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Game on January 24, 2025 at 07:01, 1 player
1. 318 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?acdeip   H7    78    78   dispace
 2. adilmor  12C    76   154   dromical
 3. adegity  14G    30   184   edgy
 4. ?abeint  15A    85   269   niobate
 5. acenorv   J5    71   340   novercal
 6. abefsyz  11E    48   388   za
 7. aegiory  10C    44   432   gray
 8. behorsu   7A    66   498   beshroud
 9. amooprt   8A    53   551   atom
10. ennoost  13D    27   578   ens
11. aiilrsu   5C    66   644   silurian
12. aeelttx   4C    42   686   axe
13. egooqtu  13A    36   722   queens
14. degjltu   3A    30   752   jug
15. eiilnot   3E    62   814   etiolin
16. ehiloos   2J    49   863   hoolie
17. efiknrs   1H    55   918   fikes
18. enotvww   6A    32   950   ow
19. defnptt   O1    33   983   fetted

Remaining tiles: nnprtvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6359 Filefatcat      0  7:33  -665  318     1.6359 fatcat      0  7:33  -665  318 

On 1st draw, DI(S)PACE H7 78 --- DISPACE to range about [v]
Other tops: EDAP(H)IC H6 78, EPAC(R)ID H3 78, PEDICA(B) H4 78, PEDICA(B) H8 78, PE(R)ACID H4 78, PE(R)ACID H8 78
Other moves: DI(S)PACE H4 76, EDAP(H)IC H3 76, EPAC(R)ID H6 76, PEDICA(B) H2 76, PE(R)ACID H6 76

On 2nd draw, DROMICAL 12C 76 --- DROMICAL pertaining to a race-course [adj]
Other moves: AMIDOL 14E 30, MODAL 14F 29, MELODIA 13G 28, AMIDO 14E 27, DOMAL 14H 27

On 3rd draw, EDGY 14G 30 --- EDGY tense, nervous, or irritable [adj]
Other moves: TYED 14E 29, AYE 11D 28, DAY 14H 28, DEY 14H 28, GIDDAY C9 28

On 4th draw, NI(O)BATE 15A 85 --- NIOBATE a salt of niobium [n]
Other tops: ATEB(R)IN 15A 85
Other moves: A(M)BIENT 15A 79, BAIN(I)TE 15A 79, BA(I)NITE 15A 79, BA(S)INET 15A 79, BE(P)AINT 15A 79

On 5th draw, NOVERCAL J5 71 --- NOVERCAL pertaining to a stepmother [adj]
Other moves: VERONICA 8C 64, EARCON 15J 32, ACNODE C8 24, OCEAN 11A 23, AERO 13C 22

On 6th draw, ZA 11E 48 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: FAZES K2 40, AZYME F9 39, AZYMS F9 39, AZYM F9 38, FAZE I4 38

On 7th draw, GRAY 10C 44 --- GRAY of a color between white and black [adj] --- GRAY to make gray [v]
Other moves: GAY 10D 43, RAY 10D 42, AY 10E 41, YAG 10D 33, ORIGANE 5E 32

On 8th draw, BESHROUD 7A 66 --- BESHROUD to cover [v]
Other moves: BREHONS 5E 48, BRUSHER D4 32, HOUSER I3 29, REHS K8 29, BUSHER K1 28
HOB K4 24 fatcat

On 9th draw, ATOM 8A 53 --- ATOM the smallest particle of an element [n]
Other moves: BAMPOT A7 39, EMPART 8J 39, MOOP 14B 33, TROMPE B2 32, AM 8A 28
BROOM A7 27 fatcat

On 10th draw, ENS 13D 27 --- ENS an entity [n]
Other moves: NOONERS E2 21, TONNERS E2 21, NOTERS E3 19, OES 6D 19, OON 6D 19
STONE K1 14 fatcat

On 11th draw, SILURIAN 5C 66 --- SILURIAN of or pertaining to a certain geologic time period [adj]
Other moves: URALIS 15J 26, URIALS 15J 26, GADS C10 20, GIDS C10 20, ALIENS 13A 18
SNAIL 5I 10 fatcat

On 12th draw, AXE 4C 42 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: LATEX 4B 41, TELEX 4B 41, LAX 4B 40, LEX 4B 40, TAX 4B 40
AXE 4G 39 fatcat

On 13th draw, QUEENS 13A 36 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: TOQUE 3E 28, QUAG I3 27, QUAT I3 25, QI B14 22, QUA I3 22
QUAT I3 25 fatcat

On 14th draw, JUG 3A 30 --- JUG to put into a jug (a large, deep container with a narrow mouth and a handle) [v]
Other tops: JUD 3A 30
Other moves: JETE B6 27, JET 3A 26, JET B6 26, JUDAS C1 26, JUT 3A 26
JET B6 26 fatcat

On 15th draw, ETIOLIN 3E 62 --- ETIOLIN a yellow pigment in light-starved plants [n]
Other moves: ENTOIL 15J 26, ENTOIL 8J 21, ETOILE 8J 21, EINA I9 18, LENTI H1 18
OIL 15J 9 fatcat

On 16th draw, HOOLIE 2J 49 --- HOOLIE a lively party [n] --- HOOLIE easy; slow [adj]
Other tops: HELIOS 2J 49, HOLIES 2J 49
Other moves: HEILS 2J 47, HELIO 2J 47, HELOS 2J 47, HOISE 2J 47, HOLES 2J 47
HOLES 2J 47 fatcat

On 17th draw, FIKES 1H 55 --- FIKE to fidget restlessly [v]
Other moves: FENKS O1 51, FENKS 1G 49, FINKS 1G 49, FIRKS 1G 49, KEEFS O1 48
FINK 1G 43 fatcat

On 18th draw, OW 6A 32 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other tops: OW 1N 32
Other moves: EEVN O1 24, NEVE O1 24, NEWT O1 24, VENT O1 24, VETO O1 24
WENT O1 24 fatcat

On 19th draw, FETTED O1 33 --- FET to fetch [v] --- FETT to fetch [v]
Other moves: DEEP O1 30, FEED O1 30, FEND O1 30, FETED O1 30, PETTED O1 30
FEED O1 30 fatcat

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