Game on January 26, 2025 at 11:37, 10 players
1. 290 pts LongJump22
2. 260 pts Chelsea
3. 175 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 64 64
2. 13H 26 90
3. 7B 67 157
4. 14I 34 191
5. 15K 39 230
6. 15F 32 262
7. E4 106 368
8. 4A 86 454
9. 3G 83 537
10. 12A 27 564
11. 6B 52 616
12. F4 35 651
13. L1 76 727
14. 8K 51 778
15. 2A 74 852
16. 1E 42 894
17. A10 33 927
18. 2K 46 973
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5531 LongJump22 2 5:00 -683 290 1.7108 Chelsea 1 7:33 -713 260
2.7108 Chelsea 1 7:33 -713 260 2.7701 Mycophot 2 5:14 -798 175
3.7701 Mycophot 2 5:14 -798 175 3.7164 VVVVVV1112 1 2:15 -802 171
4.7164 VVVVVV1112 1 2:15 -802 171 4.7676 moonmonkey 0 2:01 -904 69
5.5666 LLLLLL1112 0 3:33 -895 78 5.7447 queen66 1 1:25 -946 27
6.7676 moonmonkey 0 2:01 -904 69 Group: novice
7.5686 MMMMMM1112 0 0:48 -930 43 1.5531 LongJump22 2 5:00 -683 290
8.5375 NNNNNN1112 0 1:16 -930 43 2.5666 LLLLLL1112 0 3:33 -895 78
9.5553 OOOOOO1112 0 1:39 -930 43 3.5686 MMMMMM1112 0 0:48 -930 43
10.7447 queen66 1 1:25 -946 27 4.5375 NNNNNN1112 0 1:16 -930 43
5.5553 OOOOOO1112 0 1:39 -930 43
On 1st draw, E(Q)UITES H7 64 --- EQUITES a privileged military class of ancient Rome [n]
Other tops: E(Q)UITES H2 64, E(Q)UITES H4 64, E(Q)UITES H6 64, E(Q)UITES H8 64, SUETIE(R) H2 64, SUETIE(R) H3 64, SUETIE(R) H4 64, SUETIE(R) H7 64, SUETIE(R) H8 64, (C)UTESIE H2 64, (C)UTESIE H3 64, (C)UTESIE H6 64, (C)UTESIE H7 64, (C)UTESIE H8 64
Other moves: E(Q)UITES H3 62, E(Q)UITES H5 62, SUETIE(R) H5 62, SUETIE(R) H6 62, (C)UTESIE H4 62
On 2nd draw, SWOUNE 13H 26 --- SWOUNE a fainting fit [n]
Other moves: GNOW G4 21, ENOW G4 20, OUTWENT 11B 20, OUTWENT 11F 20, NEW G5 19
On 3rd draw, UNTRACED 7B 67 --- TRACE to follow the course of [adj] --- UNTRACE to loose from traces [v]
UNCARTED M7 65 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
CARD N10 24 Chelsea
On 4th draw, EWT 14I 34 --- EWT a small salamander [n]
Other moves: GAWD 12K 30, AWED 12L 29, TAWTED N8 29, GATED 12K 27, WADE N11 27
EWT 14I 34 Mycophot
WADE N11 27 Chelsea
On 5th draw, AFARA 15K 39 --- AFARA an African tree [n]
Other moves: AFAL(D) 15K 36, AFAR(A) 15K 36, AFAR(S) 15K 36, AFA(R)A 15K 36, AFLA(J) 15K 36
FLAT(C)AR 11E 36 moonmonkey, LongJump22
FLA(T) 15F 23 Chelsea
On 6th draw, PROM 15F 32 --- PROM a formal dance [n]
Other tops: PRAM 15F 32
Other moves: DOOM 15F 29, DORM 15F 29, DRAM 15F 29, PAM 15G 29, P*MPOM 15G 29
DOOM 15F 29 Chelsea
On 7th draw, SPARKLER E4 106 --- SPARKLER something that sparkles [n]
Other moves: SPARKLE E9 85, SPARKLET 11A 78, ASPARKLE F4 72, SPARLIKE 10C 68, PRANKLES C4 65
SPARKLER E4 106 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
SPARKLER E4 56 Mycophot, LLLLLL1112
On 8th draw, BEDASHES 4A 86 --- BEDASH to splash [v]
Other moves: BEHEADS N7 75, HEADER N10 47, BEDASH 12A 45, H*B*SHEBES 12A 43, BEADER N10 41
BEDASH 12A 45 Chelsea
H*B*S 12AHEBES 12A 43 MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
On 9th draw, DIT(T)ANY 3G 83 --- DITTANY a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: DI(T)TANY 3G 81, DIT(T)ANY 5G 75, DI(T)TANY 5G 75, DYNA(M)ITE M6 66, DAYAN F6 37
DIT(T)ANY 3G 83 LongJump22
DIT(T)ANY 3G 33 moonmonkey, Mycophot
YA 6B 28 Chelsea
On 10th draw, OLEOS 12A 27 --- OLEO margarine [n]
Other tops: EORLS 12A 27, LEERS 12A 27, LERES 12A 27, LORES 12A 27, ORLES 12A 27, REELS 12A 27, RESOLE 12C 27, ROLES 12A 27
Other moves: LOOSER N10 26, ROOSER N10 26, EROSE 12B 25, LOOSE 12B 25, ROOSE 12B 25
LEERS 12A 27 Chelsea
LORES 12A 27 queen66
On 11th draw, XI 6B 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: AX F9 52, OX F9 52, XU 6B 52
Other moves: AX 6A 50, OX 6A 50, NIX 13A 42, NOX 13A 42, RAX 13A 42
XU 6B 52 Mycophot
On 12th draw, HOHA F4 35 --- HOHA peevish [adj]
Other moves: HAO F6 33, HILLO B10 32, OH F9 28, THIONIN L7 28, HILI 13A 27
HAO F6 33 Chelsea
On 13th draw, LONGTIME L1 76 --- LONGTIME of long duration [adj]
Other moves: MILLET B10 28, MOLLIE B10 28, OMIT 3A 28, LIMBO A1 27, TIMBO A1 27
MINGLE L1 24 Chelsea
On 14th draw, VEZIR 8K 51 --- VEZIR a minister [n]
Other moves: OYEZ A12 48, REZ 3B 43, RIZ 3B 43, REZ 14M 42, REZ 6H 42
On 15th draw, TANGELO 2A 74 --- TANGELO a citrus fruit [n]
Other moves: ALONG 2J 26, LOVAGE K6 26, ALONE 2J 24, ATONE 2J 24, GALLEON 1I 24
On 16th draw, RAYING 1E 42 --- RAY to emit rays (narrow beams of light) [v]
Other moves: UNARY 1D 40, NARGILY 1G 38, RANGILY 1G 38, RANGY 1E 36, YANG 1E 36
On 17th draw, OVONIC A10 33 --- OVONIC an electronic device [n]
Other moves: CONVO A11 30, CONVO A8 30, COVEN A11 30, COVIN A11 30, JIVE 10B 30
On 18th draw, JOBED 2K 46 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other tops: JIBED C9 46
Other moves: JOBE 2K 42, JEED N10 39, FE F10 28, IF F9 28, JEFE C11 28
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