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Game on January 24, 2025 at 00:00, 5 players
1. 428 pts sunshine12
2. 271 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 205 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acehsty   H8    36    36   scythe
 2. ?aaeirz  11D   114   150   zaratite
 3. adeegmo   8B    64   214   megadose
 4. aaeinrx  12D    53   267   axe
 5. dghisuv  L11    37   304   shiv
 6. efginor  15I    98   402   foreign
 7. ?beeeno  14H    39   441   deb
 8. aiinort  10E    26   467   tony
 9. adiloot  N10    24   491   dialog
10. eilmotu   O5    27   518   motile
11. adeikrv   N4    45   563   raked
12. aeinnrs   D2    68   631   earnings
13. aelptvy   1A    59   690   levy
14. adgjopw  13B    39   729   dopa
15. eilnoow  B10    36   765   windle
16. aiorstu   K4    66   831   sautoire
17. cjopruw   L1    46   877   juco
18. fgipqtu   J2    42   919   quip
19. bfgnrtu  15A    33   952   terf

Remaining tiles: bgntuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7022 Filesunshine12  1 12:34  -524  428     1.7022 sunshine12  1 12:34  -524  428 
  2.7544 FileGLOBEMAN    0 10:46  -681  271     2.7544 GLOBEMAN    0 10:46  -681  271 
  3.7280 Fileroocatcher  0 10:17  -747  205     3.7280 roocatcher  0 10:17  -747  205 
  4.7546 Filelazy.lion   0  0:09  -907   45     4.7546 lazy.lion   0  0:09  -907   45 
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:08  -934   18            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  0:08  -934   18 

On 1st draw, SCYTHE H8 36 --- SCYTHE to cut with a scythe (a single-bladed cutting implement) [v]
Other tops: CHESTY H3 36, CHESTY H7 36, YACHTS H4 36
Other moves: CHESTY H4 34, SCYTHE H3 34, TECHY H8 34, YACHT H4 34, YECHS H4 34

On 2nd draw, ZARATI(T)E 11D 114 --- ZARATITE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ARA(B)IZES 8A 98, AR(C)HAIZE 12E 88, ATRAZI(N)E 11G 82, TRA(P)EZIA 11H 82, ZARA(T)ITE 11B 82
SCYTHER(S) H8 45 lazy.lion, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 3rd draw, MEGADOSE 8B 64 --- MEGADOSE an abnormally large dose [n]
Other moves: DEGAME 12A 52, DAME 12C 42, DOME 12C 42, GAME 12C 42, MEGA 12A 42
MEGA 12A 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 4th draw, AXE 12D 53 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: RAX 12C 51, AX 12D 49, NIXER 14D 43, RAX 14H 41, REX 14H 41
RAX 14H 41 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 5th draw, SHIV L11 37 --- SHIV a knife [n] --- SHIV to knife [v]
Other moves: DISH L9 33, DUSH L9 33, GUSH L9 33, SIDH L11 33, SIGH L11 33
HIS 14F 29 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
IS 14G 17 roocatcher

On 6th draw, FOREIGN 15I 98 --- FOREIGN situated outside a place or country [adj]
Other moves: FOREIGN 7I 75, FINGER 15H 45, FRINGE 15G 45, FEIGN 15K 42, FOGIE 15H 42
FORGE 13A 41 roocatcher, sunshine12

On 7th draw, (D)EB 14H 39 --- DEB a debutante [n]
Other tops: (D)OB 14H 39, (R)EB 14H 39, (R)OB 14H 39, (S)OB 14H 39
Other moves: BE(S)EE 13B 36, BO(X)EN 13B 36, (P)EEBEEN 13D 36, OBE(S)E 13A 33, OBE(S)E 14E 31

On 8th draw, TONY 10E 26 --- TONY a simpleton [n] --- TONY stylish [adj]
Other tops: TINY 10E 26
Other moves: MARTINI B8 22, RATIO 7C 21, AIRTING N9 20, ORATING N9 20, RAITING N9 20

On 9th draw, DIALOG N10 24 --- DIALOG to converse [v]
Other moves: ODAL 7B 21, ALOD 7D 20, DALI 7C 20, DATO 7C 20, DOTAL 7A 19
LIDO 9A 19 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 10th draw, MOTILE O5 27 --- MOTILE one whose mental imagery consists chiefly of inner feelings of action [n]
Other tops: ULTIMO O5 27
Other moves: MULE 7C 24, MUTE 7C 24, MUTI 7C 24, EMIT O8 23, LIMO 9A 23
MOIT O8 23 sunshine12
MOE O8 18 chunk88

On 11th draw, RAKED N4 45 --- RAKE to gather with a toothed bar on a handle [v]
Other moves: AKED N5 44, DRAKE N3 42, RAIKED N1 41, RAKE N4 40, RAKI N4 40
DRAKE N3 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 12th draw, EARNINGS D2 68 --- EARNING a preparation of calf's stomach [n] --- EARNINGS something earned [n]
Other tops: ANSERINE C1 68, INSNARER 4G 68
Other moves: ANSERINE K4 66, REINSMAN B3 64, INSNARED F1 63, ANSERINE I1 60, SI 13D 25
RISEN M1 17 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 13th draw, LEVY 1A 59 --- LEVY to impose or collect by legal authority [v]
Other moves: PALY 1A 56, PATY 1A 56, PLAY 1A 56, LEAVY 1D 47, VEALY 1A 47
PAY C1 28 sunshine12

On 14th draw, DOPA 13B 39 --- DOPA a drug to treat Parkinson's disease [n]
Other moves: JA C3 38, JAP 13B 38, JO C3 38, JAG 13B 35, JOG 13B 35
JAP M3 33 sunshine12

On 15th draw, WINDLE B10 36 --- WINDLE to wind [v]
Other tops: WOODEN B10 36, WOODIE B10 36
Other moves: WOOLIER 4H 28, LOWNE 7A 27, LOWN 7A 24, NOWN 7A 24, WINN O12 24

On 16th draw, SAUTOIRE K4 66 --- SAUTOIRE a heraldic design [n]
Other tops: OUTRAISE K4 66, RAINOUTS 5A 66
Other moves: OUTRAISE I1 60, SAUTOIRE I1 60, STRAKED N2 24, VATU C1 22, AORIST J4 21

On 17th draw, JUCO L1 46 --- JUCO a junior college [n]
Other moves: J*W 15A 39, JUCO 3L 39, JO C3 38, COWP L3 35, JOW L3 35

On 18th draw, QUIP J2 42 --- QUIP to make witty remarks [v]
Other moves: QUIT J2 38, QUIP 6B 35, QUIT 6B 33, EQUIP B1 32, QUIPU 2K 32
QUIP 6B 35 sunshine12

On 19th draw, TERF 15A 33 --- TERF turf [n]
Other moves: UNBRAKED N1 30, BEGUN 15A 27, BERG 15A 27, CUB 3L 27, GEBUR 15A 27
TERF 15A 33 sunshine12

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