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Game on January 23, 2025 at 12:29, 11 players
1. 304 pts Chelsea
2. 242 pts queen66
3. 199 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aerrtw   H4    76    76   waterer
 2. ?egitvw  11H    31   107   swivet
 3. bemorty  12L    40   147   moby
 4. deloprt   5D    94   241   portaled
 5. adlnnop   O6    36   277   nonplay
 6. acddoru  13I    35   312   duroc
 7. aehijnr   4J    42   354   hejira
 8. aegnsuy   6H    38   392   tays
 9. eegklnt   D1    32   424   kelep
10. addlnoz   1A    51   475   zonk
11. egnostx   2A    47   522   ox
12. aiiilno   3A    24   546   lo
13. aeeirss   F2    62   608   rearises
14. aaehnnu  10H    32   640   rah
15. aeegnou  14I    20   660   age
16. abceimt  15D    43   703   micate
17. deeginu   O6    48   751   nonplaying
18. degintv   8A    33   784   endive
19. bgioqst   6B    44   828   qis
20. abdeitt  C11    27   855   abide
21. ffgiotu  D11    30   885   gif
22. fnotuuu  E10    25   910   fon

Remaining tiles: ttuuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7064 FileChelsea     4 10:16  -606  304     1.7064 Chelsea     4 10:16  -606  304 
  2.  -  Filequeen66     3  5:25  -668  242     2.7263 VVVVVV1112  1  1:49  -747  163 
  3.5601 FileLongJump22  2  1:38  -711  199     3.7518 Mycophot    0  1:15  -873   37 
  4.7263 FileVVVVVV1112  1  1:49  -747  163     4.7454 moonmonkey  0  1:50  -873   37 
  5.5528 FileLLLLLL1112  1  4:18  -823   87     5.7710 HollyIvy    0  1:01  -876   34 
  6.5695 FileMMMMMM1112  1  2:56  -848   62            Group: novice
  7.7518 FileMycophot    0  1:15  -873   37     1.5601 LongJump22  2  1:38  -711  199 
  8.7454 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:50  -873   37     2.5528 LLLLLL1112  1  4:18  -823   87 
  9.5450 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:56  -874   36     3.5695 MMMMMM1112  1  2:56  -848   62 
 10.7710 FileHollyIvy    0  1:01  -876   34     4.5450 NNNNNN1112  1  1:56  -874   36 
 11.5553 FileOOOOOO1112  0  0:42  -883   27     5.5553 OOOOOO1112  0  0:42  -883   27 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  queen66     3  5:25  -668  242 

On 1st draw, WAT(E)RER H4 76 --- WATERER one that waters [n]
Other tops: REWRA(P)T H2 76, WART(I)ER H4 76, WATER(E)R H4 76
Other moves: REWRA(P)T H3 70, REWRA(P)T H4 70, REWRA(P)T H6 70, REWRA(P)T H8 70, TRAW(L)ER H2 70
WATER(E)R H4 76 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 2nd draw, (S)WIVET 11H 31 --- SWIVET a state of nervous excitement [n]
Other moves: VIEW(S) 11D 29, WIVE(S) 11D 29, (S)WIVE 11H 29, VAWTI(N)G 5G 26, WEAVI(N)G 5F 26
WET(A) G7 25 LLLLLL1112

On 3rd draw, MOBY 12L 40 --- MOBY a mobile phone [n]
Other moves: YEBO G7 35, MOTEY G3 34, BEY G7 32, BOY G7 32, MOY G7 32
ROM 10H 26 LLLLLL1112
ROB 10H 26 MMMMMM1112

On 4th draw, PORTALED 5D 94 --- PORTAL a door, gate, or entrance [adj] --- PORTALED having a portal [adj]
Other tops: PROLATED 5D 94
Other moves: DROPLET 13G 87, PLOATED 5E 40, DEPLOY O7 36, PODLEY O7 36, PROTYLE O8 36
DROPLET 13G 87 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
DROPLET 13G 37 Mycophot, moonmonkey
PORTLY O7 33 Chelsea

On 5th draw, NONPLAY O6 36 --- NONPLAY a theatrical work that is not a play [n]
Other moves: DOPA 13K 33, PANDY O8 33, PYLON O11 30, POA 13M 29, DOPA 4C 28
NONPLAY O6 36 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112
PLOD 4B 25 Chelsea

On 6th draw, DUROC 13I 35 --- DUROC a large red dog [n]
Other moves: CODA 13K 31, ADDUCTOR M6 30, DOUC 13J 29, OCA 13L 29, CODA 4C 27
CRUD 13J 27 OOOOOO1112, queen66
COD 13K 25 Chelsea

On 7th draw, HEJIRA 4J 42 --- HEJIRA an exodus [n]
Other moves: HEJIRA N1 40, HAJI 6J 38, HEJRA 4J 38, HEJRA N2 38, HIJRA 4J 38
HAJ 6J 37 Chelsea
HAJ 4J 34 queen66, HollyIvy

On 8th draw, TAYS 6H 38 --- TAY tea [n]
Other moves: GURNEY N2 33, TAY 6H 33, SARNEY N2 31, YUGA 4C 29, UPSEY D4 28
TAYS 6H 38 Chelsea
GEY 3M 27 queen66

On 9th draw, KELEP D1 32 --- KELEP a stinging ant [n]
Other moves: KEN 3M 30, KERNEL N2 30, KET 3M 30, KINGLET M3 28, KITENGE M3 28
KEN 3M 30 queen66

On 10th draw, ZONK 1A 51 --- ZONK to stupefy [v]
Other moves: ZONA O1 39, ZONA 14F 36, ADZ(E)D 7E 33, DAZ(E)D 7E 33, DOZ(E)D 7E 33
ZONK 1A 51 queen66, Chelsea

On 11th draw, OX 2A 47 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: LATEX I5 42, LAXES I5 42, OXES 6A 39, EX I8 36, S(E)X 7G 36
OX 2A 47 queen66, Chelsea

On 12th draw, LO 3A 24 --- LO used to attract attention or to express surprise [interj]
Other moves: NORIA N2 18, OLLA 3B 18, ALOIN 14F 16, OIL 3B 16, ZOONAL A1 16
LO 3A 24 queen66

On 13th draw, REARISES F2 62 --- REARISE to arise again [v]
Other tops: REARISES F5 62, RERAISES F3 62, RERAISES F5 62
Other moves: REARISES 8E 59, RERAISES 8F 59, NONPLAYERS O6 45, SEISOR E1 30, RASSE 6B 27
EA O3 2 queen66

On 14th draw, RAH 10H 32 --- RAH to cheer on a team or player [v] --- RAH used to cheer on a team or player [interj]
Other moves: AAH 14H 30, NAH 14H 30, AH 14I 29, EH 14I 29, HE 14J 28

On 15th draw, AGE 14I 20 --- AGE to grow old [v]
Other tops: AGREE N2 20, GERNE N2 20
Other moves: ENG 9H 19, GAE 3M 18, GAN 3M 18, GEE 3M 18, GEN 3M 18

On 16th draw, MICATE 15D 43 --- MICATE to furnish with mica [v]
Other moves: BECAME 8A 39, EMBACE 8A 39, ACMITE 15D 37, CEIBA 15K 35, METIC 15K 35

On 17th draw, NONPLAYING O6 48 --- NONPLAYING [adj]
Other moves: DENGUE 8A 30, UNEDGE 8A 30, ENERGID N1 29, DEIGN 15K 28, DINGE 15K 28
NONPLAYING O6 48 Chelsea

On 18th draw, ENDIVE 8A 33 --- ENDIVE an herb cultivated as a salad plant [n]
Other moves: VENITE 8A 30, VERDIN N2 30, VERDIT N2 30, DIVE C12 27, GIRNED N2 27

On 19th draw, QIS 6B 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GOB 3M 24, OBIS 6A 24, QIS M3 24, BIS 6B 23, BOS 6B 23

On 20th draw, ABIDE C11 27 --- ABIDE to accept without objection [v]
Other moves: AIRTED N2 25, BAD 3M 25, BADE C12 25, BED 3M 25, BIDE C12 25

On 21th draw, GIF D11 30 --- GIF if [conj]
Other moves: BIFFO 12C 26, BUFFI 12C 26, BUFFO 12C 26, BIFF 12C 24, BOFF 12C 24

On 22th draw, FON E10 25 --- FON foehn [n] --- FON to fool [v]
Other moves: EF 9H 22, FAW I9 22, TUFA O1 21, UFO B10 20, NOT E10 19

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