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Game on January 20, 2025 at 04:35, 5 players
1. 302 pts sunshine12
2. 141 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 110 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehmtty   H8    28    28   meath
 2. ?ehiopr   8H   104   132   morphine
 3. aacenrt  11D    90   222   reactant
 4. dinosuw  13H    39   261   swound
 5. aeiinps  N10    37   298   paise
 6. ?eeggjt  12A    43   341   jetes
 7. adiklst   M2    90   431   tailskid
 8. ilnootu  A12    33   464   join
 9. adfimov   L1    47   511   vifda
10. bfgmoru  B10    44   555   boeuf
11. ceeilos  L11    31   586   sonic
12. deelmrt   O2    64   650   remelted
13. aeglnqr   1H    27   677   ganev
14. alnruxz   9G    54   731   zex
15. abegnoo   A5    31   762   boonga
16. eegnorv   6A    72   834   overgone
17. aelrtuy   2F    36   870   truly
18. eilqruw   1A    32   902   wurlie

Remaining tiles: aiiqy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7050 Filesunshine12  1  9:34  -600  302     1.7050 sunshine12  1  9:34  -600  302 
  2.7497 FileGLOBEMAN    1  4:23  -761  141     2.7497 GLOBEMAN    1  4:23  -761  141 
  3.7365 Fileroocatcher  1  4:44  -792  110     3.7365 roocatcher  1  4:44  -792  110 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:16  -877   25            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:46  -877   25     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:16  -877   25 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:46  -877   25 

On 1st draw, MEATH H8 28 --- MEATH an alcoholic drink [n]
Other tops: MATEY H8 28, MEATY H8 28, THYME H4 28, THYME H8 28
Other moves: MATEY H4 26, MEATH H4 26, MEATY H4 26, THYME H5 26, THYME H6 26

On 2nd draw, MORPHI(N)E 8H 104 --- MORPHINE a narcotic alkaloid [n]
Other tops: (S)OPHERIM 8A 104
Other moves: HOP(P)IER G7 88, HOP(P)IER 13C 87, HO(P)PIER 13C 87, PHO(N)IER 13C 87, HERO(S)HIP 12H 86

On 3rd draw, REACTANT 11D 90 --- REACTANT one that reacts [n]
Other moves: CATNAPER K3 74, CATERAN 13E 72, REACTANT 11A 70, CARINATE M5 62, CRANIATE M4 62

On 4th draw, SWOUND 13H 39 --- SWOUND to faint [v]
Other tops: INDOWS 13C 39
Other moves: WOUNDS 13C 35, SOWND L11 33, SWOUND 10A 33, WOUND 10B 32, SWOUN L11 29
WHIDS L7 23 sunshine12

On 5th draw, PAISE N10 37 --- PAISA a coin of Pakistan [n]
Other moves: SPAIN 14J 31, SPEAN 14J 31, SNEAP 10B 29, SNEAP 14J 29, SPA 7H 29
SPAIN 14J 31 sunshine12

On 6th draw, JETE(S) 12A 43 --- JETE a ballet leap [n]
Other moves: JETE 12A 42, JE(F)E 12A 40, JE(T)E 12A 40, J(E)TE 12A 40, J(U)TE 12A 40
JAGGE(R) F10 32 sunshine12

On 7th draw, TAILSKID M2 90 --- TAILSKID a support on which the tail of an airplane rests [n]
Other moves: JAKS A12 45, LAKIEST B8 42, STALK 10B 42, SILK 10C 39, TALK 10C 39
JAKS A12 45 sunshine12

On 8th draw, JOIN A12 33 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other tops: JILT A12 33, JOLT A12 33
Other moves: OLIO 13A 26, ONO 13A 21, NITO(N) N4 20, LINT 13B 19, LOOT 13B 19
JOIN A12 33 sunshine12

On 9th draw, VIFDA L1 47 --- VIFDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other moves: FADO L1 33, FIDO L1 33, OMOV 13A 32, OF 14I 31, DEIF B11 28
OF 14I 31 sunshine12

On 10th draw, BOEUF B10 44 --- BOEUF as in boeuf bourguignon, a casserole of beef, herbs etc cooked in red wine. [adj]
Other moves: BUMF 10C 39, FUERO B10 38, ORF 10D 32, FRO 14J 31, OF 14I 31
OF 14I 31 sunshine12

On 11th draw, SONIC L11 31 --- SONIC pertaining to sound [adj]
Other moves: ESLOI(N) N3 30, COSSIE 6J 29, CESSE 6J 28, SEEL N2 27, SINCE L11 27
SECO A7 22 sunshine12

On 12th draw, REMELTED O2 64 --- REMELT to melt again [v]
Other moves: DEMPT K5 28, ELM 10D 26, DEET N3 25, DELT N3 25, EM 14I 25
ME K5 18 sunshine12

On 13th draw, GANEV 1H 27 --- GANEV a thief [n]
Other tops: GLANCE 15H 27
Other moves: GRAPE K5 24, GAITER 2J 22, REGNA A6 22, RENGA A6 22, GENA A7 19

On 14th draw, ZEX 9G 54 --- ZEX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: ZA 7I 44, LUREX 9E 38, ULEX 9F 37, LEX 9G 36, LOX I7 36
ZEX 9G 54 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
XU O14 36 sunshine12

On 15th draw, BOONGA A5 31 --- BOONGA (New Zealand) offensive word for a Pacific Islander [n]
Other moves: BOO 7I 29, GENITOR 2I 29, BONGO A6 28, BOEP K5 26, BEANO A6 25
OB 14I 25 chunk88, BadBoyBen, GLOBEMAN

On 16th draw, OVERGONE 6A 72 --- OVERGO to exceed [v]
Other moves: OVERGREEN D6 64, GOVERN B2 34, VENGER B1 32, GENITOR 2I 29, ENGORE B2 28

On 17th draw, TRULY 2F 36 --- TRULY in conformity with fact or reality [adv]
Other moves: RULY 2G 33, ARY 10D 32, UEY 2H 32, AY 2I 28, REARLY D3 26
AY 2I 28 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 18th draw, WURLIE 1A 32 --- WURLIE an Aborigine hut [n]
Other moves: QUEER C3 30, QUIRE 3B 30, EQUAL 5I 28, QUIRE C2 28, QUIRE D3 28
WE 7I 28 roocatcher

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