Game on January 20, 2025 at 05:19, 5 players
1. 150 pts sunshine12
2. 91 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 87 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 76 76 


H7 36 112 


10F 39 151 


14H 48 199 


7C 67 266 


O11 68 334 


11B 41 375 


13H 37 412 


12F 27 439 


B8 54 493 


15A 46 539 


A4 48 587 


6J 25 612 


8J 44 656 


12A 27 683 


5K 35 718 


4L 34 752 


4A 26 778 


3B 28 806 


14F 21 827 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sunshine12 0 8:21 -677 150 1.7054 sunshine12 0 8:21 -677 150
GLOBEMAN 0 4:21 -736 91 2.7497 GLOBEMAN 0 4:21 -736 91
roocatcher 0 4:09 -740 87 3.7365 roocatcher 0 4:09 -740 87
4. -
BadBoyBen 0 0:21 -812 15 Group: not rated
5. -
chunk88 0 1:52 -821 6 1. - BadBoyBen 0 0:21 -812 15
2. - chunk88 0 1:52 -821 6
On 1st draw, RESTUF(F) H7 76 --- RESTUFF to stuff again [v] --- STUFF to fill or pack tightly [v]
Other tops: FEUTR(E)S H4 76, FUST(I)ER H4 76, FUT(U)RES H4 76, FU(N)STER H4 76, F(A)UREST H4 76, F(E)UTRES H4 76, F(L)USTER H4 76, F(L)UTERS H4 76, F(O)UTERS H4 76, F(O)UTRES H4 76, F(U)TURES H4 76, REFUT(E)S H2 76, RESTFU(L) H8 76, RESTU(F)F H6 76, RETU(R)FS H7 76, R(E)FUTES H2 76, STU(F)FER H8 76, TRU(F)FES H8 76, TUF(T)ERS H2 76, (R)ETURFS H7 76, (T)UFTERS H2 76
Other moves: FEUTR(E)S H2 70, FEUTR(E)S H3 70, FEUTR(E)S H6 70, FEUTR(E)S H8 70, FUST(I)ER H2 70
On 2nd draw, RESTUF(F)ED H7 36 --- RESTUFF to stuff again [v]
Other moves: EDH I7 27, HEED I11 21, EH I8 20, HE I9 20, HI I9 20
On 3rd draw, JOTTY 10F 39 --- JOTTY written down quickly [adj]
Other tops: JETTY 10F 39
Other moves: JOTTER 10F 31, JOEY 14F 30, AYRE I12 29, EYRA I12 29, AJEE 14E 27
On 4th draw, EXHI(B)IT 14H 48 --- EXHIBIT to present for public viewing [v]
Other moves: EDIT(R)IX 14H 32, FIXIT 12H 30, FIXIT(Y) 12H 30, FIX(E)D 12H 30, DEIXI(S) 14G 29
On 5th draw, WASTERIE 7C 67 --- WASTERIE reckless extravagance [n]
Other moves: SWEATIER 7A 63, TAWERIES 7D 63, WEARIEST 7E 63, EWEST O11 53, WASE O12 50
On 6th draw, ZOISM O11 68 --- ZOISM a doctrine [n]
Other moves: DZOS 8A 53, AZIDES D7 52, ODISM O11 47, MOZES 6B 46, DEISM O11 44
On 7th draw, QIBLA 11B 41 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: QIBLAS E2 34, AVEL 8A 32, QIBLA D3 32, VLEI 8A 32, BAEL 8A 29
On 8th draw, (F)EODAL 13H 37 --- FEODAL feudal [adj]
Other tops: (F)EUDAL 13H 37
Other moves: EQUAL B10 32, ALOD 8A 31, QUOAD B11 30, QUAD B11 28, QUALE B11 28
On 9th draw, RAFT 12F 27 --- RAFT to transport on a raft (a type of buoyant structure) [v]
Other moves: OAR 12D 26, AFRO 12G 23, ANON 8A 23, NATRON 8J 23, NONART 8J 23
On 10th draw, LACQUEY B8 54 --- LACQUEY to serve in a servile manner [v]
Other moves: BLEY 8A 53, BELAYS 9C 38, BELAY 6J 34, BLAYS 9D 34, BLUEY 6J 34
On 11th draw, PSION 15A 46 --- PSION a particle formed by collision of a positron and an electron [n]
Other moves: PSI 15A 37, FOP A13 34, INFOS C11 33, SIF 15B 32, SPIF 15B 32
On 12th draw, KRONA A4 48 --- KRONA a monetary unit of Sweden [n] --- KRONA a monetary unit of Iceland [n]
Other tops: FREAK A5 48, KRONE A4 48
Other moves: KENAF A5 47, FRANK 6J 43, FREAK 6J 43, FRENA A4 42, KAF A7 41
On 13th draw, MERER 6J 25 --- MERE nothing more, nothing better [adj]
Other moves: EM B5 22, MEER 6J 22, MENE 6J 22, MERE 6J 22, RENAME D4 22
On 14th draw, LAPDOG 8J 44 --- LAPDOG a small dog [n]
Other moves: DEWLAP 13A 37, PAWS 9E 33, DAWS 9E 32, WAP 5K 32, W*PWOP 5K 32
WAW C7 25 sunshine12
On 15th draw, GUDE 12A 27 --- GUDE something that is good [n]
Other moves: EGADS 9D 25, GAED B3 25, GOADS 9D 25, DAGS 9E 24, DUNE 12A 24
GAED B3 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 16th draw, HEW 5K 35 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other moves: WHERE 8D 33, HUB 5K 32, WEB 5K 32, WHID C9 31, BURWEED M2 28
EH B5 28 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 17th draw, FOIN 4L 34 --- FOIN to thrust with a pointed weapon [v]
Other tops: FAIN 4L 34, FANO 4L 34
Other moves: FAN 4L 30, FON 4L 30, FA 4L 28, FAINER L1 26, VAINER L1 26
VINO B1 20 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 18th draw, KETONIC 4A 26 --- KETONE a type of chemical compound [adj] --- KETONIC pertaining to ketone [adj]
Other tops: KENOTIC 4A 26
Other moves: CUTIE B1 22, YONIC 14B 22, CONNE O1 21, COUNT O1 21, ENIAC D4 20
CITO B1 18 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
TO 3N 6 chunk88
On 19th draw, BANIA 3B 28 --- BANIA an Indian fig tree [n]
Other moves: NABS 9E 27, ABS 9F 26, AVINE O1 24, BANE 3B 24, BANI 3B 24
VAIN O1 21 roocatcher, sunshine12
VAIN F2 15 BadBoyBen
On 20th draw, REEXHI(B)ITS 14F 21 --- EXHIBIT to present for public viewing [v]
Other moves: EEN 13B 19, ERUV 11J 19, ERN 5C 18, VINERS E2 18, UNCE G2 16
REV 2F 13 sunshine12
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