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Game on January 26, 2025 at 02:22, 5 players
1. 223 pts sunshine12
2. 39 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 39 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deiotty   H8    26    26   deity
 2. ?aacdej  11A    84   110   adjacent
 3. ehilmtv  A10    42   152   hamlet
 4. aflorsw  10G    75   227   airflows
 5. aabcenp   K5    52   279   pacable
 6. ?eopruy   N3    68   347   koupreys
 7. fhoorst   L8   106   453   hoofrots
 8. deinorx   O7    64   517   exo
 9. begnnsu   C8    32   549   bunjes
10. agilrrt   O1    27   576   glair
11. eegntvv   L1    30   606   venge
12. aeinnos  14H    70   676   sonatine
13. eioqtuv  15D    78   754   quoit
14. adimnov  O12    36   790   vied
15. agiilot   3E    62   852   ligation
16. aeiknnw   H1    54   906   awaken
17. eirrtuz   8A    51   957   zibet
18. dimnrru  13K    28   985   modii

Remaining tiles: nrru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7092 Filesunshine12  1  7:57  -762  223     1.7092 sunshine12  1  7:57  -762  223 
  2.7456 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:19  -946   39     2.7456 GLOBEMAN    0  1:19  -946   39 
  3.7149 Fileroocatcher  0  1:51  -946   39     3.7149 roocatcher  0  1:51  -946   39 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:26  -958   27            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:04  -958   27     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:26  -958   27 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:04  -958   27 

On 1st draw, DEITY H8 26 --- DEITY a god or goddess [n]
Other tops: DITTY H8 26, DOTTY H8 26
Other moves: DEITY H4 22, DITTY H4 22, DOTTY H4 22, TOYED H8 22, TOYED H4 20

On 2nd draw, ADJACE(N)T 11A 84 --- ADJACENT in a right angled triangle, the shorter of the two sides adjacent to a given angle [n] --- ADJACENT next to [adj]
Other moves: J(U)ICED 10F 33, DEJ(E)CTA 11C 32, DE(E)JAY 12C 32, D(E)EJAY 12C 32, D(E)JECTA 11C 32

On 3rd draw, HAMLET A10 42 --- HAMLET a small town [n]
Other moves: HIEMAL A7 36, LEHAIM A8 36, MEITH 10F 35, ALMEH A11 33, HEMAL A8 33

On 4th draw, AIRFLOWS 10G 75 --- AIRFLOW a flow of air past a moving vehicle [n]
Other moves: WOLFS I7 45, FAROS I7 39, LOAFS I7 39, ROLFS I7 39, ALFS I8 37
WAIFS 10F 35 sunshine12

On 5th draw, PACABLE K5 52 --- PACABLE willing to forgive [adj]
Other tops: CAPABLE K5 52
Other moves: BAJAN C9 34, CABA(N)A G7 30, BECAP D8 28, JAPAN C11 28, MEAN 12A 28
APACE 9D 19 sunshine12

On 6th draw, (K)OUPREYS N3 68 --- KOUPREY a type of wild cow [n]
Other moves: REOC(C)UPY E8 64, REO(C)CUPY E7 64, PAYER(S) 8J 42, PAYOR(S) 8J 42, PAYOU(T) 8J 42
APERY 8K 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 7th draw, HOOFROTS L8 106 --- HOOFROT foot-rot [n]
Other moves: HOOFS O1 57, HOOF O1 52, HOOFROT L8 52, HAFTER 8J 48, HOOFS L8 48
FEH 8M 27 chunk88, BadBoyBen, sunshine12

On 8th draw, EXO O7 64 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX O7 56, OXID O1 48, OX 12C 45, DOXIES 15G 42, EXO M12 42
EXO O7 64 sunshine12

On 9th draw, BUNJES C8 32 --- BUNJE a strong rubber rope [n]
Other moves: BUNSEN L1 28, JUBES C11 28, BESUNG 15J 27, BUNSENS 15F 27, BUNSENS 15I 27
BUNGS 15H 24 sunshine12

On 10th draw, GLAIR O1 27 --- GLAIR to coat with egg white [v]
Other moves: LIART O1 24, LIBRA 8A 24, RAFT J8 24, GAIR O1 22, ARGILS 15G 21

On 11th draw, VENGE L1 30 --- VENGE to take retribution for [v]
Other tops: VENGES 15G 30
Other moves: EVENTS 15G 27, VEGES 15H 27, VENGE D4 25, EEVNS 15H 24, EVENS 15H 24

On 12th draw, SONATINE 14H 70 --- SONATINA a short sonata [n]
Other moves: IDEAS B10 36, ARSENO I9 34, ARSON I9 33, *RS* I9 31, NEARS I7 31
SAINS 15H 15 sunshine12

On 13th draw, QUOIT 15D 78 --- QUOIT to play a throwing game similar to ringtoss [v]
Other tops: QUIET 15D 78
Other moves: TOQUE 13K 56, QUBIT 8A 51, QUITE 15E 50, QUOTE 15E 50, QUIET O11 45

On 14th draw, VIED O12 36 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v]
Other tops: MOVED O11 36
Other moves: MAVEN O11 33, VIMEN O11 33, VIMA(N)A G7 32, AMIDO B8 31, NOMAD 13K 31

On 15th draw, LIGATION 3E 62 --- LIGATION the act of ligating [n]
Other moves: GIBLI 8A 27, TIBIAL 8A 27, LOFT J8 24, TIBIA 8A 24, GALIOT D4 23

On 16th draw, AWAKEN H1 54 --- AWAKEN to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: AWAKE H1 51, KNAWE H1 48, WEAK H1 48, NABK 8A 45, WEKA 2D 42

On 17th draw, ZIBET 8A 51 --- ZIBET an Asian civet [n]
Other moves: ZEBU 8A 48, ZINE 6F 33, ZITE F2 33, ZITI F2 33, ZIN 6F 32

On 18th draw, MODII 13K 28 --- MODIUS a Roman dry measure [n]
Other moves: MURRIN 4A 26, MIEN 2J 24, DOM 13K 23, MAD 6J 23, MOD 13K 22

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