEAE 12A 51 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other tops: ZAIRE 12A 51
Other moves: GAZE 8L 42, GEEZ 8L 42, R(I)ZA F10 38, R(I)Z F10 37, ZERO 10B 36
On 8th draw, SOYUZ A8 51 --- SOYUZ a Soviet manned spacecraft [n]
Other moves: ZHOS A12 48, OUGHLY 8J 39, ZOLS A12 39, HOOLY B10 38, ONLY 13A 36
On 9th draw, RIVETER C7 30 --- RIVETER one that rivets [n]
Other tops: RIVERET C7 30
Other moves: VAIRE B6 29, RAVE 13C 27, RIVA 13C 27, RIVE 13C 27, REV 13C 25
On 10th draw, ALSOONE B1 70 --- ALSOONE as soon [adv]
Other moves: ALSOONE D1 68, ALSOONE I2 63, ALSO 14A 24, ANGELS 8J 21, ANGLES 8J 21
On 11th draw, PAIS A1 40 --- PAIS the people from whom a jury is formed [n]
Other tops: PEAS A1 40, PEES A1 40
Other moves: PEA A1 31, PEE A1 31, APSO 14A 28, PESO 14A 28, PISO 14A 28
PEAS A1 40 sunshine12
On 12th draw, FILBERT D2 82 --- FILBERT the edible nut of a European shrub [n]
Other moves: FILBERT I2 68, BRIEF D4 40, PARTIBLE 1A 39, BEGIFT 8J 36, FLAIR 10J 33
BEGIFT 8J 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 13th draw, PATIO E1 31 --- PATIO an outdoor paved area adjoining a house [n]
Other moves: DOAT E3 25, DOIT E3 25, TOAD E3 25, IGAPO 8K 24, POA 10J 23
POA 10J 23 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 14th draw, ENTRANCE J4 68 --- ENTRANCE to fill with delight or wonder [v]
Other moves: TANREC F2 31, PRANCE 1E 30, PREACT 1E 30, TANNER F2 29, PACER 1E 27
PRANCE 1E 30 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 15th draw, FLEETED 4H 30 --- FLEET to move swiftly [v]
Other moves: PELF 1E 27, PELTED 1E 27, FIELD 4H 26, DIF F4 24, FID M13 24
On 16th draw, OH F1 34 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: EH F1 34
Other moves: POMBE 1E 33, GH(I) F9 32, HEM 3K 31, OHM 15M 30, PEGH 1E 30
OH F1 34 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
FAH 2D 17 chunk88
On 17th draw, MEADOW N1 40 --- MEADOW a tract of grassland [n]
Other moves: WAME 3K 36, BEMA 3K 33, GOWF H1 33, MABE 3K 33, POMBE 1E 33
On 18th draw, LIMB 1L 27 --- LIMB to cut off the arms or legs of [v]
Other moves: QI 3G 26, QI M7 24, RAJ 3M 24, RIBA 3K 24, GLIB 8L 21
LIMB 1L 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
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