Game on January 20, 2025 at 15:10, 5 players
1. 242 pts LongJump22
2. 231 pts queen66
3. 226 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 62 62
2. 11G 78 140
3. O11 57 197
4. 7E 65 262
5. E4 118 380
6. M7 102 482
7. 13A 68 550
8. A8 149 699
9. 6C 55 754
10. 5G 81 835
11. B8 39 874
12. N1 32 906
13. 1L 42 948
14. D12 46 994
15. 15D 42 1036
16. 10H 42 1078
17. 4K 39 1117
18. C3 38 1155
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5675 LongJump22 2 3:52 -913 242 1.7314 VVVVVV1112 1 4:11 -929 226
2. - queen66 1 7:14 -924 231 2.7317 moonmonkey 1 3:59 -1045 110
3.7314 VVVVVV1112 1 4:11 -929 226 3.7599 Mycophot 0 4:01 -1053 102
4.7317 moonmonkey 1 3:59 -1045 110 Group: novice
5.7599 Mycophot 0 4:01 -1053 102 1.5675 LongJump22 2 3:52 -913 242
Group: not rated
1. - queen66 1 7:14 -924 231
On 1st draw, OU(T)SOL(E) H7 62 --- OUTSOLE the outer sole of a boot or shoe [n]
Other tops: LOO(K)U(P)S H2 62, LOO(K)U(P)S H3 62, LOO(K)U(P)S H4 62, LOO(K)U(P)S H6 62, LOO(K)U(P)S H8 62, LO(G)OU(T)S H3 62, LO(G)OU(T)S H4 62, LO(G)OU(T)S H6 62, LO(G)OU(T)S H8 62, OULO(N)(G)S H2 62, OULO(N)(G)S H3 62, OULO(N)(G)S H4 62, OULO(N)(G)S H6 62, OU(T)SOL(D) H3 62, OU(T)SOL(D) H4 62, OU(T)SOL(D) H7 62, OU(T)SOL(D) H8 62, OU(T)SOL(E) H3 62, OU(T)SOL(E) H4 62, OU(T)SOL(E) H8 62, O(R)(M)OLUS H4 62, O(R)(M)OLUS H6 62, O(R)(M)OLUS H7 62, O(R)(M)OLUS H8 62, SU(B)(C)OOL H3 62, SU(B)(C)OOL H4 62, SU(B)(C)OOL H6 62, SU(B)(C)OOL H7 62, SU(B)(C)OOL H8 62, U(N)LOOS(E) H2 62, U(N)LOOS(E) H4 62, U(N)LOOS(E) H7 62, U(N)LOOS(E) H8 62, U(N)S(P)OOL H2 62, U(N)S(P)OOL H4 62, U(N)S(P)OOL H6 62, U(N)S(P)OOL H7 62, U(N)S(P)OOL H8 62, U(N)(F)OOLS H4 62, U(N)(F)OOLS H6 62, U(N)(F)OOLS H7 62, U(N)(F)OOLS H8 62, U(P)LOO(K)S H2 62, U(P)LOO(K)S H4 62, U(P)LOO(K)S H6 62, U(P)LOO(K)S H8 62, (B)LOUSO(N) H2 62, (B)LOUSO(N) H3 62, (B)LOUSO(N) H7 62, (B)LOUSO(N) H8 62, (C)OLOU(R)S H2 62, (C)OLOU(R)S H3 62, (C)OLOU(R)S H6 62, (C)OLOU(R)S H8 62, (C)OLO(B)US H2 62, (C)OLO(B)US H3 62, (C)OLO(B)US H6 62, (C)OLO(B)US H7 62, (C)OLO(N)US H2 62, (C)OLO(N)US H3 62, (C)OLO(N)US H6 62, (C)OLO(N)US H7 62, (C)OLU(G)OS H2 62, (C)OLU(G)OS H3 62, (C)OLU(G)OS H6 62, (C)OLU(G)OS H7 62, (D)OLOU(R)S H2 62, (D)OLOU(R)S H3 62, (D)OLOU(R)S H6 62, (D)OLOU(R)S H8 62, (D)UOLO(G)S H2 62, (D)UOLO(G)S H3 62, (D)UOLO(G)S H6 62, (D)UOLO(G)S H8 62, (F)OL(I)OUS H2 62, (F)OL(I)OUS H3 62, (F)OL(I)OUS H6 62, (F)OL(I)OUS H7 62, (F)OL(I)OUS H8 62, (G)LO(B)OUS H2 62, (G)LO(B)OUS H3 62, (G)LO(B)OUS H6 62, (G)LO(B)OUS H7 62, (G)LO(B)OUS H8 62, (H)UL(L)OOS H2 62, (H)UL(L)OOS H3 62, (H)UL(L)OOS H6 62, (H)UL(L)OOS H7 62, (H)UL(L)OOS H8 62, (H)U(L)LOOS H3 62, (H)U(L)LOOS H6 62, (H)U(L)LOOS H7 62, (H)U(L)LOOS H8 62, (T)OLUO(L)S H2 62, (T)OLUO(L)S H3 62, (T)OLUO(L)S H6 62, (T)OLUO(L)S H8 62, (T)O(L)UOLS H3 62, (T)O(L)UOLS H6 62, (T)O(L)UOLS H7 62, (T)O(L)UOLS H8 62
Other moves: LOO(K)U(P)S H5 60, LOO(K)U(P)S H7 60, LO(G)OU(T)S H2 60, LO(G)OU(T)S H5 60, LO(G)OU(T)S H7 60
U(N)(F)OOLS H4 62 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 2nd draw, BODYLINE 11G 78 --- BODYLINE in cricket, a fast bowl at the batsman's body [n]
Other moves: BYLINED G1 71, BYLINED I1 71, BODYLINE 7G 70, BYLIN(E)D 13C 30, INBYE G5 28
BODYLINE 11G 78 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, SWEEP O11 57 --- SWEEP to clear or clean with a brush or broom [v]
Other tops: SWEPT O11 57
Other moves: SWEET O11 51, WEEMS O7 45, WEEPS O7 45, EMPTS O7 42, EWEST O8 42
WEEPS N10 36 LongJump22, moonmonkey
WEEMS N10 36 Mycophot
On 4th draw, AUTODYNE 7E 65 --- AUTODYNE a type of electrical circuit [n]
Other moves: DAY 10L 33, DEY 10L 33, TAY 10L 31, TEAED N10 29, AY 10M 28
DAY 10L 33 queen66
On 5th draw, ZOIATRIA E4 118 --- ZOIATRIA a veterinary surgery [n]
Other moves: RIOTIZ(E) 13B 50, ROZIT 8A 47, RITZ 8L 45, RIZA 8L 45, TZAR 8L 45
ROZIT 8A 47 queen66
On 6th draw, SQUINTER M7 102 --- SQUINTER one that squints [n]
Other moves: QUERIST M2 98, REQUITS M1 98, REQUITS 14B 92, REQUITES L1 88, QUIETERS L2 86
QUITS 12A 66 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
QI 10L 24 queen66
On 7th draw, ENTANGL(E) 13A 68 --- ENTANGLE to twist together [v]
Other moves: QAT 8M 36, GLAZEN 4B 32, GLAZE 4B 30, GAZE 4C 28, LAZE 4C 26
GLAZEN 4B 32 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 8th draw, COALIEST A8 149 --- COALY containing coal [adj]
Other moves: CITOLAS 15G 98, CITALS 15H 45, COATIS 15H 45, OCTALS 15H 45, TICALS 15H 45
On 9th draw, ORIXA 6C 55 --- ORIXA a Yoruba deity [n]
Other tops: EXO B9 55
Other moves: EX B9 52, OX B9 52, AKEE 6I 44, SAKE 10H 42, SOKE 10H 42
EXO B9 55 queen66
On 10th draw, COMPARE 5G 81 --- COMPARE to scrutinise for similarities [v]
Other tops: COMPEAR 5G 81
Other moves: COMPADRE I2 71, APOZEM 4B 38, COMPARE L1 32, COMPERE L1 32, CRAZE 4B 32
APOZEM 4B 38 queen66
On 11th draw, HEW B8 39 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other tops: HOW B8 39
Other moves: WHA B9 37, WHO B9 37, QUA 8M 36, WAHOO H1 36, WHOA 4H 36
WANZE 4B 34 queen66
On 12th draw, VIGOR N1 32 --- VIGOR active strength or force [n]
Other moves: GINZO 4B 30, GUIRO N2 30, VIGOR L1 26, RIZ 4C 24, URN 6I 24
On 13th draw, FAVE 1L 42 --- FAVE teenage slang for a favourite person or thing [n] --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: DAUBE 4H 41, FEEN N10 37, FAUVE 1K 36, QUA 8M 36, SAFE 10H 36
On 14th draw, HADJ D12 46 --- HADJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: KADI 10J 43, KATHODE C2 42, SAKE 10H 42, KATI 10J 41, AKEDAH D9 38
On 15th draw, JURIED 15D 42 --- JURY to select material for exhibition [v]
Other tops: DEARE N10 42
Other moves: JERID 15D 39, DORIZE 4A 36, QUA 8M 36, ADOZE 4B 30, DARZI 4B 30
JURIED 15D 42 moonmonkey
On 16th draw, SIKA 10H 42 --- SIKA a small deer native to Asia [n]
Other tops: SAKE 10H 42, SIKE 10H 42
Other moves: KATI 10J 41, SIK 10H 39, KA 10J 37, QAT 8M 36, KAZI 4C 34
KAZI 4C 34 Mycophot
On 17th draw, BEFOG 4K 39 --- BEFOG to envelop in fog [v]
Other moves: FEEN N10 37, FANGO H1 33, FEE N10 33, BONZA 4B 32, BONZE 4B 32
On 18th draw, AMOOVE C3 38 --- AMOOVE to rouse [v]
Other moves: QAT 8M 36, EAVE N11 32, MATZO 4B 32, MOTZA 4B 32, MAZE 4C 30
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