Game on January 22, 2025 at 16:37, 11 players
1. 305 pts Pacific
2. 202 pts LongJump22
3. 161 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 64 64 


10G 74 138 


15D 39 177 


8G 64 241 


11E 38 279 


12A 46 325 


14B 52 377 


M2 30 407 


A8 39 446 


2J 52 498 


O2 81 579 


K1 30 609 


B6 36 645 


1N 44 689 


5D 72 761 


C7 30 791 


12H 73 864 


13L 46 910 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 4 6:17 -605 305 1.9595 Pacific 4 6:17 -605 305
LongJump22 3 3:17 -708 202 Group: advanced
ArcticFox 1 3:59 -749 161 1.7271 ArcticFox 1 3:59 -749 161
VVVVVV1112 2 2:52 -772 138 2.7257 VVVVVV1112 2 2:52 -772 138
Mycophot 1 2:38 -805 105 3.7582 Mycophot 1 2:38 -805 105
moonmonkey 1 3:09 -805 105 4.7366 moonmonkey 1 3:09 -805 105
queen66 0 0:47 -877 33 5.7292 queen66 0 0:47 -877 33
LLLLLL1112 0 0:27 -883 27 Group: novice
MMMMMM1112 0 0:57 -883 27 1.5679 LongJump22 3 3:17 -708 202
NNNNNN1112 0 1:20 -883 27 2.5497 LLLLLL1112 0 0:27 -883 27
OOOOOO1112 0 1:54 -883 27 3.5638 MMMMMM1112 0 0:57 -883 27
4.5568 NNNNNN1112 0 1:20 -883 27
5.5525 OOOOOO1112 0 1:54 -883 27
On 1st draw, INULA(S)E H8 64 --- INULASE an enzyme [n]
Other tops: ALIUN(D)E H2 64, ALIUN(D)E H3 64, ALIUN(D)E H4 64, ALIUN(D)E H6 64, ALIUN(D)E H8 64, ALUNI(T)E H2 64, ALUNI(T)E H3 64, ALUNI(T)E H4 64, ALUNI(T)E H6 64, ALUNI(T)E H8 64, ALU(M)INE H2 64, ALU(M)INE H3 64, ALU(M)INE H4 64, ALU(M)INE H6 64, ALU(M)INE H7 64, ALU(M)INE H8 64, E(Q)UINAL H2 64, E(Q)UINAL H4 64, E(Q)UINAL H6 64, E(Q)UINAL H7 64, E(Q)UINAL H8 64, INULA(S)E H2 64, INULA(S)E H3 64, INULA(S)E H4 64, INULA(S)E H6 64, IN(F)ULAE H3 64, IN(F)ULAE H4 64, IN(F)ULAE H6 64, IN(F)ULAE H7 64, IN(F)ULAE H8 64, IN(S)ULAE H3 64, IN(S)ULAE H4 64, IN(S)ULAE H6 64, IN(S)ULAE H7 64, IN(S)ULAE H8 64, LAU(W)INE H2 64, LAU(W)INE H3 64, LAU(W)INE H4 64, LAU(W)INE H6 64, LAU(W)INE H7 64, LAU(W)INE H8 64, LIN(G)UAE H2 64, LIN(G)UAE H3 64, LIN(G)UAE H4 64, LIN(G)UAE H6 64, LIN(G)UAE H7 64, LIN(G)UAE H8 64, UIL(L)EAN H2 64, UIL(L)EAN H3 64, UIL(L)EAN H4 64, UIL(L)EAN H6 64, UIL(L)EAN H7 64, UIL(L)EAN H8 64, UI(L)LEAN H3 64, UI(L)LEAN H4 64, UI(L)LEAN H6 64, UI(L)LEAN H7 64, UI(L)LEAN H8 64, UNALI(K)E H2 64, UNALI(K)E H3 64, UNALI(K)E H4 64, UNALI(K)E H6 64, UNALI(K)E H8 64, UNALI(V)E H2 64, UNALI(V)E H3 64, UNALI(V)E H4 64, UNALI(V)E H6 64, UNALI(V)E H8 64, UNA(G)ILE H2 64, UNA(G)ILE H3 64, UNA(G)ILE H4 64, UNA(G)ILE H6 64, UNA(G)ILE H7 64, UNA(G)ILE H8 64, UNI(D)EAL H2 64, UNI(D)EAL H3 64, UNI(D)EAL H4 64, UNI(D)EAL H6 64, UNI(D)EAL H7 64, UNI(D)EAL H8 64, UN(V)AILE H3 64, UN(V)AILE H4 64, UN(V)AILE H6 64, UN(V)AILE H7 64, UN(V)AILE H8 64, (C)AULINE H2 64, (C)AULINE H3 64, (C)AULINE H6 64, (C)AULINE H7 64, (C)AULINE H8 64, (Q)UINELA H2 64, (Q)UINELA H3 64, (Q)UINELA H6 64, (Q)UINELA H7 64, (Q)UINELA H8 64
Other moves: ALIUN(D)E H5 62, ALIUN(D)E H7 62, ALUNI(T)E H5 62, ALUNI(T)E H7 62, ALU(M)INE H5 62
LIN(G)UAE H4 64 LongJump22
UNALI(K)E H4 64 Pacific
On 2nd draw, OUTHEARD 10G 74 --- OUTHEAR to surpass in hearing [v]
Other tops: AUTHORED 10G 74
Other moves: DEHORT I8 29, DEARTH(S) 13B 28, RATHE I10 28, (S)HORTED 13H 28, DEATH(S) 13C 26
AUTHORED 10G 74 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 3rd draw, ANOAS 15D 39 --- ANOA a wild ox [n]
Other tops: OASIS 15D 39, SAINS 15D 39, SAINS 15H 39, SANSA 15H 39, SASIN 15H 39
Other moves: ASSAI 15F 36, ASSAI 15G 36, OASIS 15F 36, OSSIA 15F 36, OSSIA 15G 36
SAINS 15H 39 Pacific
OASIS 15D 39 Mycophot
SASIN 15H 39 moonmonkey
On 4th draw, LIFECARE 8G 64 --- LIFECARE housing and health services for the elderly [n]
Other moves: FLEECER K5 48, FLEER 11K 33, FLEER 11G 32, FLEA 11K 31, FLEE 11K 31
LIFECARE 8G 64 LongJump22
On 5th draw, QIBLA 11E 38 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other tops: NIQAB(S) 13C 38
Other moves: BANED 14B 35, QINDAR M3 34, QADI 14B 33, QAID 14A 31, BLAIN 11G 29
DAB 14D 27 LLLLLL1112, OOOOOO1112
DEB 14D 27 MMMMMM1112
DIB 14D 27 NNNNNN1112
On 6th draw, HEMOID 12A 46 --- HEMOID pertaining to the blood [adj]
Other moves: HOMED 14B 43, DOVEI(S)H 13C 36, DOH 14D 33, CHEVIED K8 32, VEHMIC K3 32
DOH 14D 33 Mycophot, moonmonkey
HEED 14F 31 ArcticFox
On 7th draw, TODAY 14B 52 --- TODAY the present day [n]
Other moves: TOYED 14B 40, DEATHY A8 39, DAYTIME C7 38, DAY 14D 33, DEY 14D 33
TODAY 14B 52 ArcticFox, Pacific
DAY 14D 33 moonmonkey
DEY 14D 33 Mycophot
DOY 14D 33 queen66
On 8th draw, IMBOWER M2 30 --- IMBOWER to give shelter [v]
Other tops: MIOMBO C9 30, WOMBIER M2 30
Other moves: WO 13B 26, EMBOW K10 24, BOW 7L 21, MEW 7L 21, MOW 7L 21
On 9th draw, KAUGH A8 39 --- KAUGH care or trouble [n]
Other moves: LEAK L2 36, KEA L2 32, GLAIK 2J 28, RUGLIKE 2I 28, GEAL L2 27
On 10th draw, VIZIER 2J 52 --- VIZIER a high official in some Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: VEZIR 2J 50, VIZIR 2J 50, ZEIN B6 41, AVIZE 12H 40, AVIZE L10 34
On 11th draw, RAFTE(R)S O2 81 --- RAFTER a supporting beam [n] --- RAFTER to supply with supporting beams [v]
Other moves: FANES O4 78, FATES O4 78, FA(V)EST O4 78, FA(Y)EST O4 78, FEATS O4 78
F(I)NEST O4 78 Pacific, ArcticFox
On 12th draw, JIVES K1 30 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other tops: VEINS B6 30, (S)WIVES 13H 30
Other moves: DJINS N10 26, JEE J6 26, JINS B7 25, JIB 4K 24, VINEWS K1 24
On 13th draw, TWIRP B6 36 --- TWIRP a small impudent person [n]
Other moves: OWRIE B8 28, (S)WIPER 13H 28, WATAPE L7 27, PIERT B10 26, PROW B6 26
On 14th draw, ED 1N 44 --- ED education [n]
Other moves: DRAFTE(R)S O1 33, DINNLE A1 26, END C7 26, LIED C5 22, NIED C5 22
On 15th draw, INGROUPS 5D 72 --- INGROUP a group united by common interests [n]
Other tops: POURINGS 5D 72
Other moves: TROUPING 6B 67, CREPING K8 24, PARAGON L7 24, (S)PORING 13H 24, PORE N5 23
POURINGS 5D 72 Pacific
On 16th draw, ORC C7 30 --- ORC a marine mammal [n]
Other moves: CENOTE A1 29, CENTRE A1 29, ENCORE A1 29, CEROON H1 27, CROTON H1 27
On 17th draw, ANGINOSE 12H 73 --- ANGINA a disease marked by spasmodic attacks of intense pain [adj] --- ANGINOSE relating to angina [adj]
Other moves: INGINES D2 33, INIONS D3 29, SOIGNE A1 29, ISOGON H1 27, NINES D4 27
On 18th draw, EXIT 13L 46 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other tops: NEXT 13K 46
Other moves: ILEX 4A 42, LUXE 4B 42, NIXE 4B 42, TEX 13K 42, TUX 13K 42
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