Game on January 21, 2025 at 00:10, 5 players
1. 92 pts sunshine12
2. 42 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 42 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 20 20 


I2 65 85 


6F 74 159 


5K 53 212 


7A 69 281 


8A 56 337 


4L 36 373 


N6 38 411 


6A 44 455 


11C 68 523 


K9 84 607 


D2 43 650 


15G 83 733 


8L 39 772 


O13 69 841 


12A 46 887 


A10 33 920 


2B 26 946 


J10 36 982 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sunshine12 0 3:08 -890 92 1.7001 sunshine12 0 3:08 -890 92
GLOBEMAN 0 1:21 -940 42 2.7472 GLOBEMAN 0 1:21 -940 42
roocatcher 0 1:53 -940 42 3.7365 roocatcher 0 1:53 -940 42
4. -
chunk88 0 0:23 -950 32 Group: not rated
5. -
BadBoyBen 0 1:04 -967 15 1. - chunk88 0 0:23 -950 32
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:04 -967 15
On 1st draw, ILEUM H8 20 --- ILEUM a part of the small intestine [n]
Other tops: EMULE(D) H3 20, EMULE(S) H3 20, EMUL(G)E H3 20, IL(L)UME H8 20, I(L)LUME H8 20, LE(G)UME H8 20, MEI(K)LE H4 20, ME(A)LIE H4 20, MIEL(I)E H4 20, MIL(I)EU H4 20, MUE(S)LI H4 20, M(I)ELIE H4 20, M(I)LIEU H4 20, U(N)LIME H8 20, (D)ELIME H8 20, (H)ELIUM H7 20, (P)ILEUM H7 20, (R)ELUME H8 20, (T)ELIUM H7 20
Other moves: ILE(U)M H8 18, IL(E)UM H8 18, IL(I)UM H8 18, I(L)EUM H8 18, LE(D)UM H8 18
On 2nd draw, GRAYOUT I2 65 --- GRAYOUT a temporary blurring of vision [n]
Other tops: GRAYOUT G2 65
Other moves: GOARY G7 24, GOATY G7 24, GORAMY 12D 24, MORGAY 12H 24, ORGY I9 24
On 3rd draw, P(E)JORATE 6F 74 --- PEJORATE to make worse [v]
Other tops: PEJORAT(E) 6F 74
Other moves: PEJ(O)RATE 10A 70, PEJ(O)RATE 10G 68, JA(A)P H1 56, JA(U)P H1 56, J(A)AP H1 56
On 4th draw, ZED 5K 53 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ZEE 5K 50, NEWED N2 48, WANZED 4H 46, WANZE 4H 42, ZED N4 39
On 5th draw, HORDEIN 7A 69 --- HORDEIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: NEPHROID F4 66, DEHORN N6 38, HIED 4L 36, HIND 4L 36, HOED 4L 36
On 6th draw, AXE 8A 56 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AX 8A 51, EX 8A 51, OX 8A 51, QUIXOTE 11G 46, HOAX A7 42
HOAX A7 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 7th draw, KOLA 4L 36 --- KOLA a carbonated beverage [n]
Other tops: KOEL 4L 36
Other moves: AGE 6A 32, AGO 6A 32, KOA 4L 32, ALOE 6A 30, KO 4L 30
AGE 6A 32 chunk88, sunshine12
GOX B6 15 BadBoyBen
On 8th draw, DIRIGE N6 38 --- DIRIGE a dirge [n]
Other tops: GLIDDER D4 38, GRIDDLE D4 38
Other moves: DERIG N6 37, DIRGE N6 35, GIRDLED D4 34, GRIDDLE D3 34, DREG N6 32
ALDER O4 18 sunshine12
On 9th draw, AVE 6A 44 --- AVE an expression of greeting or farewell [n]
Other tops: AVO 6A 44
Other moves: FAE 6B 41, FIE 6B 41, FOE 6B 41, FOVEA O11 41, VAE 6B 41
On 10th draw, B(I)ANNUAL 11C 68 --- BIANNUAL a plant that flowers in its second year [n] --- BIANNUAL occurring twice a year [adj]
Other moves: (B)ANNABLE 10A 67, (T)ANNABLE 10A 67, BANNA(B)LE 10A 61, (S)LAB 3L 33, (S)NAB 3L 33
On 11th draw, TESTIER K9 84 --- TESTY irritable [adj]
Other moves: TERGITES 2F 63, RESITE K9 32, TESTER K9 32, TRISTE K8 32, ESTER K10 30
On 12th draw, TOWARDS D2 43 --- TOWARDS toward [prep]
Other moves: WARDS D4 39, WORDS D4 39, SWART O11 38, AWETOS 14I 34, SWEIRT 14I 34
On 13th draw, ISOPRENE 15G 83 --- ISOPRENE a volatile liquid [n]
Other tops: PIONEERS 15E 83
Other moves: EPIGONES 2F 65, ORPINE 15J 33, ORPINS 15J 33, PLEON J10 33, SPINE O11 32
On 14th draw, FIRM 8L 39 --- FIRM to become stable [v] --- FIRM unyielding to pressure [adj]
Other tops: FERM 8L 39
Other moves: FENI O7 37, CLEF 12A 36, FLIM J10 36, METIF 2B 36, FEM E3 34
On 15th draw, QIS O13 69 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VINS O12 66, VOLS O12 66, LINOS O11 53, LIONS O11 53, LOINS O11 53
On 16th draw, DEATHY 12A 46 --- DEATHY like death [adj]
Other moves: HEADY 12A 45, DEATHY 2A 42, HAYED E1 42, BEADY 12A 41, YAH 3M 41
On 17th draw, GODOWN A10 33 --- GODOWN an oriental warehouse [n]
Other moves: COWL 10B 31, COWAL O1 30, COWAN O1 30, W*GWOG E3 30, NOW E3 29
On 18th draw, ONTIC 2B 26 --- ONTIC having real being or existence [adj]
Other moves: COCA O1 24, CONIC 3C 24, BACCO C11 22, BACON C11 18, BANCO C11 18
On 19th draw, FLUB J10 36 --- FLUB to bungle [v]
Other moves: FLU J10 29, FLUB 14F 25, FAB 5C 23, CLUB 14F 22, FLU 1A 22
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