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Game on January 26, 2025 at 13:53, 13 players
1. 445 pts ArcticFox
2. 436 pts Chelsea
3. 238 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdeinr   H4    76    76   carnied
 2. aiilnor   4C    70   146   ironical
 3. adhioox   3E    45   191   hox
 4. aeiiost   5E    33   224   tosa
 5. ?eegllm   2F    37   261   mallee
 6. aaegoru   1J    28   289   aerugo
 7. acefins   I9    81   370   fiances
 8. beimoqt  15D    39   409   biomes
 9. einoptw  14E    33   442   owe
10. ?egirru  13G    78   520   recuring
11. aeeinsv   N7    78   598   envisage
12. aadenor  15K    35   633   anode
13. akloptu   8L    39   672   punk
14. aijnttw  11I    32   704   ajwans
15. ahiptuy   C3    34   738   pithy
16. bdeforu   D7    29   767   obdure
17. aadfity   I7    26   793   affiances
18. diilqst  13B    34   827   qis
19. adiltyz  14A    48   875   zit
20. adgltvy  A14    33   908   za
21. dglttvy   4C    30   938   ironically

Remaining tiles: dgtttv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7236 FileArcticFox   3 18:01  -493  445     1.9749 Pacific     0  4:31  -745  193 
  2.7089 FileChelsea     4 15:39  -502  436            Group: advanced
  3.5531 FileLongJump22  3  5:08  -700  238     1.7236 ArcticFox   3 18:01  -493  445 
  4.7164 FileVVVVVV1112  4  3:44  -711  227     2.7089 Chelsea     4 15:39  -502  436 
  5.7546 Filelazy.lion   3  4:40  -735  203     3.7164 VVVVVV1112  4  3:44  -711  227 
  6.9749 FilePacific     0  4:31  -745  193     4.7546 lazy.lion   3  4:40  -735  203 
  7.5553 FileOOOOOO1112  1  2:45  -870   68     5.7701 Mycophot    0  1:28  -894   44 
  8.7701 FileMycophot    0  1:28  -894   44     6.7676 moonmonkey  0  0:57  -901   37 
  9.7676 Filemoonmonkey  0  0:57  -901   37     7.7447 queen66     0  1:29  -909   29 
 10.7447 Filequeen66     0  1:29  -909   29            Group: novice
 11.5666 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:37  -909   29     1.5531 LongJump22  3  5:08  -700  238 
 12.5686 FileMMMMMM1112  1  0:41  -910   28     2.5553 OOOOOO1112  1  2:45  -870   68 
 13.5375 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:11  -910   28     3.5666 LLLLLL1112  0  1:37  -909   29 
                                             4.5686 MMMMMM1112  1  0:41  -910   28 
                                             5.5375 NNNNNN1112  1  1:11  -910   28 

On 1st draw, CARNIED H4 76 --- CARNY to coax [v]
Other tops: CAIRNED H4 76
Other moves: CAIRNED H6 74, CARNIED H6 74, DANCIER H4 74, CAIRNED H2 72, CAIRNED H3 72
CARNIED H4 76 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
DANCIER H4 74 Pacific

On 2nd draw, IRONICAL 4C 70 --- IRONICAL pertaining to irony [adj]
Other moves: ALOIN G7 18, CLARINI 4H 18, CLARINO 4H 18, CLARION 4H 18, ALNICO 4D 16
IRONICAL 4C 70 VVVVVV1112, LongJump22

On 3rd draw, HOX 3E 45 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: HOX 3A 44, OXID I8 42, OXO 3B 40, OXO I8 40, AXOID 5H 37
HOX 3A 44 Mycophot, LongJump22
OXO I8 40 ArcticFox, Pacific
XI I9 37 moonmonkey

On 4th draw, TOSA 5E 33 --- TOSA a dog [n]
Other moves: TOEAS 5B 29, TEAS 5C 27, ATES 5B 24, SATAI 5G 24, TOEA 5B 24

On 5th draw, M(A)LLEE 2F 37 --- MALLEE an evergreen tree [n]
Other moves: M(A)GE 2F 34, M(A)G 2F 33, M(A)LE 2F 33, M(A)LL 2F 33, M(A)E 2F 32
M(A)GE 2F 34 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, AERUGO 1J 28 --- AERUGO a green film that forms on copper [n]
Other tops: OARAGE 1J 28
Other moves: AGORA 1K 26, AERO 1H 24, ARGUE 1K 23, AUGER 1K 23, ERUGO 1K 23

On 7th draw, FIANCES I9 81 --- FIANCE a man engaged to be married [n]
Other tops: FIANCES G9 81
Other moves: FANCIES G9 79, FANCIES I9 79, FASCINE G9 79, FASCINE I9 79, UNIFACES M1 78
FANCIES G9 79 Pacific
FANCIES I9 29 Chelsea, queen66

On 8th draw, BIOMES 15D 39 --- BIOME an ecological community [n]
Other tops: MOBIES 15D 39
Other moves: QIS 15G 36, BOITES 15D 33, TIMBOS 15D 33, ME 1G 31, BEMIST 15E 30
QIS 15G 36 Chelsea
TOMBS 15E 27 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, OWE 14E 33 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other tops: TWO 14E 33
Other moves: POTEEN 14F 32, POW 2M 31, WE 14F 30, WO 14F 30, ENTOPIC 13C 28
TWO 14E 33 ArcticFox
OWE 14E 33 Chelsea

On 10th draw, RECURI(N)G 13G 78 --- RECURE to cure again [v]
Other moves: G(A)RRIGUE N1 76, GRU(N)GIER N1 72, UNERRI(N)G 12H 72, GRUN(G)IER 12F 68, REURGIN(G) 12C 68
RECURI(N)G 13G 28 Chelsea
ERRI(N)G 14I 16 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, ENVISAGE N7 78 --- ENVISAGE to form a mental image of [v]
Other moves: AVENGES N9 38, AVENGE N9 36, VENGES N10 36, VANES 6B 34, VANGS N10 34
ENDIVES 10F 21 ArcticFox
VINE L12 16 Chelsea

On 12th draw, ANODE 15K 35 --- ANODE a positively charged electrode [n]
Other tops: RONDE 15K 35
Other moves: DRONE O4 32, NADA 15L 32, NODE 15L 32, RADE 15L 32, REDO 15L 32
ANODE 15K 35 Chelsea
RODE 15L 32 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, PUNK 8L 39 --- PUNK dry, decayed wood used as tinder [n] --- PUNK of inferior quality [adj]
Other tops: KANT 8L 39, KOAP 12L 39, KUNA 8L 39, PONK 8L 39
Other moves: PULAO O4 38, PLANK 8K 36, PLONK 8K 36, PLUNK 8K 36, OAK G7 33
PLANK 8K 36 Chelsea
KOLA O5 32 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, AJWANS 11I 32 --- AJWAN an Egyptian fruit [n]
Other moves: JAWS 11K 28, RAJ 6H 26, JARTA K11 24, TA 1G 23, JA 3B 22
JAWS 11K 28 Chelsea
JIN C3 20 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, PITHY C3 34 --- PITHY concise [adj]
Other moves: HIP 2M 31, HUP 2M 31, PUH 2M 31, PUY 2M 31, HYP 3A 30
YAH 3A 28 Chelsea, ArcticFox
PITH 13B 24 lazy.lion

On 16th draw, OBDURE D7 29 --- OBDURE to become hard-hearted [v]
Other moves: OBDURE B6 27, FORB 13B 23, FORB B7 23, UFO B6 23, BEDROP L3 22
FORB 13B 23 lazy.lion, Chelsea
UFO B1 16 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, AFFIANCES I7 26 --- AFFIANCE to betroth [v]
Other moves: FAD 13B 25, FID 13B 25, YAD 13B 25, Y*D 13B 25, FAY C12 23
FAD 13B 25 Chelsea, ArcticFox
FAY C12 23 lazy.lion

On 18th draw, QIS 13B 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QADI L10 28, QIS K6 23, LIQUID 10A 22, DITS K5 21, LIDS K5 21
QIS 13B 34 Chelsea, lazy.lion
LIQUID 10A 22 ArcticFox

On 19th draw, ZIT 14A 48 --- ZIT a pimple [n]
Other moves: LAZY J4 42, Y*D 14A 39, GLAZY N1 36, YUTZ 10C 36, LAZY 3K 35
ZIT 14A 48 lazy.lion, ArcticFox, VVVVVV1112, LongJump22
GAZY N1 34 Chelsea

On 20th draw, ZA A14 33 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: IRONICALLY 4C 30, GRAVY 11C 24, VARDY 11B 24, TA 1G 23, GAUDY 10B 22
ZA A14 33 ArcticFox, Chelsea, lazy.lion, VVVVVV1112

On 21th draw, IRONICALLY 4C 30 --- IRONICALLY [adv]
Other moves: YE 7M 18, YU M7 18, DULY 10C 16, DUTY 10C 16, GULY 10C 16
YU M7 18 ArcticFox, lazy.lion, Chelsea

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