Game on January 20, 2025 at 09:51, 9 players
1. 180 pts Chelsea
2. 133 pts moonmonkey
3. 91 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 30 30
2. 8A 83 113
3. A1 86 199
4. D5 74 273
5. E1 37 310
6. 1E 45 355
7. K1 82 437
8. 2D 30 467
9. C8 34 501
10. F8 68 569
11. 15B 42 611
12. 14B 36 647
13. 3C 28 675
14. 13A 36 711
15. 2J 21 732
16. O1 30 762
17. N6 34 796
18. F4 37 833
19. O8 36 869
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7140 Chelsea 2 5:09 -689 180 1.7140 Chelsea 2 5:09 -689 180
2.7340 moonmonkey 3 4:26 -736 133 2.7340 moonmonkey 3 4:26 -736 133
3.5675 LongJump22 1 2:55 -778 91 3.7314 VVVVVV1112 2 3:32 -783 86
4.7314 VVVVVV1112 2 3:32 -783 86 Group: novice
5.5527 OOOOOO1112 0 3:35 -814 55 1.5675 LongJump22 1 2:55 -778 91
6.5592 LLLLLL1112 1 0:45 -833 36 2.5527 OOOOOO1112 0 3:35 -814 55
7.5497 MMMMMM1112 1 1:02 -833 36 3.5592 LLLLLL1112 1 0:45 -833 36
8.5511 NNNNNN1112 1 1:22 -833 36 4.5497 MMMMMM1112 1 1:02 -833 36
9. - RRRRRR1144 1 1:55 -835 34 5.5511 NNNNNN1112 1 1:22 -833 36
Group: not rated
1. - RRRRRR1144 1 1:55 -835 34
On 1st draw, VIVAS H4 30 --- VIVA a shout or cry used to express approval [n] --- VIVA to examine orally [v]
Other tops: SHAVI(E) H3 30, SHIVA(H) H3 30, SHIVA(S) H3 30, S(H)IVAH H7 30, VA(N)ISH H4 30, VA(N)ISH H7 30, VIVA(T)S H4 30, VIV(D)AS H4 30, (L)AVISH H7 30, (R)AVISH H7 30, (S)HIVAS H3 30
Other moves: HAV(E)S H4 28, HIV(E)S H4 28, S(C)HAV H8 28, VIVA(S) H4 28, VIVA(T) H4 28
On 2nd draw, DOATINGS 8A 83 --- DOATING an excessive love [n]
Other moves: DOATING G7 71, DOATING I7 71, IODATING 5C 70, IODATING 5H 70, GONIDIA 5E 36
On 3rd draw, ASPORTED A1 86 --- ASPORT to wrongfully carry away [v]
Other tops: PASTORED A1 86
On 4th draw, FACTIOU(S) D5 74 --- FACTIOUS promoting dissension [adj]
Other tops: C(L)AFOUTI D2 74
Other moves: FAUC(H)ION F1 66, FAUCIA(L) C7 32, SO(D)AIC 2A 26, (G)OAF B1 26, (L)OAF B1 26
On 5th draw, PAWNED E1 37 --- PAWN to deposit as security for something borrowed [v]
Other moves: PAWED E2 35, WIPED E2 35, INDEW E2 33, WAINED E1 33, PAWNED C1 32
On 6th draw, PINKEY 1E 45 --- PINKEY a ship with a narrow overhanging stern [n]
Other tops: PINKEY(E) 1E 45, PINKEY(S) 1E 45, PINK(E)YE 1E 45
Other moves: PIKEY 1E 42, PIKEY(S) 1E 42, PINKY 1E 42, PINK(E)Y 1E 42, PINK(L)Y 1E 42
PINKY 1E 42 Chelsea
On 7th draw, E(C)CRINE K1 82 --- ECCRINE secreting without loss of cell material [adj]
Other tops: EC(C)RINE K1 82, EIREN(I)C K1 82, ENER(G)IC K1 82, EN(T)ERIC K1 82, EN(T)ICER K1 82, E(I)RENIC K1 82
Other moves: (S)CRIENE K1 81, (S)INCERE K1 81, REC(L)INE 2I 79, EIREN(I)C 2G 77, E(I)RENIC 2G 76
On 8th draw, SAFE 2D 30 --- SAFE a metal receptacle for storing valuables [n] --- SAFE free from danger [adj] --- SAFE to make secure [v]
Other moves: FLEMES L7 29, FECES 3I 28, LEAF 2C 28, FLEERS L7 25, FEWER 3C 24
FREE 4J 14 Chelsea
On 9th draw, AX C8 34 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: XI 9C 34
Other moves: XI B1 31, EXCEL 3I 30, EXO J4 27, NIXE F8 27, OXO J4 27
AX C8 34 Chelsea
On 10th draw, NEBULISE F8 68 --- NEBULISE to reduce to a fine spray [v]
Other moves: BICES 3I 24, LIES B1 20, LIEU B1 20, LUBES J5 19, BEES J5 18
CUBES 3K 18 Chelsea
On 11th draw, AMBIENT 15B 42 --- AMBIENT the mood or atmosphere of a place or situation [n]
Other moves: BARMIE 15A 39, TIMBRE 15A 39, BREAM 15D 36, MATIN E11 32, ATEBRIN 15D 30
BREAM 15D 36 Chelsea
On 12th draw, HEATS 14B 36 --- HEAT to make hot [v]
Other moves: GHERAO G8 35, HARE B2 32, HE(C)TOR 2I 32, HORE B2 32, RHEA 14A 32
HORE B2 32 LongJump22
On 13th draw, JOW 3C 28 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: LO(C)OED 2I 25, TOED B1 23, ED F5 22, JOCO 3I 21, LOOTED J5 21
TOED B1 23 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112
On 14th draw, DAW 13A 36 --- DAW to dawn [v]
Other moves: LAW 13A 34, RAW 13A 34, AW 13B 32, WAR 13A 28, ARD F4 25
DAW 13A 36 Chelsea, LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, VVVVVV1112
On 15th draw, O(C)TROI 2J 21 --- OCTROI a tax on certain articles brought into a city [n]
Other moves: RICOTTA 3I 20, A(C)TOR 2J 19, TOOART J5 18, OCTROI 3J 16, TACIT 3I 16
On 16th draw, GIRDLE O1 30 --- GIRDLE to encircle with a belt [v]
Other tops: DINGER O1 30, DINGLE O1 30, GILDEN O1 30, GILDER O1 30, GIRLOND O1 30, IGNORED O2 30, LIDGER O1 30, RIDGEL O1 30, RINGED O1 30
Other moves: DINGE O1 27, DINGO O1 27, DIRGE O1 27, GIRNED O1 27, LINGER O1 27
IGNORED O2 30 VVVVVV1112, moonmonkey
On 17th draw, HUMERI N6 34 --- HUMERUS the large bone of the upper arm [n]
Other tops: HOMIER N6 34
Other moves: HOMER N6 33, HOMIE N6 33, HORME N6 33, HUMOR N6 33, HOURI N6 31
HOMIER N6 34 moonmonkey, RRRRRR1144
On 18th draw, AZO F4 37 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other tops: BRONZE 10F 37
Other moves: GRAZED 4J 34, ZO F5 34, ZONER 10J 34, ADZ 6D 33, GAZER M11 33
GRAZE M11 33 moonmonkey
On 19th draw, OLENT O8 36 --- OLENT having a smell [adj]
Other tops: URENT O8 36
Other moves: OLE O8 25, ONE O8 25, ORE O8 25, ULE O8 25, URE O8 25
URENT O8 36 moonmonkey
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