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Game on January 23, 2025 at 14:51, 8 players
1. 300 pts LongJump22
2. 150 pts VVVVVV1112
3. 109 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adefgqv   H4    28    28   fadge
 2. adeinrs   8A    80   108   arsenide
 3. aeeglrr   C1    70   178   regalers
 4. ?eiostu   1A   122   300   virtuose
 5. aceirtt   4E    76   376   trifecta
 6. deinosv   F7    68   444   visioned
 7. aegiqrt  E10    37   481   qi
 8. aehlnow   2F    41   522   whale
 9. aemopty   B4    39   561   mayor
10. aeilptt   1J    35   596   tapeti
11. ?befopx   N1    60   656   teabox
12. aeemnop   A4    33   689   apeman
13. adfinvw   O5    39   728   divan
14. hjnortu   N8    33   761   john
15. beloruz  O11    47   808   ouzel
16. bilortw  14J    34   842   blowie
17. knortuu   M9    28   870   ko
18. cinrstu  13A    72   942   curniest

Remaining tiles: fgruy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5601 FileLongJump22  4  2:31  -642  300     1.7263 VVVVVV1112  2  2:45  -792  150 
  2.7263 FileVVVVVV1112  2  2:45  -792  150     2.7664 Mycophot    1  2:31  -833  109 
  3.7664 FileMycophot    1  2:31  -833  109     3.7454 moonmonkey  1  3:29  -833  109 
  4.7454 Filemoonmonkey  1  3:29  -833  109            Group: novice
  5.5553 FileOOOOOO1112  1  3:41  -873   69     1.5601 LongJump22  4  2:31  -642  300 
  6.5528 FileLLLLLL1112  1  3:01  -893   49     2.5553 OOOOOO1112  1  3:41  -873   69 
  7.5695 FileMMMMMM1112  1  0:19  -905   37     3.5528 LLLLLL1112  1  3:01  -893   49 
  8.5450 FileNNNNNN1112  1  0:43  -905   37     4.5695 MMMMMM1112  1  0:19  -905   37 
                                             5.5450 NNNNNN1112  1  0:43  -905   37 

On 1st draw, FADGE H4 28 --- FADGE to succeed [v]
Other moves: FADGE H8 22, FADGE H5 20, FADGE H6 20, FADGE H7 20, FAVE H5 20
FADGE H4 28 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112

On 2nd draw, ARSENIDE 8A 80 --- ARSENIDE a compound of arsenic [n]
Other tops: DRAISENE 8A 80, NEARSIDE 8A 80
Other moves: FRIANDES 4H 76, RANDIES 9E 72, SANDIER 9E 72, SARDINE 9E 72, RANDIES 9B 71
NEARSIDE 8A 80 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 3rd draw, REGALERS C1 70 --- REGALER one that regales [n]
Other moves: ENLARGER E7 68, REGALER 5E 32, REGALER B8 24, REGALER B2 20, ALEGGE 7E 19
REGALERS C1 70 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 4th draw, (V)IRTUOSE 1A 122 --- VIRTUOSA a female virtuoso [n]
Other moves: (B)OUNTIES E5 78, (C)OUNTIES E5 78, (N)OUNIEST E5 78, TOUSIE(R) I5 77, TOUS(T)IE I5 76
(V)IRTUOSE 1A 122 LongJump22
(V)IRTUOSE 1A 72 Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 5th draw, TRIFECTA 4E 76 --- TRIFECTA a system of betting [n]
Other moves: ATRETIC 2H 74, RETRAICT B8 74, INTERACT E7 70, CRINATE E5 36, TRANECT E5 36

On 6th draw, VISIONED F7 68 --- VISION to imagine [v]
Other moves: VISED M2 32, DEENS 2B 30, DEVS M1 30, DIVS M1 30, ONSIDE M2 30

On 7th draw, QI E10 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GOATIER 11E 32, QINTAR 12D 32, TRANQ 12C 28, GATER E11 25, GARE E11 23
QI E10 37 MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 8th draw, WHALE 2F 41 --- WHALE to engage in the hunting of whales (large marine mammals) [v]
Other tops: WHEAL 2F 41
Other moves: WHAE 2F 38, WHEN 2F 38, HAW B4 37, HEW B4 37, WHA 2F 37

On 9th draw, MAYOR B4 39 --- MAYOR the chief executive official of a city or borough [n]
Other tops: PAYER B4 39, PAYOR B4 39
Other moves: TEAPOY 1J 38, MORAY B6 36, PARTY B6 36, PORTY B6 36, MAY B4 35

On 10th draw, TAPETI 1J 35 --- TAPETI a rabbit [n]
Other moves: PATTIE 1J 31, PATTLE 1J 31, TAPETAL A3 30, APLITE 1J 29, TAPETA A3 29

On 11th draw, TE(A)BOX N1 60 --- TEABOX a box for storing tea leaves [n]
Other moves: WHALEBO(N)E 2F 45, FE(D)EX 13C 44, FO(R)EX 13C 44, PO(D)EX 13C 42, EXO G12 40

On 12th draw, APEMAN A4 33 --- APEMAN an extinct primate [n]
Other moves: AMP A4 27, MOPANE M5 27, APEMEN M6 25, MOPE M5 24, NAME A3 24

On 13th draw, DIVAN O5 39 --- DIVAN a sofa or couch [n]
Other tops: DIWAN O5 39
Other moves: FIND O5 38, WIND O5 38, DIVA O5 36, ADVEW 13C 32, FAWNED 13B 30

On 14th draw, JOHN N8 33 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other tops: HOTROD 5J 33
Other moves: HON 5J 25, HOT 5J 25, JOTUN N8 25, JUNTO N8 25, H(A)J 3M 24

On 15th draw, OUZEL O11 47 --- OUZEL a European bird [n]
Other moves: BOULE M9 35, COZE J4 35, DOZER 6H 35, OUZEL M10 35, ZE(A)L 3L 35

On 16th draw, BLOWIE 14J 34 --- BLOWIE a blowfly [n]
Other tops: WORTLE 14J 34
Other moves: BLITZ 13K 32, BORTZ 13K 32, WIZ 13M 30, BIZ 13M 28, BLOWIER 13A 26

On 17th draw, KO M9 28 --- KO a Maori digging-stick [n]
Other tops: KO 13L 28
Other moves: ERK M1 26, NOOK L12 26, ROOK L12 26, TOOK L12 26, TONKER 13B 22

On 18th draw, CURNIEST 13A 72 --- CURNY granular [adj]
Other moves: CIST L8 23, CUTINS L6 23, CIS L8 22, CUTIN L6 22, CUTIS L6 22

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