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Game on January 24, 2025 at 14:31, 8 players
1. 319 pts Chelsea
2. 214 pts LongJump22
3. 141 pts LLLLLL1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdrtuy   H8    30    30   darcy
 2. ?iiqrst  13H    60    90   squirt
 3. ?iituwz   G7    53   143   wiz
 4. emnostv   6B    41   184   venoms
 5. abdmopr   E5   110   294   mopboard
 6. aejkllt   8A    45   339   jelab
 7. aefkott  12A    34   373   faked
 8. adeintt  13A    32   405   adit
 9. alrstuw   N7    83   488   tulwars
10. ?eiittx   I5    51   539   vitex
11. dehoorv   O4    53   592   hover
12. deilntu  A12    24   616   fand
13. aelloru  14A    21   637   nor
14. aaoptuy   D1    34   671   yaupon
15. ceinnou  15C    35   706   nuncio
16. aellnos   L8    70   776   llaneros
17. aeggiio   1A    27   803   eggy
18. eeehino  F10    28   831   he
19. aeiintu  14I    22   853   into
20. abefiot   J6    34   887   fie
21. abegiot   4J    24   911   abeigh

Remaining tiles: eeiotu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7085 FileChelsea     0  6:59  -592  319     1.7085 Chelsea     0  6:59  -592  319 
  2.5586 FileLongJump22  3  4:00  -697  214     2.7772 Mycophot    1  4:00  -770  141 
  3.5647 FileLLLLLL1112  3  4:43  -770  141     3.7466 moonmonkey  2  3:30  -785  126 
  4.7772 FileMycophot    1  4:00  -770  141            Group: novice
  5.7466 Filemoonmonkey  2  3:30  -785  126     1.5586 LongJump22  3  4:00  -697  214 
  6.5714 FileMMMMMM1112  1  4:08  -789  122     2.5647 LLLLLL1112  3  4:43  -770  141 
  7.5441 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:47  -882   29     3.5714 MMMMMM1112  1  4:08  -789  122 
  8.5579 FileOOOOOO1112  0  0:57  -883   28     4.5441 NNNNNN1112  0  1:47  -882   29 
                                             5.5579 OOOOOO1112  0  0:57  -883   28 

On 1st draw, DARCY H8 30 --- DARCY a unit of geological permeability [n]
Other tops: CARDY H8 30, CRUDY H8 30, CURDY H8 30
Other moves: CARDY H4 28, CRUDY H4 28, CURDY H4 28, DARCY H4 26, TARDY H8 26
CURDY H8 30 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112

On 2nd draw, SQ(U)IRT 13H 60 --- SQUIRT to eject in a thin, swift stream [v]
Other moves: Q(U)IRTS 13C 42, SQ(U)IT 13H 35, QIS I7 29, Q(A)T G7 27, Q(A)T I7 27
QIS I7 29 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112

On 3rd draw, WIZ G7 53 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other tops: (S)WIZ G6 53
Other moves: W(I)Z G7 51, W(H)IZ G6 49, (Q)UIZ G6 47, ZIT(S) N10 46, (B)IZ G7 45
ZIT(S) N10 46 Chelsea
ZI(N)C 11E 28 OOOOOO1112

On 4th draw, VENOMS 6B 41 --- VENOM to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) [v]
Other moves: MENTOS 6B 32, MONTES 6B 32, MOVES I5 32, STOVE 6G 32, OVENS N9 31
VEST N11 29 Chelsea

On 5th draw, MOPBOARD E5 110 --- MOPBOARD a board at the base of a wall [n]
Other moves: MOPBOARD E2 80, BOMA 5C 34, DOPA 5C 31, BOARD 12K 30, PROBAND D1 30
MOPBOARD E5 110 LongJump22
MOPBOARD E5 60 MMMMMM1112, Mycophot
BOARD 12K 30 Chelsea

On 6th draw, JELAB 8A 45 --- JELAB a Middle Eastern hooded cloak [n]
Other moves: JEAT D10 39, JAKE C3 30, JARK L11 30, JERK L11 30, KAE D10 28
JELAB 8A 45 LongJump22, moonmonkey, LLLLLL1112
JEAT D10 39 Chelsea

On 7th draw, FAKED 12A 34 --- FAKE to contrive and present as genuine [v]
Other moves: ATOK D12 32, FATTEN D1 30, KAE D10 28, KEA D10 28, KOA D10 28
FAKED 12A 34 LLLLLL1112, moonmonkey, Mycophot
OKA 12J 25 Chelsea

On 8th draw, ADIT 13A 32 --- ADIT a mine opening [n]
Other tops: EDIT 13A 32
Other moves: DAFTIE A10 30, TIFTED A10 30, ETAT 13A 29, AID 13B 25, ANI 13A 25
FADE A12 24 Chelsea

On 9th draw, TULWARS N7 83 --- TULWAR an Indian sabre [n]
Other moves: TULWARS I2 66, WARST N10 47, WRAST N10 47, WURST N10 47, WAURST N9 37
WURST N10 47 Mycophot, moonmonkey
WARST N10 47 Chelsea

On 10th draw, (V)ITEX I5 51 --- VITEX a genus of tropical plants [n]
Other moves: TEX I7 50, I(B)EX I6 49, I(L)EX I6 49, EX I8 48, T(E)X I7 48
TUX 8M 30 Chelsea

On 11th draw, HOVER O4 53 --- HOVER to hang suspended in the air [v]
Other moves: HOED O8 49, HOOD O8 49, HOOVER O3 47, HOER O8 45, DOVER O4 41
HOOD O8 49 Chelsea

On 12th draw, FAND A12 24 --- FAND to try [v]
Other tops: FADE A12 24, UNLEVIED B2 24
Other moves: DIE J6 22, ED 14A 22, UNLIME F2 22, FAIL A12 21, FAIN A12 21

On 13th draw, NOR 14A 21 --- NOR and not [conj]
Other tops: LOREAL M3 21
Other moves: LOURE 12K 20, LOUMA F3 19, ULEMA F3 19, AUREOLE C3 18, CORALLA 11H 18

On 14th draw, YAUPON D1 34 --- YAUPON an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: OUTPRAY L9 32, YAOURT 12J 32, APAY N2 28, OARY 12L 28, PARTY L11 28

On 15th draw, NUNCIO 15C 35 --- NUNCIO an ambassador from the pope [n]
Other moves: YINCE 1D 30, YONIC 1D 30, NUANCE 2B 28, CONY 1A 27, YONNIE 1D 27

On 16th draw, LLANEROS L8 70 --- LLANERO an inhabitant of the llanos [n]
Other moves: ALLONS 3J 24, ANOLES 3J 24, LLANOS 3J 24, YALES 1D 24, YEANS 1D 24

On 17th draw, EGGY 1A 27 --- EGGY containing eggs to some extent [adj]
Other moves: GOEY 1A 24, AGO C2 20, AGOG N2 20, EGO C2 20, GAGE N1 17

On 18th draw, HE F10 28 --- HE a male person [n]
Other tops: HOO 14J 28
Other moves: HIOI K10 25, HI 2A 21, HO 2A 21, SHIN 15L 21, SHOE 15L 21

On 19th draw, INTO 14I 22 --- INTO to a position within [prep]
Other moves: GENU C1 20, UNITE K11 20, ANI 9A 18, IN 14I 18, IT 14I 18

On 20th draw, FIE J6 34 --- FIE adj doomed, FIER, FIEST [n] --- FIE doomed [adj] --- FIE used to express disapproval [interj]
Other tops: FAE J6 34, FOE J6 34
Other moves: BEFIT K10 33, FA J6 28, FE J6 28, FAITH 4K 22, FEAT N2 21

On 21th draw, ABEIGH 4J 24 --- ABEIGH aloof [adv]
Other moves: BEGAT N1 23, BEGOT N1 23, BIGOT N1 23, BIOG N2 22, TUBAGE 3C 22

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