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Game on January 27, 2025 at 01:22, 5 players
1. 220 pts sunshine12
2. 26 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 26 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdiost   H2    76    76   dacoits
 2. eefkmry   4H    30   106   creeky
 3. ahiinow   M2    38   144   anyhow
 4. aaerrty   2B    38   182   arrayed
 5. ?aaoprv   L7    85   267   ovipara
 6. aelootu   5K    26   293   tahou
 7. deimnqw   O4    72   365   quine
 8. deeiior   M9    32   397   doree
 9. ?aeiost   8A    74   471   toasties
10. elpstuz  N10    76   547   zep
11. acegnru   E5    36   583   centaur
12. eefijll   7C    37   620   jin
13. dilmnou   9C    29   649   moan
14. efilmnt   2J    36   685   femal
15. behiilv   O1    26   711   he
16. beggitu   I3    25   736   brute
17. dfgiilw   A1    33   769   iwi
18. ilostuv  12A    34   803   viols
19. fgillnu   J7    69   872   fulling
20. bgginst  O12    28   900   snib

Remaining tiles: ddggttx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7045 Filesunshine12  0  8:22  -680  220     1.7045 sunshine12  0  8:22  -680  220 
  2.7368 FileGLOBEMAN    0  0:44  -874   26     2.7368 GLOBEMAN    0  0:44  -874   26 
  3.7212 Fileroocatcher  0  1:15  -874   26     3.7212 roocatcher  0  1:15  -874   26 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:46  -874   26            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:18  -879   21     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:46  -874   26 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:18  -879   21 

On 1st draw, DACOITS H2 76 --- DACOIT a member of an Indian robber gang [n]
Other moves: DACOITS H4 74, DACOITS H3 72, DACOITS H6 72, DACOITS H7 72, DACOITS H8 72

On 2nd draw, CREEKY 4H 30 --- CREEKY full of creeks [adj]
Other tops: FORKY 5G 30
Other moves: KEEF G6 27, EEK G1 26, FYKED 2D 26, KEF G1 26, KEY G1 26
KEY G1 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88

On 3rd draw, ANYHOW M2 38 --- ANYHOW in any way whatever [adv]
Other moves: HIOI 5K 35, HAO 5K 33, HOA 5K 33, HANIWA 3C 32, AHI 5J 30
HOA 5K 33 sunshine12
OH G2 21 BadBoyBen

On 4th draw, ARRAYED 2B 38 --- ARRAY to place in proper or desired order [v]
Other moves: AYE N5 37, YEAR N6 33, YEA N6 32, YET N6 32, AY N5 31
YEAR N6 33 sunshine12

On 5th draw, OV(I)PARA L7 85 --- OVIPARA egg-laying animals [n]
Other moves: OV(I)PARA N7 72, OV(I)PARA G8 68, OV(I)PARA I8 68, APOR(I)A N5 35, APOR(T) N5 32
APO(S) N5 31 sunshine12

On 6th draw, TAHOU 5K 26 --- TAHOU (Maori) a greenish-coloured tropical songbird, aka SILVEREYE [n]
Other moves: TOHO 5K 24, LUTEA K9 23, ALOE 1A 22, LAH 5K 22, OLEA 1A 22

On 7th draw, QUINE O4 72 --- QUINE a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: DWINE A1 45, OWNED N5 36, OWED N5 35, OWE N5 33, OWN N5 33

On 8th draw, DOREE M9 32 --- DOREE a yellow mackerel [n]
Other moves: RONDE 3K 31, IDEE 1A 26, ONIE 3L 26, OREIDE M10 26, ERED M10 24
ODE 1A 17 sunshine12

On 9th draw, (T)OASTIES 8A 74 --- TOASTIE a toasted sandwich [n]
Other tops: ASTO(N)IES 8A 74, A(M)ITOSES 8A 74, A(M)OSITES 8A 74, A(Z)OTISES 8A 74, OS(M)IATES 8A 74, SO(C)IATES 8A 74, SO(S)ATIES 8A 74, TOAS(T)IES 8A 74, (S)OSATIES 8A 74
Other moves: ATO(M)ISES 8A 71, ISO(L)ATES 8A 71, ARSO(N)ITE D1 68, ROA(R)IEST C2 68, ROSI(N)ATE C2 68
T(I)DES 9K 20 sunshine12

On 10th draw, ZEP N10 76 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other moves: ZUPAS 2J 72, ZETAS 2J 68, ZEST 7C 50, PUTZ K11 46, PLOTZES B6 44

On 11th draw, CENTAUR E5 36 --- CENTAUR a mythological creature [n]
Other moves: N*NC* 3K 32, RANCE 3K 32, RANGE 3K 31, CAGANER C7 30, ANCE 3L 28

On 12th draw, JIN 7C 37 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JEE 1A 34, FLEE 1A 31, FUJI 10D 30, JEFE 6B 30, JEEL 1B 28

On 13th draw, MOAN 9C 29 --- MOAN to utter a low, mournful sound [v]
Other moves: MODAL 2J 28, MONAD 2J 28, MONAUL 2J 28, DOMAIN 2J 26, MOA 9C 26

On 14th draw, FEMAL 2J 36 --- FEMAL a female [n]
Other tops: FLEAM 2J 36
Other moves: FINALE 2J 34, FETAL 2J 32, FINAL 2J 32, REFIT I4 27, INFAME 2J 26
FE 1A 17 sunshine12

On 15th draw, HE O1 26 --- HE a male person [n]
Other moves: VIBE 1I 24, BE O1 23, HAE 3G 23, EH 1K 22, LIB 10A 22
OB N5 21 sunshine12

On 16th draw, BRUTE I3 25 --- BRUTE to shape a diamond by rubbing it with another diamond [v]
Other moves: GIB 10A 23, GUB 10A 23, GIBE 1I 22, TUB 10A 22, OB N5 21
GIBE 1I 22 sunshine12

On 17th draw, IWI A1 33 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other moves: FEW G1 25, FR*G D1 24, WIG A2 24, WILD A2 24, DEF G1 23

On 18th draw, VIOLS 12A 34 --- VIOL a stringed instrument [n]
Other tops: VOLTS 12A 34
Other moves: TOILS O11 29, TOLUS O11 29, OVIST 12B 26, VISTO 12C 26, LUVS 12B 24

On 19th draw, FULLING J7 69 --- FULL to shrink and thicken, as cloth [v]
Other moves: FLING B10 34, FR*G D1 24, FRUG D1 24, NEF G1 22, EF G2 21

On 20th draw, SNIB O12 28 --- SNIB to latch [v]
Other moves: SING F7 27, VIBS A12 27, SIGN O12 25, SING O12 25, SNIG O12 25

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