Game on January 21, 2025 at 03:58, no players
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 26 26
2. 5E 98 124
3. L1 50 174
4. 1I 54 228
5. F4 85 313
6. 12B 88 401
7. 6A 87 488
8. 2G 32 520
9. C1 82 602
10. 1A 33 635
11. 13H 70 705
12. 8A 36 741
13. 12K 42 783
14. B10 38 821
15. O7 48 869
16. 3I 38 907
17. 15A 33 940
18. E10 39 979
19. 14L 30 1009
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
On 1st draw, HEASTE H4 26 --- HEASTE behest [n]
Other moves: HAETS H4 24, HASTE H4 24, HATES H4 24, HEAST H4 24, HEATS H4 24
On 2nd draw, HIDEOUTS 5E 98 --- HIDEOUT a place of refuge [n]
Other moves: HIDEOUTS 9E 65, HIDEOUS 5E 44, HIDEOUT 5E 44, DHOTIS I6 32, SHOD I6 32
On 3rd draw, Q(U)IPS L1 50 --- QUIP to make witty remarks [v]
Other moves: QAI(D)S L1 46, QA(D)IS L1 46, Q(U)AIS L1 46, QI(S) 10F 40, QA(D)I 6B 37
On 4th draw, BANQUET 1I 54 --- BANQUET to feast [v]
Other moves: KETUBAH 4B 44, BEKAH 4D 42, QUAT 1L 39, BANKET 4A 37, BAUK 4C 31
On 5th draw, FIX(A)TION F4 85 --- FIXATION the act of fixating [n]
Other moves: (P)ONTIFEX 9B 80, FO(R)NIX 2E 62, (C)ONFIX 2E 62, INF(I)X 2F 60, (E)NFIX 2F 59
On 6th draw, CREASER 12B 88 --- CREASER one that creases [n]
Other moves: TERRACES 8H 83, TERRACES O1 83, CREASER G9 75, ECRASE(U)R 2F 75, CREASER 2D 71
On 7th draw, APYREXIAS 6A 87 --- APYREXIA break of fever [n]
Other moves: SPRAYIER C5 68, YA(U)PS 2J 57, SPICERY B9 40, SPACEY B9 38, SPICEY B9 38
On 8th draw, ANEW 2G 32 --- ANEW once more [adv]
Other tops: ANOW 2G 32, ENEW 2G 32, ENOW 2G 32
Other moves: NAW 2H 31, NEW 2H 31, NOW 2H 31, TAW 2H 31, TEW 2H 31
On 9th draw, WILLEYED C1 82 --- WILLEY to clean in a willowing-machine [v]
Other moves: WEALD A4 39, DEAWIE A4 36, DWALE A4 33, WAILED A5 30, WALLED A5 30
On 10th draw, GAWD 1A 33 --- GAWD a large ornamental rosary bead [n]
Other tops: GOWD 1A 33
Other moves: DIALOG A4 30, DOWAR 1A 30, GLAIR 3I 30, GOLIARD A2 30, ADAGIO A4 27
On 11th draw, ENDIRON 13H 70 --- ENDIRON a metal support for logs in a fireplace [n]
Other moves: ENDIRON 11H 68, ENDIRON 3I 30, DEAIR A4 24, DEARN A4 24, DECOR B10 24
On 12th draw, OLDY 8A 36 --- OLDY a popular song of an earlier day [n]
Other tops: LADY 8A 36, URDY 8A 36
Other moves: LAYER 12K 31, ALARY A4 27, LEARY A4 27, OYER 12L 27, YA 3I 27
On 13th draw, OAKUM 12K 42 --- OAKUM loosely twisted hemp fiber [n]
Other moves: AMOK 12L 40, KOINE N10 38, AMOK 12J 37, KAME 12K 36, KAMI 12K 36
On 14th draw, FICTOR B10 38 --- FICTOR a person who makes images from clay [n]
Other moves: UNIFORM O6 36, FRIT 14L 33, INFORM O7 33, UNFIRM O7 33, UNFORM O7 33
On 15th draw, LOGJAM O7 48 --- LOGJAM a tangled mass of logs, any blockage [n] --- LOGJAM to cause to become tangled in a mass [v]
Other moves: JA A14 42, JO A14 42, UNJAM O8 42, JOLL 4A 38, JUGA 14F 34
On 16th draw, GAMIC 3I 38 --- GAMIC requiring fertilisation [adj]
Other moves: GRAV 15A 36, CRAM 15A 33, GROMA 15A 33, GRAM 15A 30, CAMO 11I 29
On 17th draw, ERUV 15A 33 --- ERUV a designated region where Jewish religious rules are relaxed [n]
Other moves: VIBE 11I 31, BREVE H11 30, BRIE 14L 30, BRIT 14L 30, BRUITER 15A 30
On 18th draw, ZEA E10 39 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZINE 14F 38, ZITE 14F 38, RIZ 14M 37, ZIN 14F 35, ZIT 14F 35
On 19th draw, BRIN 14L 30 --- BRIN a rib of a fan [n]
Other tops: BRIO 14L 30, BRIT 14L 30
Other moves: OBIIT 2A 28, T(A)VS 7E 27, BIN 14M 25, BIO 14M 25, BIT 14M 25
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