Game on January 20, 2025 at 23:26, 5 players
1. 418 pts sunshine12
2. 58 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 36 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 90 90 


G1 67 157 


13C 46 203 


F3 79 282 


E8 70 352 


15A 42 394 


H1 41 435 


10H 70 505 


L7 72 577 


C6 84 661 


B2 45 706 


A1 37 743 


B10 55 798 


C1 49 847 


A6 32 879 


14J 72 951 


O12 36 987 


8J 36 1023 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sunshine12 1 15:38 -605 418 1.7029 sunshine12 1 15:38 -605 418
GLOBEMAN 0 2:28 -965 58 2.7472 GLOBEMAN 0 2:28 -965 58
roocatcher 0 3:52 -987 36 3.7365 roocatcher 0 3:52 -987 36
4. -
chunk88 0 0:34 -998 25 Group: not rated
5. -
BadBoyBen 0 1:23 -1016 7 1. - chunk88 0 0:34 -998 25
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:23 -1016 7
On 1st draw, (S)OYMILK H6 90 --- SOYMILK a milk substitute made from soybeans [n]
Other moves: (S)MOKILY H6 88, (S)OYMILK H2 88, (S)MOKILY H3 86, (S)MOKILY H2 82, (S)MOKILY H7 82
MILKY H8 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
MY H8 14 roocatcher
On 2nd draw, LEARNED G1 67 --- LEARN to gain knowledge by experience, instruction, or study [v]
Other moves: ALDERMEN 9C 64, RENAILED 10D 63, OLEANDER 7H 62, RELOANED 7E 61, DEAN I7 25
DEAN I7 25 chunk88, sunshine12
ROD 7G 7 BadBoyBen
On 3rd draw, MATEYS 13C 46 --- MATEY a friend [n]
Other moves: YEALMS 1D 45, MAYS I7 43, YAMS I7 43, YEALM 1D 42, MAY I7 40
YAE F6 31 sunshine12
On 4th draw, FEATURE F3 79 --- FEATURE to give special prominence to [v]
Other moves: TEREFA 14B 60, FEUAR F2 41, REFLATE 11E 40, FUELER 1D 39, FEATER 12A 38
F*RT F6FART F6 32 sunshine12
On 5th draw, ANISETTE E8 70 --- ANISETTE a liqueur flavored with aniseed [n]
Other moves: MATINEES 9H 62, MISEATEN 9H 62, ANES H1 33, ANTE H1 33, ANTS H1 33
NEATS 10B 22 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 6th draw, UNOWED 15A 42 --- UNOWED not due [adj]
Other tops: UNAWED 15A 42
Other moves: WOALD 1D 39, WOULD 1D 39, WAID D12 37, DEWANI 15D 36, INDOW D4 36
WAINED 15A 33 sunshine12
On 7th draw, ARBA H1 41 --- ARBA a heavy wagon [n]
Other tops: ALBA H1 41
Other moves: ALGA H1 37, BROLGA 1D 36, LABARA D8 35, ABOLLA 1C 33, ALAR H1 33
LABOR 1G 21 sunshine12
On 8th draw, INVIR(I)LE 10H 70 --- INVIRILE not virile [adj]
Other tops: INV(I)RILE 10H 70, NERVIL(Y) D2 70
Other moves: LIVERIN(G) 10G 62, R(E)LIVE D4 37, (U)NLIVE D4 37, LE(K)VAR 8A 36, RELIV(E) D4 36
KERV(E) 12H 22 sunshine12
On 9th draw, GUERIDON L7 72 --- GUERIDON a small ornate stand or table [n]
Other moves: GEOID 10B 31, UNEDGE O8 30, GEODE 12A 28, DEEING O8 27, DOGEAR 8A 27
DEEING O8 27 sunshine12
On 10th draw, EPIZOISM C6 84 --- EPIZOISM the state of being epizoic [n]
Other moves: ZINES 14J 68, ZONES 14J 68, PIZES 15H 63, SIZE 15L 54, ZEP 12D 54
ZEP 12D 54 sunshine12
On 11th draw, SOOTH B2 45 --- SOOTH true [adj] --- SOOTH truth [n]
Other tops: HOGNOSE O4 45
Other moves: GOTHS 15H 42, HONGS 15H 42, ETHNOS O10 39, HOONS 15H 39, HOOTS 15H 39
OHOS M12 29 sunshine12
On 12th draw, GOWN A1 37 --- GOWN to dress in a gown (a long, loose outer garment) [v]
Other moves: NEWT A1 34, NOWT A1 34, ROWT A1 34, TOWN A1 34, WONNER 14J 34
WONT A1 31 sunshine12
On 13th draw, JAI B10 55 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JA B10 52, JIBE O7 39, TAJ A6 36, FAIBLE O5 33, FINAL 14J 32
JAI B10 55 sunshine12
On 14th draw, REX C1 49 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other moves: EX C2 47, PIX K9 46, AXE M12 43, EX C3 40, APEX D3 39
On 15th draw, CAPI A6 32 --- CAPO a pitch-raising device for fretted instruments [n]
Other tops: CAUP A6 32, PUNCTA 14J 32
Other moves: PANIC 14J 30, CAP A6 29, CUP A6 29, CAPI D4 28, PUNGA 14J 28
On 16th draw, QINDAR 14J 72 --- QINDAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: QINTAR 14J 70, BURQA 8K 48, QUBIT 8K 48, QI A12 43, QUAIR 8K 42
On 17th draw, CURF O12 36 --- CURF an incision made by a cutting tool [n]
Other tops: CORF O12 36
Other moves: CLEVE O8 33, FORE O12 33, FURL O12 33, VELOCE O5 33, VOCULE O5 33
On 18th draw, BOUGHT 8J 36 --- BOUGHT a bend [n] --- BUY to purchase [v]
Other moves: BEHOTE O5 33, THEBE O6 30, BOUGET 8J 27, H*B*HEBE O7 27, OUGHT 8K 27
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