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Game on January 24, 2025 at 17:38, 11 players
1. 275 pts Pacific
2. 177 pts ArcticFox
3. 176 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ilnnoo   H7    64    64   looning
 2. filopwy   I9    29    93   wof
 3. efginot   J5    30   123   feting
 4. deiortv   K1    32   155   voider
 5. abekost   2J    42   197   kobos
 6. ?deegtz   1M    52   249   zed
 7. ?ijnttu  13A    78   327   juttying
 8. aeiilor  A13    30   357   jar
 9. abeglms   L6    84   441   gambles
10. adegirw   E6    74   515   ridgeway
11. aenottt   3M    33   548   ate
12. aehinos   M6    35   583   ohia
13. aeopqtu   O3    75   658   equate
14. aeehmor  B10    48   706   heaume
15. einprrs  15A    33   739   repiners
16. aaenotv   A7    31   770   novae
17. celotuy   N9    33   803   cutely
18. loprsuy   D1    84   887   pylorus
19. acdiirx  O11    45   932   ixia

Remaining tiles: cdr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9626 FilePacific     4  6:27  -657  275     1.9626 Pacific     4  6:27  -657  275 
  2.7198 FileArcticFox   2  5:46  -755  177            Group: advanced
  3.5586 FileLongJump22  3  4:29  -756  176     1.7198 ArcticFox   2  5:46  -755  177 
  4.7531 Filemoonmonkey  3  5:35  -775  157     2.7531 moonmonkey  3  5:35  -775  157 
  5.7772 FileMycophot    4  5:03  -776  156     3.7772 Mycophot    4  5:03  -776  156 
  6.7164 FileVVVVVV1112  1  1:09  -868   64     4.7164 VVVVVV1112  1  1:09  -868   64 
  7.5746 FileMMMMMM1112  0  2:34  -876   56     5.7424 queen66     1  1:37  -902   30 
  8.5647 FileLLLLLL1112  0  3:20  -878   54            Group: novice
  9.7424 Filequeen66     1  1:37  -902   30     1.5586 LongJump22  3  4:29  -756  176 
 10.5434 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:09  -904   28     2.5746 MMMMMM1112  0  2:34  -876   56 
 11.5533 FileKKKKKK1112  0  1:37  -904   28     3.5647 LLLLLL1112  0  3:20  -878   54 
                                             4.5434 NNNNNN1112  0  1:09  -904   28 
                                             5.5533 KKKKKK1112  0  1:37  -904   28 

On 1st draw, LOONIN(G) H7 64 --- LOONING a cry of a bird [n]
Other tops: LOONIN(G) H2 64, LOONIN(G) H3 64, LOONIN(G) H4 64, LOONIN(G) H8 64, NONOIL(Y) H2 64, NONOIL(Y) H3 64, NONOIL(Y) H4 64, NONOIL(Y) H7 64, NONOIL(Y) H8 64, (G)LONOIN H2 64, (G)LONOIN H3 64, (G)LONOIN H6 64, (G)LONOIN H7 64, (G)LONOIN H8 64
Other moves: LOONIN(G) H5 62, LOONIN(G) H6 62, NONOIL(Y) H5 62, NONOIL(Y) H6 62, (G)LONOIN H4 62
NONOIL(Y) H3 64 LongJump22
LOONIN(G) H4 64 Pacific

On 2nd draw, WOF I9 29 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: LOWP I6 28, PIOY I6 28, FONLY 10F 27, W*P G9 27, YIP G9 27
FY I8 26 LLLLLL1112

On 3rd draw, FETING J5 30 --- FETE to honor with a celebration [v]
Other moves: FEINT J6 29, FIENT J6 29, TIFFING 11G 28, TOEING J5 27, FIFING 11G 26
TIFFING 11G 28 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112

On 4th draw, VOIDER K1 32 --- VOIDER one that voids [n]
Other tops: DOVIER K1 32
Other moves: RIVED K2 31, ROVED K2 31, TIEROD K3 31, VIRED K2 31, VOTED K2 31
DOVIER K1 32 LongJump22, Mycophot

On 5th draw, KOBOS 2J 42 --- KOBO a monetary unit of Nigeria [n]
Other moves: BOVATES 1I 39, KOTOS 2J 38, TASK L3 37, ABOVES 1H 36, BOSKET 2J 36
KOBOS 2J 42 moonmonkey, Mycophot
KO J2 34 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, ZED 1M 52 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ZEE 1M 49, Z(A)G 1M 48, Z(E)D 1M 48, Z(I)G 1M 48, ZE(A) 1M 46
ZED 1M 52 ArcticFox, Mycophot, moonmonkey, LongJump22, Pacific

On 7th draw, JUTT(Y)IN(G) 13A 78 --- JUTTY to jut [v]
Other moves: JU(S)T 14F 32, JU(S) 14F 31, (A)TT 3M 29, JUTTIN(G) 13B 28, (A)T 3M 27

On 8th draw, JAR A13 30 --- JAR to vibrate from an impact [v]
Other tops: JAI A13 30, JOE A13 30, JOL A13 30, JOR A13 30, ZOOEAL M1 30, ZOOIER M1 30
Other moves: ZOEAL M1 28, ZOOEA M1 28, ZORIL M1 28, BOAR L2 26, ZOEA M1 26
JOR A13 30 Mycophot
JAI A13 30 moonmonkey, queen66
JAR A13 30 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, GAMBLES L6 84 --- GAMBLE to play a game of chance for money or valuables [v]
Other moves: GAMBLES L5 75, GAMBLES G2 69, BEGUM B10 40, IMBASE 8J 39, BALMS G6 35
GAMBLES L6 84 Pacific
AGES 12A 33 moonmonkey

On 10th draw, RIDGEWA(Y) E6 74 --- RIDGEWAY a track along a hill-crest [n]
Other moves: ZOWIE M1 34, WAGED K11 32, GAWD G6 30, WADER K11 30, WAGER K11 30
ZOWIE M1 34 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, ATE 3M 33 --- ATE blind impulse or reckless ambition that drives one to ruin [n]
Other tops: ATT 3M 33
Other moves: AT 3M 31, ZONAE M1 28, ZOOEA M1 28, ZOEA M1 26, ZONA M1 26

On 12th draw, OHIA M6 35 --- OHIA a tropical tree [n]
Other tops: SHEA M6 35, SHOE M6 35
Other moves: INMESH 8J 33, ANOAS 14A 31, HE F10 31, HO F10 31, AHIND 8A 30
MASH 8L 27 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, EQUATE O3 75 --- EQUATE to be regarded as equal [v]
Other moves: OPAQUE B9 50, QUOAD 8A 48, QUATE F2 40, QUOTE F2 40, OPAQUE D1 38
EQUATE O3 75 Pacific

On 14th draw, HEAUME B10 48 --- HEAUME a medieval helmet [n]
Other moves: HOMIER F10 43, HOMIE F10 42, HAMED 8A 36, HOMED 8A 36, MOHUA B10 36

On 15th draw, REPINERS 15A 33 --- REPINER one that repines [n]
Other tops: SPRIER N9 33
Other moves: PRISER A6 31, SNIPER A6 31, SPRIER A6 31, PIENDS 8A 30, PRIERS A5 29

On 16th draw, NOVAE A7 31 --- NOVA a type of star [n]
Other moves: VANED 8A 30, VOTED 8A 30, NOVAE A6 29, OVATE A6 29, OVEN A8 28

On 17th draw, CUTELY N9 33 --- CUTE pleasingly attractive [adv] --- CUTELY in a cute manner [adv]
Other tops: COTYLE N9 33
Other moves: CUTELY B2 31, COTYLE D1 30, CLY N8 29, COTYLE B2 28, CYTE N8 27

On 18th draw, PYLORUS D1 84 --- PYLORUS the opening between the stomach and the duodenum [n]
Other moves: PYLORUS B2 82, PYLORUS C4 70, YORPS K11 32, LOUP O12 31, ROUP O12 31

On 19th draw, IXIA O11 45 --- IXIA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: RAX O10 39, AX O11 36, XI O12 36, ADIPIC 1A 33, AX O14 32

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