Game on January 20, 2025 at 17:28, 7 players
1. 306 pts LongJump22
2. 167 pts Mycophot
3. 167 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 28 28
2. 13F 98 126
3. K8 68 194
4. 15H 167 361
5. N10 31 392
6. 11B 72 464
7. B9 44 508
8. C9 41 549
9. 12A 38 587
10. A6 38 625
11. 8K 24 649
12. L4 40 689
13. D3 79 768
14. 2D 71 839
15. H1 54 893
16. E4 34 927
17. M1 34 961
18. G7 32 993
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5675 LongJump22 2 2:49 -687 306 1.7581 Mycophot 0 2:02 -826 167
2.7581 Mycophot 0 2:02 -826 167 2.7351 moonmonkey 0 2:59 -826 167
3.7351 moonmonkey 0 2:59 -826 167 3.7314 VVVVVV1112 0 3:40 -862 131
4.7314 VVVVVV1112 0 3:40 -862 131 4.7239 ArcticFox 1 3:53 -896 97
5.7239 ArcticFox 1 3:53 -896 97 5.7246 queen66 0 1:02 -964 29
6.7246 queen66 0 1:02 -964 29 Group: novice
7.5511 NNNNNN1112 1 1:36 -965 28 1.5675 LongJump22 2 2:49 -687 306
2.5511 NNNNNN1112 1 1:36 -965 28
On 1st draw, TABEF(Y) H8 28 --- TABEFY to waste away [v]
Other moves: BEFA(N)A H4 26, FAB(L)E H4 26, BAFT(S) H4 24, BEF(I)T H4 24, ABAFT H4 22
TABEF(Y) H8 28 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112
On 2nd draw, OX(Y)(P)HILE 13F 98 --- OXYPHILE an organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment [n]
Other moves: HEX(A)FOIL 12D 90, HEXA(F)OIL 9E 75, XE(N)OLITH 8B 67, HEX(Y)L I7 50, HOXE(D) I7 50
HEX(Y)L I7 50 LongJump22, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 3rd draw, DEIONISE K8 68 --- DEIONISE to remove ions from [v]
Other moves: EBONISED 10G 67, SIDENOTE 8B 61, DONSIE N10 39, DENSE N10 37, NOISED N10 35
SIDENOTE 8B 61 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 4th draw, FIGEATER 15H 167 --- FIGEATER a large beetle [n]
Other moves: FIGEATER 15E 89, FRIGATE L2 78, FIGEATER 11B 74, FRIGATE J2 74, FRIGATE I4 73
FIGEATER 15H 167 LongJump22
FIGEATER 15H 117 Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 5th draw, COBS N10 31 --- COB a corncob [n] --- COB to strike [v]
Other moves: EBONS N9 30, OBOES N9 30, BENS N10 29, BONCES N8 29, BOOH J10 29
On 6th draw, PRONATED 11B 72 --- PRONATE to turn the palm downward or backward [v]
Other moves: DORP J7 28, DROPT 8K 27, TARP J7 27, TROAD 14B 27, APOD G8 26
On 7th draw, HYPATE B9 44 --- HYPATE the lowest string of the lyre [n]
Other moves: ETHYL L9 41, AHOY 10C 40, DHOTI 8K 39, HAY 10D 37, HEY 10D 37
TOEY 12A 32 VVVVVV1112
On 8th draw, MURRI C9 41 --- MURRI a native Australian [n]
Other tops: MORRO C9 41
Other moves: MIRO A12 38, MURL A12 38, ORMOLU A4 32, ORMOLU C10 31, RIMU 14D 31
MURL A12 38 VVVVVV1112
On 9th draw, YARNED 12A 38 --- YARN to tell a long story [v]
Other moves: DANDY 8K 33, DEEDY 8K 33, DENAYED I5 32, TARDY 12A 31, DAYNT 8K 30
On 10th draw, VIVO A6 38 --- VIVO lively [adj]
Other moves: DEVIL 8K 30, DEVOT 8K 30, DIVOT 8K 30, DOVIE 8K 30, VOTIVE L3 30
On 11th draw, DERIG 8K 24 --- DERIG to dismantle [v]
Other tops: DIRGE 8K 24
Other moves: ARGUER L4 22, DARER 8K 21, DARRE 8K 21, DEAIR 8K 21, DIRER 8K 21
On 12th draw, QUAKES L4 40 --- QUAKE to shake or vibrate [v]
Other moves: TALUKS D4 39, SUQ 15B 37, ASK 15A 36, QUAKE L4 36, TSK 15A 36
QUAKES L4 40 ArcticFox
On 13th draw, CARINAS D3 79 --- CARINA a carinate anatomical part [n]
Other tops: ARNICAS D3 79
Other moves: ARNICAS I3 69, CARINAS I3 69, ACRASIN G3 67, ACRASIN I3 67, ARNICAS G2 63
CAINS M2 29 queen66
On 14th draw, OUTEARN 2D 71 --- OUTEARN to surpass in earning [v]
Other moves: AERONAUT 6G 62, COURANTE 3D 62, OUTRANGE O2 60, ATONER 2B 26, TENOUR 2A 26
On 15th draw, WALTZ H1 54 --- WALTZ to dance in three-four time [v]
Other moves: LAZED H1 48, L*ZLEZ G7 46, LUZ G7 46, DAZE H1 45, LAZE H1 42
On 16th draw, WEDEL E4 34 --- WEDEL to perform a skiing technique [v]
Other moves: DEWED I7 31, DOWED I7 31, OWLED I5 30, LOWED I7 29, OWED I8 27
DEWED I7 31 ArcticFox
On 17th draw, MOOING M1 34 --- MOO to make the deep, moaning sound of a cow [v]
Other moves: MING M3 30, GAMIN M1 29, MINA M3 27, MANO C4 26, MIG M3 26
MIG M3 26 ArcticFox
On 18th draw, JAP G7 32 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: LIMPA 1K 30, PUMIE 1K 30, PUNJI 5K 28, JAUP G6 26, PALE C4 26
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