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Game on January 26, 2025 at 07:01, 1 player
1. 540 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aelnotx   H8    40    40   latex
 2. ?beimsw   9D    68   108   webmails
 3. ehijlov  10B    31   139   joe
 4. ioprstu   E4   101   240   roupiest
 5. ?agiosw   4C    74   314   airglows
 6. egirrsu   C1    70   384   sugarier
 7. cgiortu   1C    33   417   scruto
 8. aeflnoy  12H    30   447   xylan
 9. aehinqr   2F    36   483   hernia
10. aafnoqr   6B    31   514   qi
11. aacdeho   8K    44   558   ached
12. deiiloy   D9    38   596   weedily
13. abdfino   1K    35   631   fonda
14. aaeknot  14B    38   669   talak
15. aeflnvv  11K    34   703   favel
16. egmnopu  15A    35   738   pogy
17. deenoru   3I    33   771   endure
18. beiiotz  13C    52   823   zit
19. eiimnot  15F    30   853   intime
20. beinoov  14J    28   881   envoi

Remaining tiles: bo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6376 Filefatcat      2 15:01  -341  540     1.6376 fatcat      2 15:01  -341  540 

On 1st draw, LATEX H8 40 --- LATEX a milky liquid of certain plants [n]
Other moves: AXONE H4 26, AXONE H8 26, EXALT H4 26, EXALT H8 26, EXTOL H4 26
LATEX H8 40 fatcat

On 2nd draw, WEBMAI(L)S 9D 68 --- WEBMAIL a way of accessing email via a web page [n]
Other moves: WEBM(A)ILS 8B 67, WIMB(R)ELS 8B 67, W(O)MBIEST 10A 66, BI(R)EMES 11E 40, BEMIS(T) I9 35
WEBS G11 26 fatcat

On 3rd draw, JOE 10B 31 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: HELIX 12D 30, HELO 8A 30, JIVES K5 30, LEVO 8A 30, SHOJI K9 30
JOE 10B 31 fatcat

On 4th draw, ROUPIEST E4 101 --- ROUPY hoarse [adj]
Other moves: PORIEST E5 47, PUIREST E5 47, ROPIEST E5 47, OURIEST E5 39, PISTOU A8 38
JOIST B10 24 fatcat

On 5th draw, AIRG(L)OWS 4C 74 --- AIRGLOW a glow in the upper atmosphere [n]
Other moves: AI(R)G(L)OWS J5 64, AWI(N)G 8K 38, OWI(N)G 8K 38, AWO(L)S 8K 35, JIGSAW B10 34
JIGO(T)S B10 26 fatcat

On 6th draw, SUGARIER C1 70 --- SUGARY containing or resembling sugar [adj]
Other moves: SWEIRER D8 27, JURIES B10 26, JIRRE B10 24, XERUS 12H 24, SWEER D8 23
GIG F4 18 fatcat

On 7th draw, SCRUTO 1C 33 --- SCRUTO a stage trap-door [n]
Other moves: ORGIC 8K 29, RUSTIC 1A 27, JIGOT B10 26, OUTRIG 3I 24, CIST 1A 21
COST 1A 21 fatcat

On 8th draw, XYLAN 12H 30 --- XYLAN a substance found in cell walls of plants [n]
Other moves: FAYNE G11 29, FOYLE G11 29, FOYNE G11 29, ONELY 8K 29, ONLAY 8K 29
FELONY 2H 19 fatcat

On 9th draw, HERNIA 2F 36 --- HERNIA the protrusion of an organ through its surrounding wall [n]
Other moves: HAEN 2F 32, HAIN 2F 32, HAIR 2F 32, HARE 2F 32, HARN 2F 32
QIS J2 32 fatcat

On 10th draw, QI 6B 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: AFAR 11J 28, FAAN 11K 26, FANO 11K 26, FARO 11K 26, FORA 11K 26
WAQF I4 23 fatcat

On 11th draw, ACHED 8K 44 --- ACHE to suffer a dull, continuous pain [v]
Other tops: ACHED 1K 44
Other moves: AHEAD 1K 41, AHEAD 8K 41, DACHA 1K 39, AAHED 13I 35, HOAED 1K 35
AHEAD 8K 41 fatcat

On 12th draw, WEEDILY D9 38 --- WEEDILY in a weedy manner [adv]
Other moves: ODYLE 3I 36, YIELD 1K 35, YODEL 1K 35, YODLE 1K 35, YELD L1 34
DOILY 1K 33 fatcat

On 13th draw, FONDA 1K 35 --- FONDA a tavern [n]
Other moves: FADY 15A 33, BIDON 1K 31, BODY 15A 30, DOBY 15A 30, FONDA 11K 30
FIND 11K 28 fatcat

On 14th draw, TALAK 14B 38 --- TALAK a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: KEA C13 33, KEN C13 33, OAKY 15A 33, OKAY 15A 33, TAKY 15A 33
KAT 11K 28 fatcat

On 15th draw, FAVEL 11K 34 --- FAVEL light brown [adj]
Other tops: FAVEL 3J 34
Other moves: FAVE 11K 32, FAVE 3J 32, ALEF 15F 27, AVEL 15F 27, VENAE 11G 27
FAVE 11K 32 fatcat

On 16th draw, POGY 15A 35 --- POGY a marine fish [n]
Other moves: PLENUM O10 33, MONY 15A 31, PONY 15A 31, OGAM C12 30, OMEGA C10 30
ME 10N 22 fatcat

On 17th draw, ENDURE 3I 33 --- ENDURE to last [v]
Other tops: ENDURO 3I 33
Other moves: ENDER 3I 31, ENDUE 3I 31, DONEE 3H 28, DONER 3H 28, DENE 3H 27
ODE 15F 18 fatcat

On 18th draw, ZIT 13C 52 --- ZIT a pimple [n]
Other moves: BIZ 13C 51, BIZE 13K 41, BEZ 13K 39, BIZ 13K 39, L*Z J12 32
ZEE N6 32 fatcat

On 19th draw, INTIME 15F 30 --- INTIME intimate, cosy [adj]
Other moves: MEINIE N10 28, IMINE 15F 27, IMINO 15F 27, INTIME 13J 27, MEINT N10 26
OMIT 15F 24 fatcat

On 20th draw, ENVOI 14J 28 --- ENVOI the concluding part of a poem or book [n]
Other moves: BLOOIE O10 27, LEVIN O11 27, LIVEN O11 27, ENVOI 13K 25, NOB(L)E J6 24
BE 10N 22 fatcat

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