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Game on January 24, 2025 at 05:27, 1 player
1. 512 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegilrs   H4    70    70   grailes
 2. ?ddoopr   I7    24    94   dodo
 3. ?acegin   5E    90   184   citrange
 4. akmorsu   4L    38   222   mark
 5. cenrtux  J10    51   273   xu
 6. aeeioqt   O1    27   300   atoke
 7. ?afguvz   3K    54   354   fez
 8. elmpsuy   6J    35   389   yus
 9. bilnpru  K11    22   411   purin
10. aanosvw  14I    34   445   avions
11. behijot  15E    44   489   objet
12. beelovw   2H    30   519   vowel
13. aeeimnt  13C    76   595   etamine
14. deloprw   C7    68   663   replowed
15. bceirst   B2    34   697   scribe
16. adefhty   1A    56   753   hefty
17. degiino   N7    62   815   indigoes
18. aaeintt  12B    26   841   twine
19. aahilru   A5    36   877   lahar

Remaining tiles: aiqtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6357 Filefatcat      2 15:15  -365  512     1.6357 fatcat      2 15:15  -365  512 

On 1st draw, GRAILES H4 70 --- GRAILE gravel [n]
Other tops: GLAIRES H4 70
Other moves: GLAIRES H2 68, GLAIRES H3 68, GLAIRES H6 68, GLAIRES H7 68, GLAIRES H8 68
GLARES H4 18 fatcat

On 2nd draw, DODO I7 24 --- DODO an extinct flightless bird [n]
Other tops: DODO(S) I7 24
Other moves: D(A)P G7 23, ODD(E)R G5 23, P(A)D G7 23, P(E)D G7 23, DOD(O) I7 22
GOOD(S) 4H 12 fatcat

On 3rd draw, CI(T)RANGE 5E 90 --- CITRANGE a hybrid between citron and orange [n]
Other tops: A(M)ERCING 5E 90, CA(P)ERING 5D 90, CA(T)ERING 5D 90, C(L)EARING 5D 90, (P)EARCING 5E 90, (S)EARCING 5E 90
Other moves: CAGE(L)ING 4A 78, G(L)ACEING 4A 76, G(L)ACEING 4H 76, ENCAGI(N)G 4A 74, E(N)CAGING 4A 74
RACING 5H 18 fatcat

On 4th draw, MARK 4L 38 --- MARK to impress or stamp with a sign [v]
Other tops: MASK 4L 38, MOSK 4L 38, MURK 4L 38, MUSK 4L 38
Other moves: AMOKS 4K 35, AMOK 4L 34, AMOKS M1 33, MAKOS M1 33, MARKS M1 33
MARKS M1 33 fatcat

On 5th draw, XU J10 51 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: TUCKER O1 36, XENIC F2 36, XERIC F2 36, NEXT 6L 32, TEX 6L 31
XU J10 51 fatcat

On 6th draw, ATOKE O1 27 --- ATOKE a sexless part of some worms [n]
Other moves: ATOK O1 24, QA(T) G3 24, TEAK O1 24, TEEK O1 24, AIT 6J 17
TEEK O1 24 fatcat

On 7th draw, F(E)Z 3K 54 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: Z(O)O 3M 45, GRAZ(E) N3 39, AGUIZ(E) F2 37, ZA N1 37, AVIZ(E) F3 36
Z(O)O 3M 45 fatcat

On 8th draw, YUS 6J 35 --- YU a precious jade [n]
Other moves: PLUMY K11 32, PUMY K11 30, UEYS 6L 30, UMPS 6L 29, YU 6J 29
SLUMP K11 22 fatcat

On 9th draw, PURIN K11 22 --- PURIN a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: PUB K11 22
Other moves: PIRL K11 20, PIRN K11 20, PUIR K11 20, PULI K11 20, PURI K11 20
PUB K11 22 fatcat

On 10th draw, AVIONS 14I 34 --- AVION an aeroplane [n]
Other tops: AVIANS 14I 34
Other moves: VINAS 14J 32, VINOS 14J 32, VISON 14J 32, WINOS 14J 32, NOVAS 15K 27
VINOS 14J 32 fatcat

On 11th draw, OBJET 15E 44 --- OBJET an object [n]
Other tops: BOTHIE 15D 44
Other moves: JIBE 15F 41, JOBE 15F 41, OBJET 2H 41, JIB 15G 40, JOB 15G 40
JIBE 15F 41 fatcat

On 12th draw, VOWEL 2H 30 --- VOWEL a type of speech sound [n] --- VOWEL to use as a speech sound [v]
Other tops: BELOVE 2F 30
Other moves: BEVEL 2H 29, BOWEL 2H 29, ELBOW 13E 27, VOW 13G 27, OVEL 2I 26
BELOVES N8 14 fatcat

On 13th draw, ETAMINE 13C 76 --- ETAMINE a loosely woven fabric [n]
Other tops: MATINEE 13C 76
Other moves: ETAMINES N7 66, MATINEES N7 62, ENEMA 14B 28, MENTA 14B 26, CEMENTA E5 22
TEAM 13F 18 fatcat

On 14th draw, REPLOWED C7 68 --- REPLOW to plow again [v]
Other moves: DOWEL 12A 33, LOWED 12A 32, ROWED 12A 32, PORED 12A 31, LOPED 12A 29
WORE 12A 28 fatcat

On 15th draw, SCRIBE B2 34 --- SCRIBE to mark with a pointed instrument [v]
Other moves: ERECTS 8A 33, ERECT 8A 30, CREST L8 29, WITES 12C 28, BREEST 8A 27
CREST 8A 24 fatcat

On 16th draw, HEFTY 1A 56 --- HEFTY heavy [adj]
Other tops: DEFY 1A 56, FADY 1A 56
Other moves: HAFTED A5 54, DEATHY 1A 53, HAFTED 1A 53, HEADY 1A 53, YEAH 1A 53
HAYED A7 42 fatcat

On 17th draw, INDIGOES N7 62 --- INDIGO a blue dye [n]
Other moves: INDIGO 14A 35, IDEE 8A 31, WINED 12C 31, DOWIE 12A 28, DWINE 12B 28
GRID 4A 16 fatcat

On 18th draw, TWINE 12B 26 --- TWINE to entangle together [v]
Other tops: TWITE 12B 26
Other moves: NEAT O7 25, TAIN O7 25, TAIT O7 25, TEAT O7 25, TAWIE 12A 24
TEAT O7 25 fatcat

On 19th draw, LAHAR A5 36 --- LAHAR a flowing mass of volcanic debris [n]
Other moves: HILAR A7 30, HAIL M7 29, HUIA M7 29, AHA A6 28, AHI A6 28
HAIL A7 27 fatcat

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